Chapter 23 Relief
Jiang's mother had a pale face and shed tears when she saw her.

"Nuan Nuan, I'm sorry for you."

She sobbed, her voice broken, "I listened to those recordings, and it was indeed our fault."

Jiang Nuannuan walked to the bed and sat down, thinking that she was probably the only one with a conscience in the family.

However, the next second, Mother Jiang held her hand and begged with red eyes: "Jiang Meng is my biological daughter who has been lost for more than 20 years. You are also the daughter I raised. You should tolerate each other. In Ji Yansen's case, We all feel sorry for you in this matter, but please, don’t destroy her.”

The warmth that had just flowed out of Jiang Nuannuan's face suddenly disappeared.

She withdrew her hand, "You called me here because you want me to withdraw those recordings and tell them that everything is false?"

Jiang's mother stopped talking, with tears in her eyes, "Even if I want to clarify, don't let her bear this bad reputation."

Jiang Meng also said angrily: "Jiang Nuannuan, you stole my life, shouldn't you make up for it!"

Jiang Jianxiong said angrily behind his back: "You didn't even discuss these things with me. Do you know how much negative impact these contents have on the family?"

The whole family was blaming her, and no one mentioned how helpless she was when she was surrounded by online violence, and how pitiful she was when she was cuckolded. As before, they only cared about Jiang Meng.

Jiang Nuannuan felt a headache, "If you are performing this just to make me admit my mistake, I'm sorry, it's impossible."

She glanced at Ji Yansen, who had thick dark circles under his eyes. The anger of being betrayed was rising in his eyes. She repeatedly caught him and he did not dare to talk to her again.

She moved her eyes away without leaving a trace, "Jiang Meng's studio has called the police, and Ji Yansen also sent me a lawyer's letter, so let the law decide."


Jiang Jianxiong stood in front of her, his chest heaved violently, and he said in a deep voice, "This matter can be forgotten."

"Huh?" Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

"I don't care how you got in touch with Gu Tingyan. Since you are by his side, find a way to get him to suspend the acquisition of Linggang Building."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised, and she also felt funny about his bossy words, "Why do you think he will listen to me?"

"You became someone's mistress, didn't you!? It's always easy to enjoy your pillow, right?" Jiang Meng took a step forward and blocked her in front of her, as if she wouldn't let him go if she didn't agree.

Jiang Yan kindly explained the source of this farce, "We broke up with Gu Tingyan at the negotiation table last night."

"Originally, we were dissatisfied with the purchase price of Linggang Building by the Gu family. This time we are marrying the Ji family. This morning, the other party relented and agreed to pay a high price to fill our financial gap, save Linggang Building, and let it become a dowry for the marriage between the two families. .”

For the Jiang family, the Linggang Building was treated as Jiang Meng's dowry and was still managed by them. However, if it was acquired by Gu Tingyan, they would not get a penny out of it.

Jiang Nuannuan understood clearly, "So you agreed to his acquisition plan, and he personally went to Linggang Building to do market research. At this critical moment, he wanted to kick him out, and he still wants me to be the lobbyist?"

How can there be such a good thing in the world, asking her to help give Jiang Meng a building for nothing?
Do they really think she is a dumpling who can be manipulated?
"Impossible." Jiang Nuannuan answered decisively, "I support whatever Gu Tingyan does, even if he destroys you, I don't think it's wrong."

System 66: "30 has been received from Alipay, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 10%, Wowo! What a great leap, host! He is actually listening in the corner outside the door! Just a few more words of coaxing!"

Listening to the news of 66 and seeing Jiang Jianxiong trembling with anger, she grinned loudly, "You all said that I am his lover, so of course I am dependent on him and hope that he will acquire Linggang Building. He is more beautiful than you." Suitable for management.”

"Raise an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!!"

Jiang Jianxiong raised his hand high and was about to swing it down when the door to the ward was pushed open, pausing his beating action.Amid the astonished gazes of everyone, the tall and tall man walked quickly to Jiang Nuannuan.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind her, until Jiang Jianxiong's head was crushed by his 1.9-meter tall body.

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, whose face was full of shock, and then looked at the person in front of him with a cold expression.

"Mr. Jiang, what are you going to do to my employees?"

As long as he stands here, he will give people the awe of a superior person.

Jiang Jianxiong, who had lived for a long time, subconsciously put down his hands with a sly look on his face. He didn't expect him to appear here.

"Why are you here, Mr. Gu? It's my job to teach the little girl a lesson, so you don't care?"

Jiang Nuannuan poked her head out from behind him and reminded, "I'm not related to you by blood, have you forgotten?"

As soon as the words came out, the family's faces darkened again.


She is not related by blood.

Now she is at most an adopted daughter who has been kicked out of the house.

"The acquisition of Linggang Building is imminent. It doesn't matter if you regret to terminate the cooperation temporarily." Gu Tingyan said quietly: "My legal department will discuss the compensation plan with you regarding the credibility of the building. There is also the problem of class discrimination among guests in the building service, which is also caused by Reported by Gu’s News Department.”

Jiang Jianxiong clenched his fists, and the veins on his neck jumped, "Mr. Gu will destroy the Linggang Building even if he doesn't get it."

Gu Tingyan raised one lip slightly, inserted one hand into his trouser pocket, and smiled lightly: "Gu's recently won the bid for the land on Fanyang Street. It is in the center of a residential area and is suitable for building a second commercial building. It can easily replace the Linggang Building. "

Never go against a well-capitalized group, especially if you have already made an agreement and then reneged on it.

The financial resources of the other party can easily kill your business.

Gu Tingyan also did not have direct conflicts with others. The look of this calm man strategizing was indeed heart-warming.

Jiang Jianxiong fell silent. After being reminded like this, he had forgotten how serious the consequences would be once he was labeled as a credibility problem by Gu.

Jiang Nuannuan stopped before being pulled out of the ward by Gu Tingyan, and turned around and said: "I don't think I am a white-eyed wolf. You betrayed my feelings. When Jiang Meng pushed me into the abyss, no one helped me. I After enduring it till now, it’s already even.”

Mother Jiang still cried cowardly, but she didn't look back.

Following Gu Tingyan out of the ward, Jiang Nuannuan met the young man sitting next to the old man's bed in the corridor. He was holding an old notebook with tape in his hand and was concentrating on his homework.

She glanced at his computer screen and silently looked away.

Fei Jinzhao was actually a poor college student.

System 66: "Even though he is poor now, he is a super potential stock. As far as I know, he will go to sell toilet paper under the overpass at a fixed time."

Jiang Nuannuan stumbled and hit her head on Gu Tingyan's back.

(End of this chapter)

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