Chapter 201 Developments

According to the confession of the man who killed the fish.

His name is Ye Hang, he is 35 years old this year. He has been secretly stranded abroad due to the expiration of his visa, making a living by fishing, barely surviving.

Fu Ying was salvaged by him after going to sea. Judging from her beautiful appearance and famous brand, she must have a special status. He originally wanted to call the police for help, but after Fu Ying woke up, she forgot all about the past. She seemed a bit stupid and relied on him very much.

The older Ye Hang has not had a girlfriend yet. Seeing how clingy and beautiful she is, he becomes reluctant to let her go. He secretly makes up a lie, names her Ye Shan, and secretly keeps her by his side to take care of her.

During an accidental outing, Ye Hang was discovered by the relevant departments that he was a stranded person and wanted to deport him. He also had a girlfriend at home with whom he had developed a relationship. He was unwilling to send him back, so he thought of smuggling him and spent a lot of money. Looking for help, he quietly took the person back to the country by hiding in a container by sea.

All his savings were squandered due to smuggling, so he could only start a fish killing business in the market to make ends meet.

Fu Ying usually stayed at home, but yesterday Jiang Nuannuan went to the market. Fu Ying gave a love lunch on a whim and was discovered.

Jiang Nuannuan closed the document and saw Zhai Lin reaching for it, so she hid behind her, "I think it's better to show this thing directly to Fu Ying."

"Give it to me." He walked around Zhai Heng and grabbed her arm, taking the document away without much effort.

Jiang Nuannuan tugged at the corner of Zhai Heng's clothes and whispered: "He will definitely kill that Ye Hang. That man took advantage of the situation, blasphemed others and flaunted love."

He lowered his eyes and said softly: "He has made his own decision."

Zhai Lin finished browsing the content with an expressionless face, suppressed the fierce glare in his eyes, and walked into the ward.

When Fu Ying saw him, she was as scared as a mouse seeing a cat. She shrank into the quilt with a pale face.

Ye Hang stood up, stood in front of the hospital bed and raised his chest, "She is pregnant now, don't scare her."

Zhai Lin stared at him indifferently for a long time, restrained his temper and tilted his head to look at the person on the bed, "The child was beaten. When you regain your memory, you will regard all this as a shame."

Fu Ying used to be a proud and cheerful young lady, but now she is like a snail that has shrunk its shell, stubbornly shaking its head and hiding behind Ye Hang, "I have a lover, please don't disturb me."

She subconsciously protected her belly with her hands, causing the knife that had been stuck in Zhai Lin's heart for a long time to scrape the flesh and turn around, making his facial features hideous in pain.

How could he allow a strange man to tie her up in the name of lies and children, even though he lost a leg and suffered from mania?

"Love?" He sneered and said harshly: "He's just a smelly fisherman who entered the country illegally. Just because he gave you a bite to eat, you fell in love with him? Love is not as contemptible and casual as yours."

The words were too dirty. She knew best who had been with Fu Ying through the most difficult time. She picked up the pillow behind her and threw it at Zhai Lin, "Get out! I own my children and husband." Choice! I hate you! Stay away from me!!"

That lunatic's inhuman eyes, no matter how beautiful the skin was, she didn't think it was better than the sense of security brought by Ye Hang.

She hates crazy people.

All the psychological preparation he had just done last night collapsed under Fu Ying's disgusted eyes. Zhai Lin instantly threw the document at Ye Hang's head and punched him in the abdomen.

After a scream, Ye Hang, not to be outdone, fought back directly in front of the bed, knocking over the hot water bottle placed in the corner, and the scene was instantly chaotic.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Zhai Heng and found that there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "You really brought him to be stimulated on purpose."

Zhai Heng lowered his hand and gently hooked her fingers, saying warmly: "What's wrong with suffering a little? He is so disobedient that he should be beaten."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Letting go of the consequences of letting them fight in the hospital, Fu Ying was frightened for the second time and fainted from the stimulation on the spot.

Ye Hang was temporarily escorted back to the police station by the police. Zhai Lin was sitting on a bench in the hospital. There was a wound on the corner of his lip. He was bent over with his elbows on his knees and his palms on his forehead without saying a word.

