Chapter 17 Participating in Gu Shizhou’s competition
Assistant Li received a call from the public relations department while sitting in the car. After whispering for a few times, he covered the phone and turned around and said, "About the hot Weibo search about Miss Jiang being kept, do we need help clarifying it?"

Gu Tingyan glanced at him and took a puff of cigarette. The smoke rolled out from the window.


Assistant Li nodded, "I understand."

Gu Tingyan pressed his fingertips into the ashtray, put out the cigarette butts, then approached the soft sofa and said softly: "The store Jiang Nuannuan entered in Linggang Building has people send all the goods back to Sunshine Huating tomorrow, so that She chooses.”

Assistant Li looked at him in surprise and nodded, "Okay."

After a while, the man said again: "Let us know about our plans to acquire Linggang Building."


After having dinner alone, Jiang Nuannuan received a call from Lu Jin, "A wealthy businessman in Malaysia entrusted us to customize a wedding ring for his fiancée. The price is not an issue."

"Send me the customer information and requirements, and I will come up with a plan as soon as possible."

"Okay." Lu Jin thought for a while and then said: "I'm in France and it's not convenient for me to come. There was a jewelry exhibition in Linggang recently. I saw some brands and design concepts that were good. I also put some of your exhibits there. You go and see?"

"Besides, I may not be available. I will contact you when the manuscript is finished."

Unfamiliar calls kept coming in on the phone. Jiang Nuannuan hung up first and then picked up.

"Jiang Nuannuan! Look at the good things you did online! Come back right away!" Jiang's father, Jiang Jianxiong's voice roared from the receiver. She hung up with an expressionless face and marked the number as black.

A restless family.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Jiang Nuannuan changed into a clean white T-shirt and jeans, still wearing the fluffy bun she wore during the day. She looked youthful and beautiful, and went out with her bag on her back.

Peiping Street sounds like the name of a lively and prosperous street, but in fact it is a winding mountain road far away from the city. The mountain road is rugged and there is a crematorium at the top.

Among all the motorcycles and beauties, the green taxi stands out.

Bai Liang held a gentle long-haired beauty in his arms. With sharp eyes, he saw the fair-skinned and beautiful woman getting out of the car. He immediately whistled to the man leaning against the gray motorcycle, "Second Master, that girl is here."

Gu Shizhou looked at the taxi. Different from the hot beauties around him, the woman walking towards him was fresh and fresh. Her white T-denim jeans were airtight and could not block the perfectly outlined body curves.

Slender waist, long legs, top quality.

"When did the Second Master change his love for Qingchun? Did he break up with Lu Ling?" Someone asked with a smile.

"We separated early." Gu Shizhou said nonchalantly.

Hang Panxia, ​​who was clinging to Bai Liang, looked slightly surprised. She was not sure because of the dim light before. When Jiang Nuannuan came closer, she was surprised and said: "This is not the fake daughter who was kicked out by the Jiang family. Jiang Is it warm?"

Bai Liang patted his thigh and said, "Let me tell you, she looked so familiar that night."

"Your fare." Jiang Nuannuan handed the prepared money to Gu Shizhou.

The man leaned against the motorcycle, stretched out one of his hands from his pocket, grabbed her wrist, and smiled playfully, "It's been a whole night and you still don't recognize me? I already know you."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him in confusion. Seeing that she still seemed to be lagging behind in IQ, Bai Liang held back a smile and reminded: "Miss Jiang Nuannuan, you are already working for his brother, and you still pretend not to know him. Enough is enough of the drama.”

Hearing what he said, Jiang Nuannuan suddenly realized. She broke away from Gu Shizhou's hand, put the money into his hand, and opened her phone to search. A minute later, she raised her phone, compared the photo with the man in real life, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that the best actor Gu Shizhou would like to race cars in the middle of the night. I thought people like you were very busy."

"I just thought they looked similar, sorry." She made an apologetic attitude, pretending to be impeccable and unable to see any flaws.

Gu Shizhou glanced at the 100-yuan red note in his hand, leaned close to her face, and leaned his thin eyelids into the shadow of the street lamp.

"Then we know each other now. Come here and have a play with me?"

"I have to work overtime tonight. You also know that I am a worker now."

Jiang Nuannuan refused indifferently and took a step back to leave. Her hand was held by someone, and the man's body moved closer to her.

His tone was deep and frivolous, "Since you are Gu Tingyan's female assistant, why don't you give me some face? It's really strange. You were raised by him after you were kicked out of the house? Otherwise, what kind of work would you do in the middle of the night?"

Jiang Nuannuan's wrist bones were a little painful from being held, and she frowned, "I always have to eat when I leave the Jiang family. I only signed a contract with the Gu Group, and I am officially a subordinate. What does it have to do with Mr. Gu's support?"

Her eyes were confused and not fake at all. Gu Shizhou stared into her eyes and smiled meaningfully, "Yeah, what does it matter? Even I can notice it at a glance, how could he not see it?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Nuannuan turned her wrist and hissed, "You hurt me."

"The down-and-out Cinderella who lives in the slums." Gu Shizhou relaxed a little, his cynical face full of interest, "Play with me and I will pay you any amount."

System 66: "Alipay payment: 10, Gu Shizhou's favorability is 2%."

66 said in surprise: "I'm really interested in you."

Jiang Nuannuan replied in her heart, "He and his brother used to compete for a woman. What's more, now, the rebellious young brother always has the desire to win. If I act rich, it will make him lose the bargaining chip to attract me. "

Seeing her silence, Gu Shizhou was not in a hurry and waited quietly for her answer.

"5, give me [-]." Jiang Nuannuan stared at him and said, "I have to pay off one year's rent."

"Deal." Gu Shizhou put on his helmet, his dark eyes curled up as if smiling, "The bonus for winning this round is 50. If I win, I will pay for your overtime tonight."

More than a dozen motorcycles will run three laps in a circle around the commanding heights of the cremation on the top of the mountain, and the first place will receive a bonus of 50 yuan.

All those participating tonight were children of wealthy families. Jiang Nuannuan only had to sit with the female companions they brought and wait for the referee to decide the winner.

There is a mixed bag of fish and dragons here, and there are women of all kinds.

Hang Panxia took the initiative to walk to her side and stretched out her white hand, "Miss Jiang."

Jiang Nuannuan shook hands with her. Seeing her gentle temperament in her cheongsam, she couldn't help but feel familiar.

It’s really similar to Fu Shiliu’s style, and so are the facial features.

"You and Jiang Meng have a big problem." She said with a smile and a kind tone.

This way of speaking is also very similar.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but wonder, why would such a beauty Gu Shizhou be given to his companion?

(End of this chapter)

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