Chapter 14 It feels good to be an oriole

From the one-sided situation at the beginning, to the fight between the two sides, and then to the two-level reversal, not only the netizens were fooled, but also Jiang Meng and his studio were fooled.

A large number of people immediately started attacking Jiang Meng's personal account and studio.

They have been building momentum to turn Jiang Nuannuan into an evil female partner. Now the evil woman is actually Jiang Meng herself, and no one can accept it.

Jiang Meng, who was still filming at Meimei, was suddenly stopped urgently by the agent with a dark face.

"Stop shooting! Stop shooting!"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Meng asked his assistant to bring him a glass of water.

"Didn't you say you have no clue? What happened to your boyfriend! He actually went to Jiang Nuannuan and said he wanted to support her! He also said that you two had an affair! The Internet has completely exploded!"


The glass of water fell in front of her feet and broke into pieces, water splashing on her legs.

"How is that possible!" Jiang Meng grabbed the assistant's cell phone. After hearing Jiang Nuannuan's revelation, her face turned pale, "When was this recorded?"

She rushed into the lounge, drove away everyone inside, and quickly called Ji Yansen, her voice hysterical, "You went to find Jiang Nuannuan! What did you promise me! Ji Yansen!!"

After a while, the phone that was upside down on the table rang quickly. Jiang Nuannuan, holding a cup of milk tea, answered the phone slowly, "Hello?"

"Jiang Nuannuan, are you going to ruin Jiang Meng!?" Ji Yansen's words came out from the other side of the phone in a loud voice, which made her frown and stay away from the phone.

"It's okay, hang up." She said and was about to hang up the phone, but the other party immediately stopped talking, "Wait! Let's talk! Let's talk!"

"Let's talk?" Jiang Nuannuan raised an eyebrow, turned on the phone hands-free, and turned on the recorder.

"What do you want to tell me? I thought we made it clear."

"Aren't you short of money to live? I'll give you 500 million! Admit this!"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the recorder and mocked: "Why do you have to admit it? I will pay for the good things you and Jiang Meng did? She has already shouted to catch the thief and wants to call the police to arrest me."

"I will handle it from the police. You know this matter concerns the reputation of the two families. It will not be good for anyone if it gets too big." Ji Yansen said hurriedly: "If you don't admit it, I have many ways to make you stay in Linggang." If you can’t survive, you’ll know what to choose if you know what’s going on.”

She hated this kind of useless threat the most.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while, then deliberately lowered her voice and said in a sad tone: "Well, Yan Sen, I'm not that heartless person. You just need to tell me the reason why you have to marry Jiang Meng. As long as it's enough to convince me, I will help you make a statement and resist everything."

Ji Yansen thought she still had feelings for him, but he couldn't bear to bring his reputation into disrepute, so he simply said everything on the phone.

"I don't love Jiang Meng. Apart from her life experience, how can she be better than you, Jiang Nuannuan? She didn't even finish a third-rate undergraduate university, and it wasn't the first time she slept with me. If marriage wasn't needed to achieve a better outcome, It’s a good business cooperation, how can I marry her.”

After finishing a series of words, he took a deep breath: "It's because you are not a real blood of the Jiang family, otherwise nothing would ever happen to Jiang Meng. The only person I have ever loved is you, so I made the dirty proposal to support you." I’ll keep loving you from now on.”

Speaking of this, Ji Yansen seemed to be moved by himself. He sniffed and called her affectionately, "Ah Nuan, I'm serious. I really, really love you."

"So you just politely communicated with me in bed for a while."

Jiang Nuannuan chuckled and said softly, "Okay, I've been crazy for so long, and it's only now that I can see clearly that it's my fault."

"Then your answer" "Please help Jiang Meng clarify. I don't want your money anymore."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Yansen thought Jiang Nuannuan agreed and quickly sent a lawyer's letter suing her for defamation. At the same time, he also sent her a WeChat message.

Saying this will only be a show-off, and it will be over when this storm passes.

However, these words were not received by Jiang Nuannuan, and she also deleted and blocked him.

After all, Jiang Meng had two big trees, Jiang's and Ji's, behind him. The hot Weibo search that caused a lot of fuss was taken down by the afternoon and turned into a solemn statement from Ji Yansen.

"He actually wrote in the lawyer's letter that everything about me was fabricated out of thin air, with an artificial chorus? If my physical evidence is taken to court, I can make a lot of money. I will be compensated for all the mental and time losses."

Jiang Nuannuan chuckled softly. If she wasn't in a hurry to put people to death now, let them be nervous for a day. She had to sell the dress second-hand, and then buy some new clothes to wear, preparing to go to Gu Shizhou's appointment in the evening.

Wearing the same yellow skirt she had worn when she came out of Jiang's house, and simply tying herself up with a flower bud, Jiang Nuannuan drove her new Audi car and went to the nearest department store.

In addition to buying some ordinary clothes, she also needs some big-name brands to deal with when she goes out with Gu Tingyan in the future.

"Why do you want to buy cheap goods?" 66 asked curiously.

Jiang Nuannuan paid for the 30 yuan discounted T-shirt in her hand and replied: "It's just for Gu Shizhou."

"Sooner or later he will discover your identity. You are being too deliberate."

"What are you afraid of? My relationship with Gu Tingyan will not be made public as long as he doesn't tell me. Even if Gu Shizhou knows who I am, I worked for Gu Tingyan at all costs. I won't let him know that I live in Sunshine Huating, so we two There is no conflict."

"I still don't think it's safe." 66 was a little worried: "You can't reveal your secret from the beginning."

Jiang Nuannuan said that it was useless, "Only when I show my need can he let me bite the hook, do you understand?"

"not understand."

"I really don't know how you got into this position, Old Six."

System 66: "."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped talking to it and found a dry cleaner in a high-end shopping mall. She sent 500 million worth of clothes there for refurbishment, and then started shopping for these famous brands.

But I don't know if it was her imagination, but every time she walked into a store, the clerk would quietly give her a look of pity or contempt.

"Is that Jiang Nuannuan?" Ruan Dan touched his friend's hand, and the two immediately started gossiping.

"It seems like, didn't the hot search say that she slandered Jiang Meng, and because she was kicked out of the house to eat instant noodles, she was picked up and kept by a fat rich man."

Ruan Dan chuckled and said sarcastically: "No wonder I ate instant noodles on the street one day and came to buy Hermès the next day. Let's go and vent our anger for Jiang Meng."

Jiang Nuannuan had just taken a fancy to a shoulder bag and asked about the price. When she heard it was more than 6 yuan, she was still thinking about which one to buy compared with the Bulgari snake head model next door, when the bag in her hand was taken away.

"Just give it to me." Ruan Dan smiled and threw the bag to the receptionist, who glanced at Jiang Nuannuan awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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