Chapter 166 Just Want to Hug You
The nurse saw her first, smiled and patted the old man's leg, "Your grandson's girlfriend is here."

The old man raised his head from the phone, with a big smile on his thin face with sunken cheekbones, "Ah, Nuan Nuan is here, come here, come here."

Jiang Nuannuan put down the fruit and heard her say: "Jin Zhao just brought me fruit yesterday, why did you bring it again?"

"I thought I couldn't come empty-handed, so I just bought some."

She smiled and went over to sit on the edge of the bed. Grandma also raised the phone and slapped it in her face.

A young and beautiful face appeared in sight, and the two women suddenly stared at each other through their mobile phones.

Only grandma still said with a smile: "Zhao Zhao, this is Jin Zhao's girlfriend. Please reply to her letter now. Isn't she very beautiful?"

Jiang Nuannuan subconsciously twitched the corners of her lips and smiled at the frozen girl in the video, "Hello."

Grandma added: "She is just too skinny. The food you get abroad is not as good as Zhaozhao. With your chubby body, you look healthier than Nuannuan."

For a moment, neither Rong Zhao nor Jiang Nuannuan could tell what the old man meant by his words and who he was hurting.

Rong Zhao smiled and said coquettishly: "Fei Jinzhao and I agreed not to fall in love during college, but I didn't expect that he would fall in love without telling me. It really hurts my heart."

At the end, she added, "Hello, sister."

Jiang Nuannuan remained calm, put her arms around her grandmother's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Hello, this kid looks a little fatter than me. He has a double chin. He is really healthy."

The old man nodded with a smile, "Yes, you and Jinzhao are both thin. I heard what the food in foreign countries is like? High protein, no wonder Zhaozhao looks like a lucky doll."

In fact, Rong Zhao is not fat, he just has a little baby fat, and the flat WeChat video magnifies this shortcoming. Compared with Jiang Nuannuan, who has three-dimensional and bright facial features, his face is at least a bit bigger.

Jiang Nuannuan said with a smile: "Your grandson is in good health. I will keep you under control and let him eat more."

Rong Zhao couldn't stand listening anymore, so he forced himself to say: "Next time I go to Jinzhao's house to play with you. I have classes in the morning, so I'll hang up now."

The video cut off, and Jiang Nuannuan smiled and chatted with her grandmother for a while, then peeled an apple for her.

The nurse took it first and said, "I'll make it into juice and give it to her to drink."

Grandma pointed to her leaky teeth, "Recently, my gums have been bleeding and my teeth have become loose, and I can't even eat anything hard."

The smile on Jiang Nuannuan's face suddenly disappeared, "That's it, I'll peel the grapes for you and eat them."

"Thank you, my child." The old man looked at her lovingly, "When I am discharged from the hospital, I will be well and I will be able to see you two get married. I will also be able to raise your grandchildren."

Jiang Nuannuan's fingers were a little stiff, she pursed her lower lip, but still nodded with a smile.

"But I don't know why recently, I stopped taking this medicine, I feel very tired, and my teeth are getting more and more painful." The old man muttered, eating sweet grapes.

After Jiang Nuannuan picked two pills, she couldn't eat anymore and wanted to sleep. She got up and helped her grandma lie down and covered her with a quilt.

The nurse came over with the prepared apple juice. She was not surprised to see this scene, "She is asleep. I will give it to her when she wakes up. She has had a recurring fever recently and she is not in good spirits."

Jiang Nuannuan went out to find a doctor and told him about the toothache. Fei Jinzhao had already told him and got the same result.

"Toothache is related to immunity, and there is nothing we can do about it. Moreover, the disease will cause repeated fevers in the final stage. In the later stages, people will basically burn to death due to fever. Medication has no effect in controlling it. If it really doesn't work, I will secretly give it to you at that time. You prescribe some anesthetic tablets, which can only relieve the pain."

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip, "I heard that Tylenol is very useful in reducing fever, but it doesn't work anymore?"

