Chapter 20 Encounter with Zhai Heng
Jiang Nuannuan: "I will only stimulate his desire to conquer."

After eating the pig brains, there was a knock on the private room door again, but this time it was not the boss, but a girl.

Gu Shizhou quickly put on his sunglasses and turned his back to the door.

"I want to ask, is it Gu Shizhou?" The girl carefully raised her phone and said to him, "The back of your head is exactly the same as ours."

If you truly love a celebrity, you can even recognize it on the back of their head.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, "This is my boyfriend."

Unexpectedly, the other party said, "Miss, I think you look familiar too."

She simply stood up, walked around the table and took Gu Shizhou's hand, "We are just ordinary lovers, how could a big star eat in such a small place."

The man stood up and followed her. His eyes hidden behind his lenses looked at the hands held by the two of them. The ends of his eyes were slightly raised, and the lips they were pressing were also raised.

After taking the person out of the barbecue restaurant, Jiang Nuannuan immediately threw away her hand and threw the helmet on the motorcycle to him, "My home is near here, you can go back by yourself."

"Don't you want me to send you off? Girlfriend." Gu Shizhou chuckled.

She was speechless and wanted to roll her eyes, but she endured it, "If you have any other serious work, you can introduce it to me. I'll come over in my spare time, but forget it as a girlfriend."


Jiang Nuannuan waved to him, turned around and ran into the alley.

Bai Liang picked up the time and called Gu Shizhou, "How's it going? We've captured it?"

"Not yet." He stepped on the motorcycle and replied lightly, "A little bit strong, but not much."

Bai Liang looked at the photo on the tablet in his hand, which was Jiang Nuannuan's online photo. He took a puff of a cigarette and said, "It would have been difficult to see clearly in the dark. This woman looks really like that one, especially her eyes."

He didn't say his name clearly, but it was enough to make Gu Shizhou's curled lips flatten.

"Tell me, does Gu Tingyan have the same idea?"

"Mr. Gu? Your brother? Are you also playing your tricks?" Bai Liang felt that Gu Tingyan was not very good at finding women, but the tastes of these two brothers were surprisingly the same.

"She works as a secretary."

After hearing this, Bai Liang immediately said: "If that's really the case, don't mess around. Women everywhere can play with it, and there are many who look like Fu Shiliu. Why should you?"

Before he finished speaking, the phone was hung up. He shook his head with a headache and sighed sharply.

"There are two sons in the Gu family, and they are all infatuated."

After Gu Shizhou's motorcycle was far away, Jiang Nuannuan sneaked out of the alley. She looked back at Yunkun Community.

I have to come and look at the house tomorrow.

Near 10 o'clock in the evening, she stood on the street and opened the mobile phone app, preparing to take a taxi.

A Bentley slowly stopped in front of the bus stop where she was waiting.

Jiang Nuannuan thought that the car was also waiting for someone, so she was about to move to the side, and then the car window was lowered. In the dark car, a pale hand was placed on the window edge, and the warm light of the street lamp shone on that gentle and jade-like face. .

"Miss Jiang." Zhai Heng called her softly.

"Mr. Zhai Heng." She was surprised to meet him on the street.

"It's so late, where are you going? I'll take you a ride." He was a little sick, looking in a bad state, and so fragile that it made people feel distressed.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at those maroon eyes and felt her heart soften, "I want to go to Sunshine Huating. I want to deliver information to Mr. Gu. He has left something behind."

Zhai Heng nodded and said in a weak voice, "Get in the car, I'll take you there." The bodyguard in the front seat thoughtfully walked to the side to open the door for her. As soon as Jiang Nuannuan got into the car, she smelled a strong medicinal smell, and it was overwhelming. Suffering.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at him, just in time to see him take back his hand that was on the car window. There was an indwelling needle on it, tied with transparent tape.

"I'll make you laugh. I was very embarrassed just after I came out of the hospital." Zhai Heng wanted to put down one sleeve, but it was a bit difficult to do this with one hand.

"No need to worry, I'll help you."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative to get close to him, helping to put down the sleeves of his shirt. When she accidentally touched his skin, it was also cool and warm.

The streetlights passing by outside the window from time to time shone in, allowing her to clearly see the cyan veins on the man's wrists and the back of his hands.

He is very thin. Last time he was wearing a formal dress, I didn't think he was so thin.

"Thank you." Zhai Heng thanked her warmly, acting like a sickly and noble young man.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly felt that she was in the rose garden and telling him that his wife was cheating on him was really something wrong.

She took advantage of the situation to help him button the shirt on the wrist side, and apologized profusely, "What I said to you last time in the rose garden was indeed nonsense. Don't mind it. The young lady is very kind and loyal."

"I really don't mind." Zhai Heng found it very interesting to see her face full of remorse and changeable expressions.

"Why didn't she accompany you to the hospital?" She sat down beside him and gathered the blanket covering his legs for him.

"This kind of thing can be done alone." Zhai Heng coughed lightly.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't ask much, just sat next to him so that she could help him in case he needed anything again.

The atmosphere cooled down, and Zhai Heng took the initiative to stir up the topic, "What does Miss Jiang usually like to do?"

"Draw pictures, some jewelry designs." She subconsciously looked at his hands on the blanket. His slender fingers had slightly convex knuckles, and there were no rings on them.

Zhai Heng and Fu Shiliu have been married for two years. He doesn't wear a wedding ring. Combined with his attitude towards his wife, he seems to be very indifferent and ruthless.

Does this match the emotions of the male protagonist in a novel?He should like Fu Shiliu very much.

Jiang Nuannuan looked away without leaving any trace.

"Are there any good designs for sale?" Zhai Heng turned to look at her with a faint smile, "There are no jewelry on my fingers. I have never seen the jewelry I like."

He looked at her just now, and Jiang Nuannuan licked her lips in embarrassment, "Yes, if you want to make another pair of wedding rings for your wife, I can help."

Zhai Heng's smile did not change, "That's what I meant."

He took out his mobile phone and handed it to her, "Can you add your contact information?"

Jiang Nuannuan opened her phone and scanned his WeChat, then sent her email and contact information.

"You see what style you like, so I can have a direction, and then I can give you a rough design idea."

"What does Miss Jiang like?"

Why is there something wrong with this question? Shouldn't he ask his wife?
Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while and shook her head, "I haven't been married yet, so I don't have any personal recommendations for wedding rings, but there are several designs for couple rings. I can send them to you when I get back."

"Okay, I'll contact you later."

Zhai Heng put down his cell phone, tilted his head and leaned back. After just talking for a while, he looked very tired.

Probably because he had just received treatment in the hospital, Jiang Nuannuan did not dare to disturb his rest, so he turned off his mobile phone screen and sat obediently.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Zhai Heng's head moved slightly to the side of her head, his cheek pressed against the upper part of her temple.

(End of this chapter)

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