The mother and daughter of the Fu family looked at each other. When Fu Shiliu saw Zhai Heng again, she still had the memory of him letting the dog almost bite her to death. She didn't dare to approach him and talk to him again. She only occasionally looked at Jiang Nuannuan's eyes. The initiator harbors resentment.

"Xiao Lin, Fu Ying will think of you." Fu's mother came to Zhai Lin and assured him in a low voice, "We will not keep children with dirty genes, don't worry."

Since Fu Shiliu quit the wealthy family and became a divorced woman, the family's reputation has been affected. Fu Ying's arrival has allowed Fu's mother to see that her importance to Zhai Lin has not diminished at all.

An eldest daughter's marriage failed, and there was a second bargaining chip to hold on to.

"Is there any candy?" Zhai Lin asked.

Fu's mother, who was standing in front of her, was stunned, "What kind of candy?"

The man raised his eyes and said, "If not, get out of the way." The coldness in his tone was devoid of any human touch. Mother Fu was afraid that she would be beaten, so she quickly stepped aside.

Jiang Nuannuan was discussing with Zhai Heng where to eat at noon. When Zhai Lin asked, she looked into his gray eyes and subconsciously touched her pocket, "I didn't bring any with me today, why don't you come with me to buy some?" "


He stood up, his calm surface hiding turbulent emotions. Zhai Heng grabbed Jiang Nuannuan's arm and said, "What brand do you want to eat? Let someone bring it to you."

She shook her head, "Don't go to such trouble. The hospital canteen has it. Just wait here. We'll be back soon."

Jiang Nuannuan waved to Zhai Lin, "Let's go."

The two of them took the elevator downstairs. Fu's mother pretended to be unfamiliar with Jiang Nuannuan and turned to Zhai Heng to inquire about her, "Who was that young lady just now?"

Zhai Heng touched the ring on the joint and said warmly: "Zhai Lin's psychological mentor, Shi Liu introduced me."

Mother Fu suddenly said, "Yes, she also mentioned it to me."

She pretended to be unintentional and asked: "I heard that this young lady is also very close to Mr. Gu? Is she the woman he kept by his side from the beginning?"

Zhai Heng said coldly: "It's just a work relationship."

Fu's mother was stunned, "Really? But I've obviously heard of it."

"Who are you listening to?" Zhai Heng looked at her, his eyes flashing with blood, his brows furrowed, Qing Jun's face no longer pretending to be gentle, looking cold and cold.

It has been said that Zhai Lin is a madman who easily loses control, but his brother is of the same lineage. No matter how good he is on the surface, how can he be normal deep down?

Fu Shiliu, who knew that he was also twisted in his heart, grabbed his mother and apologized to him in a low voice, "My mother has been confused recently, don't mind."

Zhai Heng's fingers moved up, fiddling with the Buddhist beads on his wrist, calming his mind, "Be careful what you say."

"If I find out that there are bad rumors." He looked at Fu Shiliu and said warmly, "Then it will be your fault."

Fu Shiliu shuddered, not wanting to suffer the pain of being bitten by a dog, and immediately nodded in agreement, "I understand."

Zhai Lin entered the hospital canteen, picked out a few lychee-flavored lollipops on the counter, skillfully opened them and put them in his mouth.

The sweetness dispelled some of the psychological pain. He leaned against the wall, his back slightly bent, and his profile looked beautiful and decadent.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned against him, "Aren't you going back?"

"She's afraid of me and won't want to see me when she goes back." He sneered, "Those eyes are full of fear and disgust."

"It's normal."

Zhai Lin turned his head and sneered silently, "Then do you want to help them out?"

To fulfill them, his obsession for the past two years was gone, leaving only a pile of lingering pain and midnight nightmares to look back on.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand and smoothed the hair that was messed up in the fight on his forehead, "Zhai Lin, you should try to be a gentle person and learn from your brother. Maybe Fu Ying will come back."

Hearing what she said, a smile flashed across Zhai Lin's sinister eyes, "You don't think my brother is a good person, do you?"

She blinked, "Otherwise."

"Single stupid."

Zhai Lin put his hands in his pockets, dropped the two words and turned around to leave.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and couldn't deny it. She followed him and said, "I have a hundred tricks to chase girls. If you are really feeling aggrieved, you can come and ask me, a psychological counselor."

He paused for a moment and turned his head to look at her with no other emotion except disdain.

Jiang Nuannuan's bad temper was completely transferred away without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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