"It's useless. Alas, if the intracranial blood vessels bleed during the fever, the person will definitely leave immediately."

Jiang Nuannuan slowly walked out of the hospital and stood at the gate for a long time before calling Fei Jinzhao. He had just finished class.


"Fei Jinzhao." She kicked the pebbles on the ground, feeling unhappy.

He stopped in the corridor, "What's wrong?"

"I want to hug you."

Hearing something wrong in her words, he frowned, "What happened?"

"It's okay." She blinked her sour eyes, "I want to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with you and grandma. You can't refuse."

Fei Jin called back in a low voice: "I may not be at home."

She quickly said: "The hospital is fine too. I'll buy mooncakes." Fei Jin responded, "Okay."

Yu Tai came up from behind him and put his arms around his shoulders, "Tell me, how did you build a bridge and establish a relationship with my goddess! You taught me to stay away from rich people before! You are playing dirty tricks on me. !”

Fei Jinzhao put her phone in her pocket and turned to look at him, "Because of my face."

Before Yu Tai could express his thoughts, he added: "I'm much prettier than you."

Yu Tai: "."

He caught up and said, "Do you think it's too late for me to have plastic surgery now?"


Jiang Nuannuan gathered her mood and went back to drive. She was going to pick up someone at Zhai's house. Today, the child who used wooden sticks to replace his legs had custom-made prosthetics, and Zhai Lin was also going.

The car entered the manor and there were many cars parked in the garage.

She walked down and asked, "Are there guests from the Zhai family today?"

The servant said beside him: "There is a family meeting at home recently. The young master has given instructions. When you come, go to him directly."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to interfere with the family's family meeting, but the servant took her to open the study door, and the scene before her was still suffocating.

She really picked a good time. A dozen elders who looked very impressive were sitting on the sofa. Zhai Heng and the old lady were in the main seats. Fu Shiliu had no place and could only stand. Looking at those rabbit eyes, he should be crying. It's been two days.

Zhai Lin remembered what happened today. As soon as he saw her, he stood up from the sofa and said, "I'm going out."

Zhai Heng also said wait a moment, and the two brothers followed a woman and walked out.

"Who is that?" Zhai's father and mother asked as they rushed back.

Mrs. Zhai replied: "Zhai Lin's psychology teacher was introduced by Shi Liu."

The Fu family's parents remember this man.

"The fake lady of the Jiang family who was kicked out of the house?"


"I heard that my career is booming now, Qiao Lin Jewelry. This brand is very popular abroad, and it seems to have become popular in China recently."

Listening to her family talking about her career, Fu Shiliu gritted her teeth and clenched her fists with hatred.

Zhai Heng said to Jiang Nuannuan, "Come with me."

She threw the car keys to Zhai Lin and asked him to wait in the car. She followed Zhai Heng to the bedroom.

He seemed to be in good spirits, wearing a camel sweater and white casual pants. His deep silhouette was soaked in the sunlight, without any trace of fireworks.

"What to do?" she asked curiously.

Zhai Heng opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out two tickets, turned around and handed them to her, the calmness in his eyes rippled, "You said it last time."

Jiang Nuannuan took it and found that it was the ticket to Minglu Temple that she mentioned that day.

The gentle young man leaned forward slightly and said softly: "Would you like to go together?"

She looked at him and her heart skipped a beat, "I was going to go with you."

Zhai Heng rubbed the top of her hair, and the smile on his lips made his delicate features come alive, "I can't take you by plane, so we can only take the high-speed rail. I'll pick you up when the time comes?"

"I have a new address." Jiang Nuannuan reported his new home number.

After Zhai Heng wrote it down, he was silent for a while and then said: "Before the divorce, Fu Shiliu held the position of wife of the Zhai family, so he still took my existence into consideration and would not make the scene too ugly."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "Huh?"

Zhai Heng touched the ring on his finger, suppressing the emotion of wanting to have her, and his voice tightened slightly, "Gu Tingyan, if she makes you feel uncomfortable in the future, remember to leave."

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly had an incredible thought in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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