Chapter 249

He was very reserved today. He didn't even dare to look at Jiang Nuannuan's face. He was so honest.

Gu Shizhou pulled the person to sit down on the sofa next door and said relaxedly: "Don't be restrained. Let's continue playing like you just did."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes swept back and forth between the two sides, looking a little surprised, "Is this your game?"

He tapped his crossed legs with his fingertips and said casually: "What do you want to eat? Take a look at the menu. There are some dishes in the club that taste good."

A menu was quickly stuffed into Jiang Nuannuan's hand, and her eyes unconsciously drifted to Fu Shiliu. She looked like she had been drunk a lot before she came. Her ink-colored cheongsam was mostly wet on her chest, and her chest was faintly exposed. The underwear that is looming under the satin is quite miserable.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head and looked at the menu carefully, with a dark light flashing in her eyes.

She handed over the handling power to Gu Shizhou, and he was as ruthless as she expected.

But speaking of it, this man was ruthless in his actions, very similar to how his brother was when he beat people.

Before Fu Shiliu came, she had pale eyebrows like autumn water, and her jade skin was accompanied by the breeze. She was elegant and noble. She changed into the most beautiful ink-color cheongsam in the wardrobe, which was thin and elegant, just to surprise Gu Shizhou.

But what greeted her was not Gu Shizhou or Bai Liang, but Zhou Qi's deformed and ugly face.

She was pressed on the sofa by several people. Zhou Qi put a wine glass into her hand and said in a hateful tone, "You didn't look down on me before, but today you have taken advantage of Master Gu. Let's have a few drinks together."

Fu Shiliu was confused, then shook his head and scolded him angrily, "Do you want to die! Shi Zhou is coming soon, how dare you do this to me!"

"If it wasn't for Second Master's instruction, would I dare to do this to you?"

Zhou Qi remembered Gu Shizhou's instructions, held the wine glass and hit it directly against Fu Shiliu's teeth. When she opened her mouth in pain, she drank a glass of strong wine.

In an instant, her struggle caused a large amount of wine to spread out from her collar, and her hair fixed with a hairpin fell down. The delicate image in front of her instantly collapsed, revealing her embarrassment.

"Let go, cough, ugh"

Someone grabbed Fu Shiliu's hair and raised her neck. A wine bottle was directly stuffed into her mouth by Zhou Qi. The mouth of the bottle was poured down her throat, making her roll her eyes until she suffocated.

Fortunately, he was afraid of choking, so he drank half a bottle of wine. During a short break, Gu Shizhou opened the door and brought Jiang Nuannuan in. The two of them saw such a charming scene.

Fu Shiliu choked with tears and wanted to speak, but her throat was burning and her thin voice did not earn Gu Shizhou a look.

He listened to Jiang Nuannuan at the next table the whole time and made suggestions, "The sauerkraut and asparagus are okay, I can order it."

Jiang Nuannuan finished ordering the dishes and saw Fu Shiliu being grabbed by the hair and drinking wine.

She closed the menu and asked, "Are you venting your anger on my behalf?"

Gu Shizhou sneered, "Hey, you just saw it?"

His frivolous attitude did not make Jiang Nuannuan angry. She sat next to him, holding her chin and looking at the sofa opposite, "But it's strange. Wasn't what happened yesterday too coincidental? I didn't tell Fu Shiliu that I would go to the club. , how could they team up to bully me?"

Gu Shizhou: "Can't you find out if you go and ask?"

Seeing his calm look, Jiang Nuannuan blinked and suddenly laughed.

He glanced over and leaned over, "Why are you laughing? Are you happy to vent your anger?"

"Yeah." She stood up, "I'll go join in the fun."

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan coming over, Zhou Qi put her arms around Fu Shiliu's waist, pinched her gently and gently, and signaled others not to drink her yet.

"Ms. Jiang." He raised his head and put on an apologetic expression on his swollen face, "I offended you last night."

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the table, looking at the drunk Fu Shiliu, "Can you tell me the situation in detail? How did this matter get involved with her? You don't look like a fool."

Zhou Qi directly confessed everything Fu Shiliu said to him after she left the fragrance venue that day.

