25 Drunk

System 66: "Jiang Nuannuan! Please wake up! What a male mother!"

"His chest muscles are so big."

System 66: "."

It doesn't want to pay attention to her anymore, and it will shut down automatically for a while.

As soon as she walked out of the hotel, the cold night wind blew, and Jiang Nuannuan sneezed suddenly, making her chaotic mind a little clearer.

She was still in Gu Tingyan's arms. He didn't drink. In addition to the special sweetness of milk, there was also a faint smell of perfume. The elegant light fragrance was mixed with milk, which was unexpectedly harmonious.

How much fun I had in the elevator just now, now I feel so embarrassed when I am more conscious.

She was pushed into the passenger seat by Gu Tingyan, and he even stooped down to pull the seat belt and buckle her up. His expression didn't change when he looked at her from the side.


"Yeah." She swallowed. The sudden impact of this face was really unbearable.

The man straightened up, slammed the car door, took a long step forward, and sat in the driver's seat.

The high-profile Maybach drove out of the parking lot, and Fu Shiliu's eyes averted when he was sitting by the window and could no longer be seen at the corner.

She and Ayan often come here to eat crab pot, and now he has brought other women here.

And that woman was the same person who comforted her at the dinner that day and said he missed her.

How ironic.

"Today's food is not to your liking?" Zhai Heng asked warmly.

"No." Fu Shiliu ate mechanically and asked, "Is there any news about Fu Ying?"

"Still missing, sorry."

Fu Shiliu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It's normal for such a high cliff to fall into the sea. It's normal not to find the body. There's nothing to be sorry for. Zhai Lin drove away another nanny today. I'm going to find the housekeeping company in Quanlinggang." It’s been done all over again, and we need to recruit people again.”

Zhai Heng said helplessly: "Let's take a look. He lost a leg and lost Fu Ying. It's normal for him to have a bad temper."


"I'm going to the hospital later, you go back first."

"You don't need me to follow you?" Fu Shiliu's hand paused slightly and glanced at the phone.

"No, I'm going to get the prosthetic leg that Zhai Lin just ordered."

Returning to Sunshine Huating, Jiang Nuannuan got out of the car unsteadily and followed Gu Tingyan.

Meeting Fu Shiliu at Nanchun Hotel today can only explain one thing, that is the place where he often took her.

Both of them brought their respective partners, and I don’t know what they were thinking.

She kicked off her shoes, feeling her stomach churn and felt uncomfortable, and hurriedly passed the man and ran upstairs.

All the six-figure worth of red wine he drank in the evening went into the toilet, and Jiang Nuannuan vomited until he was dizzy.

Gu Tingyan followed in, glanced at the bag she had left on the bedroom floor, and bent down to pick it up.

As expected, there were stomach medicine and hangover medicine that she had prepared there.

He pursed his lips and went downstairs to get warm water and medicine and put them on the bedside. After waiting for a while and hearing no movement in the bathroom, he went in and took out the woman who was lying on the floor.

Fortunately, she knew how to be clean and didn't make her clothes dirty.

"Spit up?"

"Yeah." Jiang Nuannuan leaned on the bedside and rubbed her head uncomfortably, "I have a headache."

A glass of warm water was handed to him, along with two small pills placed in his calloused palms.

"Take the hangover medicine I took out of your bag."

Gu Tingyan didn't know how to comfort people, and his tone when he asked her to take medicine was commanding.

Jiang Nuannuan obediently took the pill and stuffed it into her mouth, drank all the water in the cup, and suppressed the unbearable sour feeling in her throat.

Gu Tingyan sat by the bed, took away the water glass in her hand, and asked as if unintentionally: "Did you take care of that boy from the Ji family like this before?"


She shook her head, stared at his deep face for a while, flattered him and said, "I just feel that Mr. Gu is the only one I can rely on now."

"I lost my family and everything, and your appearance became another salvation." Under the warm lamp, Jiang Nuannuan's face was soft and gentle, and his eyes were so sincere, "No matter what your purpose is."

So just use her as a substitute, show your affection for her and let her make money!
System 66: "Alipay has received 20 yuan, and Gu Tingyan's favorability is 12%. Are you sure you are really drunk now?"

The phone's ringtone rang inappropriately again.

But this time it's not Jiang Nuannuan, it's Gu Tingyan.

The man suppressed the emotion in his eyes and answered the phone.

Fu Shiliu stood on the Linggang Bridge, and the wind was whistling on the other end of the phone.

"I'm at my old place, are you coming?"

He glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, his black eyes were cold, "It's very late, where is Zhai Heng?"

"He went to the hospital, aren't you coming? I can't hold on anymore, Ting Yan." The soft sobs turned into loud cries, which was particularly harsh in the quiet bedroom.

Jiang Nuannuan wisely got up and went to get her nightgown, "Go ahead, I'm very sleepy and want to take a shower and go to bed."

She was still a little unsteady when walking. Gu Tingyan watched her enter the bathroom, his throat rolled, and he gave a low response.

When Jiang Nuannuan came out of the shower, the bedroom was already empty. She lay down on the soft quilt and rolled around.

Premium mattresses are comfortable to sleep on.

"Ding dong."

A new message came in on WeChat.

After taking a shower, the alcohol recovered quickly, and she was still conscious enough to pick it up and take a look.

It was from Zhai Heng.

【Are you home yet? 】

Jiang Nuannuan blinked. Before she could think of how to reply, the WeChat call came in.

Zhai Heng's profile picture is an ink landscape painting, a bit like the wallpaper used by people of her mother's generation, very old-fashioned.

She coughed lightly and picked up the phone.

"Mr. Zhai."

"I saw you were drunk in the restaurant just now. Are you feeling better?"

The low-key Bentley drove past the Linggang Bridge, ignoring the beauty in cheongsam standing on the bridge.

With this reminder, Jiang Nuannuan, who was still a little dazed, remembered reminding him to cover himself with a quilt, and talked about it.

She scratched her hair, and her voice after drinking became soft, lazy and hoarse, "I'm sorry, I just said the wrong thing there."

Hearing her words, he was still sober. Zhai Heng smiled slightly and tapped his thigh with his fingertips. "It's okay. Where do you live? Can I give you some hangover medicine?"

Something is wrong, something really wrong is wrong.

Jiang Nuannuan wrinkled her face, "66666, what's going on with this male supporting actor? Why does he always hang on me?"

System 66: "He is not the protagonist and is not under my control."

So it doesn't know either.

"Why are you such a hottie?"

". Pay attention to your wording, host. I saved your life and made you the richest man in the world."

"It sounds like I have a choice, but the richest man hasn't cashed in yet."

66 ignored her.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank into the quilt and heard the other party's gentle voice reply, "I was abrupt."

"No, no." She immediately replied: "I always have medicine at home. I have already taken it and am going to sleep now."

"Okay, good night then, remember to tuck yourself in."

".Good night."

Jiang Nuannuan suspected that he was alluding to what happened at the hotel just now, but until the WeChat call ended, she still didn't understand why Zhai Heng did this.

In her opinion, it looked more like he was inviting her to cheat on him?
(End of this chapter)

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