Chapter 168 One Day Parents

Zhai Lin felt his ear being bitten, and hot breath sprayed on it, making him tremble uncontrollably.

He pushed the person away uncomfortably and said disgustedly: "Don't get so close to me."

"Hey." Jiang Nuannuan was two steps ahead, walking around a pile of wheat and walking into the house.

The room with only one side of tiles on the outside is very empty and has very little furniture. The child is sitting on the sofa watching cartoons, accompanied by his pregnant mother next to him.

Seeing two impressive-looking people coming in behind her husband, she was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly stood up.

Originally, she didn't believe that there were kind-hearted people who were willing to take her son to the best hospital to get a free prosthetic limb. But when she saw this young man and woman, her doubts were dispelled unconsciously.

"What are you doing standing around, go make tea quickly, wife." Wei Guo greeted the two of them to sit on the sofa.

The woman went to make tea with a full belly. When she saw the old mother sticking her head out of the kitchen, she turned around and asked, "Hey, did you two eat when you came? My mother is cooking in the kitchen. Do you want to eat something together?" ?”

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to say that she had eaten, but Zhai Lin was the first to say, "No."

"That's good. Let's have some tea and have dinner together." Weiguo rubbed his hands awkwardly, "I don't have anything to entertain you. Let's eat melon seeds."

In the kitchen, the old man silently put a plate of fried pork with sugar into the cupboard.

The child had to go out for a check-up today, so he didn't wear a stick and his trouser legs below the knees were empty. He sat on the sofa and shyly called his brother and sister.

Jiang Nuannuan touched his head.

A family gathered in the kitchen, whispering.

"Are these two really not here to deceive your grandson?"

"No, he had a lot of connections in the police station before. He was a good person."

"But I have an appointment with the doctor for my prenatal check-up today. Just now my boss called and asked you to go to work in the afternoon. Who will watch the child?"

"Let mom go." Wei Guo turned his attention to his elderly mother.

As a result, she shook her head and said, "I won't go. You guys can figure it out on your own. What if I fall down when I'm 90 years old?"

Originally, she didn't care much about her grandson who had lost his leg, especially after knowing that her wife was pregnant with a grandson again. It was so hard for her son to raise two little grandsons, so he might as well just raise one. It's healthy.

When the food was served, everyone sat down at a small square table. Wei Guo said that the child would stay with Jiang Nuannuan this afternoon. No one in the family could leave. The child lowered his head and clutched his empty trouser leg. , hiding the disappointment on his face.

Zhai Lin, who never looked at people, said nothing to the table of clear soup and side dishes, but said to them in a cold voice, "Aren't you afraid that our children will be abducted? It was the same in the game city last time, and this time too?"

Last time in the game city, his father was busy working on the outer wall and left the child to play in the game city. As a result, he was almost bullied to death and even ended up in the police station.

The faces of Wei Guo and his wife were hot, and they looked at each other. Finally, Wei Guo said cruelly, "Boss, I won't go. Just deduct my salary. Anyway, I asked for leave in the morning. You can't even ask me to go back at the last minute." reason."

The old man opposite was making a bowl of egg custard to nourish his wife, but he didn't give any to the child. He said firmly: "That won't work. You can buy a bucket of milk powder for 200 yuan today. What can they do if they take it with them?"

In addition, Jiang Nuannuan only met the child twice this time.

Is this family not worried at all about their children meeting bad people, or does it not care at all?

Zhai Lin's expression was already very bad, and he was still about to lose control and flip the table. When Jiang Nuannuan found out, she held his hand under the table, turned around and said, "Okay, let's just treat this kid today." parents."


This word rushed into Zhai Lin's ears, dissipating the anger just now. He looked at the child who was shrinking into a ball again from the corner of his eye. He couldn't say anything bad, especially the words whispered in his ear. , "Don't scare the kids."

He knew that once he got angry, it would be difficult to end it. He took a deep breath and said, "Then we will take him for a day and bring it back to you in the evening." The meal passed without incident, and Jiang Nuannuan and the two of them No one was full, and the dishes on the table were neither meaty nor very tasty.

She pushed the wheelchair out and asked Zhai Lin to hold it. She went to hold the relatively heavy child, and also took the child's medical records and other things.

The family sent them to the door. When they saw the valuable Audi car, the old man sighed, "My grandson is really lucky. He met the little boss."

"Mom! Stop talking." Wei Guo felt embarrassed and glared at her.

Jiang Nuannuan asked Zhai Lin to sit in the back seat with her child. She took out the temporarily bought lollipops from the armrest box and stuffed them into each person's hands one by one. "Eat some. Let's go to the service area and buy some KFC."

It was another lychee-flavored lollipop. Zhai Lin, who endured his anger, tore open the candy wrapper and threw it into his mouth. He bit the candy into pieces and swallowed it.

Jiang Nuannuan looked in the rearview mirror and saw him chewing hard candies by himself, and said speechlessly: "That citizen, ask your dad to open the lollipop for you."

The name was too 70s, and it was a bit strange for her to say it.

After a while, Zhai Lin's trouser leg was tugged, and a small hand held a candy and handed it over. He opened his simple eyes and timidly said to him: "Dad, I want to eat candy."

Jiang Nuannuan secretly saw his petrified appearance, and suppressed the smile on her lips again and again, and forced herself to endure it.

Zhai Lin glanced at the woman in the driver's seat in front of him, then stiffly opened the candy for the child. He was very happy and said loudly, "Thank you, Dad."

"I'm not your father." Zhai Lin choked his throat and said.

The smile on the national child's face disappeared in a second, thinking that he was disliked, and moved to the side in a depressed manner.

It turns out that what his sister just said was a lie, he thought.

Before Jiang Nuannuan was about to curse, Zhai Lin realized how damaging his words could be to a child who had no family care. He coughed lightly and turned to look out the window, "It's not like I want to be a father today." Can't."

Only then did the child dare to take a lick of the candy he had removed from his hand, and whispered: "Today is the first time I've been out with my parents since I broke my leg."

So I tricked him into being his parent for a day, and he was happy.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't hear what he said clearly. Zhai Lin, who was in the back seat, turned to look at him intently, not knowing what he was thinking in his eyes.

When they arrived at the service area, Jiang Nuannuan wanted to say that she would buy KFC and let the two of them wait in the car, but Zhai Lin in the back seat got out of the car and took the child out, "Let's go together and let him choose by himself. "

Jiang Nuannuan subconsciously looked at his leg, "Does it hurt?"

Zhai Lin shook his head, "It's not heavy, why does it hurt?"

How heavy can a child who has lost two legs weigh?

The three of them walked into KFC together. When the clerk saw such a good-looking couple coming in with a child, he smiled and recommended, "We have a parent-child set meal today at noon. It's half price. Mom and dad can get a set of this. It's a good deal."

The boy leaned in Zhai Lin's arms in an orderly manner, and his hand was held by Jiang Nuannuan. He looked really different from the rest of the family.

They also bought a parent-child package and sat by the window. Due to their superb looks, they gave birth to an ordinary legless child, which soon attracted a lot of people's attention.

Zhai Lin hated being stared at by others. Searchlight-like eyes kept scanning his body. He thought his prosthetic legs were exposed. He kept looking down at his artificial legs hidden under his trousers several times, feeling uncontrollably angry in his heart.

He always felt that they were mocking him and the child on his lap, and that was the meaning behind those curious eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan noticed that his mood was not right. She stood up quietly and sat next to him from the chair opposite. She blocked most people's eyes with her body and said softly: "If not, we will go back to the car to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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