It was true that she deliberately misled him, thinking that Jiang Nuannuan was a mistress who could be played with at will, and that everyone could be bullied. And it was indeed a coincidence that they met at the club yesterday. Zhou Qi looked at her face and remembered Fu Shiliu's words, and became interested. Thoughts played with her.

"If I knew about you and the second master, I wouldn't dare to touch you."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I remember you said that you know Gu Shizhou very well."

With a silent slap, the exposed half of Zhou Qi's face was ashamed. He picked up the wine glass with his good hand and said, "I'm sorry anyway." He raised his head and drank the wine. Jiang Nuannuan also accepted it, and took another bottle in his hand to refill it for him. .

When Zhou Qi saw her reaching out, she leaned back on the sofa reflexively and said in horror: "I'll pour it myself. You have something to say."

He didn't want to lose another hand. Gu Shizhou next door was still staring at him eagerly, so he gave in.

Seeing that he was stressed, Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "I just want to correct you. I am not anyone's lover. If such words spread out randomly, it will be very difficult for me to blame you."

Zhou Qi nodded repeatedly, "I understand, put the bottle down and I'll drink it myself."

She let go and when the man took it, he blew on half of the bottle and assured her, "I will never talk nonsense, don't worry."

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips and glanced meaningfully at the stunned Fu Shiliu, "Thank you for your cooperation."

She returned to her seat, and the dishes were all served, which aroused the greed in her stomach.

The drinking scene on the opposite side now transitions to Zhou Qi trying to solve Fu Shiliu's buckle.

She has a curvy figure even when she is wet. Zhou Qi is not a good person to begin with. He is a playboy, so naturally his hands and feet are dishonest.

Fu Shiliu still knew who the person in front of him was, and he cried and screamed like Gu Shizhou for help.

"Why are you doing this to me! Help!"

"Gu Shizhou! Gu Shizhou! Gu Shizhou!"

After Jiang Nuannuan ate these few chopsticks, the noise made her lose her appetite.

She watched with almost indifference as Fu Shiliu was pressed on the sofa by Zhou Qi to take off his clothes. He tried to struggle but was dragged back.

If Gu Shizhou hadn't been there last night and it wasn't such a coincidence, then she would have been the one who encountered Zhou Qi, the unknown invisible bomb, and was lying there with her clothes stripped off.

Do the math, this woman has tricked her countless times.

Gu Shizhou still looked calm and calm. He looked at Jiang Nuannuan and said, "Does it make you feel relieved?"

She nodded, "But can you please not let them perform an R-rated show in front of my eyes?"

He smiled playfully and said, "Okay, next time we will act it out ourselves."

Jiang Nuannuan looked back and glared at him, "Gu Shizhou."

"Yeah." He raised his hand and pinched the back of her neck, and said casually: "If you can't eat it, let's move to another place."

She was pulled by his arm and stood up. When passing by Fu Shiliu, Gu Shizhou remembered something and asked the waiter to bring a camera and threw it to Zhou Qi.

He lit a cigarette, bit it on his lips and held Jiang Nuannuan's hand, and said casually: "Zhou Qi, I will give you a wife."

Zhou Qi wanted to marry Fu Shiliu, so he followed suit.

Fu Shiliu was lying on her back, her cheongsam had been torn into tatters, and a large area of ​​her fair skin was exposed. She was held down and took many photos.

She opened her eyes wide, her face twisted with fear, "Gu Shizhou! How could you do this to me!!"

Once the photo is taken, in this circle, she can only marry Zhou Qi.

But who is Zhou Qi?A true dandy!She has never even counted the number of women she has slept with!
The man with a tall and straight posture, his loving peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips curved slightly, "Zhou Qi is a nice person. You have already introduced her to Jiang Nuannuan, and I will also introduce you to her. Don't be unhappy."

"Ahhhh!! Gu Shizhou!!"

He was so ruthless, even more ruthless than his brother, and wanted to destroy her in one step. Fu Shiliu stared, her body trembling, "You are a devil!! You are also a devil! You will die badly! Gu Shizhou!!"

At this moment, she had no expectations at all. Fear overwhelmed her, and her curses were hysterical.

Gu Shizhou was holding a cigarette in his mouth, his expression behind the smoke was lazy and unaffected at all.

(End of this chapter)

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