Chapter 203
Gu Tingyan heard her intention to please and just said: "Don't stay overnight unless necessary."

"Why? Are you unhappy that I have contact with him?" Her fingertips traced the outline of his ears in circles, and then she was held by a hand and put down.

He lowered his head and said in a steady voice, "Zhai Heng is not a suitable person for you to have a close relationship with."

Jiang Nuannuan raised one lip and said with clear eyes, "Really, then who is worthy of deep friendship? Feixin?"

She wickedly pulled his tie loose, making the whole ironed suit look a little unruly and unruly.

"I thought we had reached a consensus on this matter." Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, met her cool gaze, and frowned, "Are you angry?"

"No, I'm jealous." Jiang Nuannuan straightened up and got off his lap, hugging the bouquet of tulips, "All the wealthy families in Linggang circle know that you and Mr. Fei are about to have a good thing, but I don't get a trace of it. You did a good job of hiding the news."

"Jiang Nuannuan."

Gu Tingyan couldn't hear the sarcasm in her tone, so he called her by her first and last name, and his voice deepened several degrees, "I promised you that I won't change it."

There was no need for him to tell her that he could handle the overly complicated family and company situations.

Jiang Nuannuan put down the flowers, picked up the bag on the foot pad and put it aside, "I know."

Maybach stopped in the underground garage of Bishui Bay. She turned around and asked, "Aren't you going back to Sunshine Garden today?"

"Aunt Mei asked for leave today. My mother is seriously ill and is in the hospital." Gu Tingyan got out of the car and picked her up.

Li Zhu answered a phone call in the car at this time. It was Feixin's assistant.

"Mr. Fei asked me to ask Mr. Gu whether he will pick up the family dinner at our house the day after tomorrow, or she will drive there by herself."

Assistant Li glanced at the two people walking side by side outside the car, "I'll ask our boss later if it's convenient for him to be busy right now."

After entering the house, Jiang Nuannuan put the gifts aside and found a vase to put tulips in. "I'm going to take a shower and change clothes first. There's nothing to eat at home. I guess I'll order takeout, or you can ask someone from Nanchun Restaurant to bring some food over. .”

He had a delicate stomach, and there was no food at home to cook for him, so she was too lazy to serve him, so she decided to take out food to save effort.

Gu Tingyan didn't respond. He watched her enter the bedroom, put on her slippers and walked into the kitchen.

He opened the cabinet and refrigerator and looked at it, then took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

After Jiang Nuannuan took a shower and changed clothes, about half an hour later, she smelled a scent in the living room.

Following the smell, she walked to the kitchen door and stared at the figure under the kitchen light. She was stunned.

A tall man with broad shoulders and a narrow waist is standing in front of the stove cooking. His shirt cuffs are stuck between his elbows, and his slim-fitting gray satin shirt is tightened around his waist, clinging to his muscular body.

He was holding his cell phone in one hand, glancing sideways from time to time, and holding a shovel in the other hand to stir the pot and add some seasonings. It was so precise that it felt like he was conducting a chemical experiment instead of cooking.

But I have to say that the man cooking is very pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Nuannuan walked in, "What are you doing?"

"Cook some noodles." Gu Tingyan said coldly, but his movements were neat.

He put down his phone, fried the last two eggs, and blanched some green vegetables for the final presentation.

Jiang Nuannuan licked her lower lip, with a look of disbelief on her face, "You cook."

"Is there a problem?" He put the noodles into the porcelain bowl and glanced at her.

"No." She shook her head and whispered, "I just think it's rare."

Gu Tingyan looked away and said, "Go wash your hands and eat."


She put on slippers and washed her hands. The two sat face to face at the table. Jiang Nuannuan took a bite of ordinary egg and vegetable noodles and it was quite delicious.

"It tastes good. Mr. Gu is both in bed and in the kitchen." She ate happily and talked without thinking. The man opposite raised an eyebrow at her and said, "You don't talk when you eat, and you don't talk when you sleep." After the meal, Jiang Nuan Nuan went to wash the dishes, and Gu Tingyan went into her room to take a shower. The urge to cook just now was over. He didn't like the smell of oil fumes on his body and just wanted to get rid of it quickly.

Li Zhu knocked on the door and delivered a new set of men's clothes.

Gu Tingyan had no clothes left here, so Jiang Nuannuan took them and took them into the bedroom.

The sound of water in the bathroom didn't stop, the clothes were left in the laundry basket at the door, and the black mobile phone and expensive watch were lying on the low cabinet next to it.

"The clothes are at the door." She knocked on the door. Before leaving, she saw the phone on the low table vibrated, and two new messages came in, one from Li Zhu and the other from Feixin.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and bent down to pick it up. She skillfully dialed 123456 and unlocked it.

Li Zhu: When I return home the day after tomorrow, should you pick up Mr. Fei or should I?
Feixin: Pick me up the day after tomorrow.

Jiang Nuannuan put down her phone and snorted coldly.

Instead, she used her mobile phone to send a WeChat message to Fei Jinzhao.

Jiang Nuannuan: What flavor do you like for birthday cake?I think we can go DIY and make one together then. How about chocolate?

After sending it, she slowly left the room, went to the coffee table, took a mint, opened it and threw it into her mouth. The refreshing coldness in her mouth made her brain more awake.

She finally knew why Gu Tingyan cooked for her on a whim, and why he got so many expensive gifts.

This is a real plan to marry Feixin, not a joke.

The marriage partner has changed from Fu Shiliu to Fei Xin. No matter what Gu Tingyan is planning, the plot has collapsed and there is no end to it.

She leaned into the sofa, tapped her thighs with her fingers, and looked at her thoughts.

Gu Tingyan walked into the bedroom wearing a bathrobe, with water dripping from her hair, and picked up her mobile phone.

Feixin came in with two new messages.

Feixin: Can’t read back?At least you can pretend to be familiar tomorrow and come pick me up!
Feixin: You just want to be polite to your partners, right?

The man narrowed his eyes, put down his phone and walked out.

Jiang Nuannuan had already changed her position to the desk. Lu Jin had just picked up a new piece of customized jewelry for her. The price was too high to refuse.

A fun diamond dog leash.

The female customer said that she bought it to tie her lover, and she asked that there must be holes for the traction rope.

This was the first time Jiang Nuannuan received such a weird customization. She had no clue for a while and browsed many erotic websites, looking for special props used on people's necks.

She needs to be both luxurious and beautiful, but also sentimental, which really stumps her.

"What are you looking at?" The breath of male hormones came from behind the ears.

The man, her and the chair were in front of the table.

Jiang Nuannuan pressed Buy Jian calmly, "A few small supplies."

Gu Tingyan lowered his head, wet hair brushing against her neck, and looked at the leather leash on the screen, "Who did you buy it for?"

"It's a custom made by a customer. I need creative inspiration. I'll buy it and study it." Jiang Nuannuan turned off the computer and the screen suddenly went dark. She could clearly see the man reflected in it looking at her.

"Did you look at my phone?" His lips caressed her ear with unclear meaning.

"Well, it was an accident." Jiang Nuannuan admitted generously, then pushed away the keyboard and strategically took a sip of water. "I won't read it again next time. I overstepped my bounds."

She was about to stand up and take a nap, but the hand on her shoulder pushed her back down again, causing both the person and the chair to spin around.

(End of this chapter)

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