Chapter 254 Don't
In fact, it happened very suddenly. On the night after Gu Tingyan finished talking to her, the admission procedures for the national children were completed. However, as soon as they transferred to the school, they encountered a mid-term exam before the Chinese New Year and the upcoming parent-teacher meeting in elementary school. .

Regarding the problem of being unable to get demolition money for illegally built houses, national parents are anxiously running to state agencies and developers every day, and they have no time to pay attention to their children who have broken their legs. The task of holding parent-teacher meetings fell to Zhai. Lin's head.

But he had never done such a thing. Under the influence of various factors and mentality, he called Jiang Nuannuan and asked her to come to the parent-teacher meeting.

After changing clothes and going out, Jiang Nuannuan saw Gu Tingyan's little-used Alpha black nanny car in front of her house.

There was a man standing in front of the car, and he bowed his head respectfully to her, "Ms. Jiang."

She turned back under the porch and asked the man standing at the entrance, "What's going on?"

Gu Tingyan: "The car and people will be used by you from now on. Archie was a special forces soldier before he retired. If you have any questions in the future, you can contact him anytime."

The club incident made him more concerned about her personal safety and decided to provide her with bodyguards and a car.

This is not a good thing for Jiang Nuannuan. Not only is it a surveillance issue, but also the special license plate on the nanny's car cannot be sold in Quanling Port.

She pursed her lips and said, "I don't want it."

Gu Tingyan frowned slightly, "Reason."

"Too loud."

Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "And you have already bought me an Audi car. I am not used to such a big battle."

Gu Tingyan's tone became tougher, "I need to guarantee your safety."

"But those problems are all caused by you."

After she finished speaking, the man fell silent, staring at her with his dark eyes half lowered, his handsome face covered with frost.

He pursed his thin lips slightly and said, "I confessed to you last night and promised not to marry anyone else."

Jiang Nuannuan was very calm, "Yes, I know we had an agreement yesterday, but before spring comes, you have to do things with this fake relationship with Feixin, and it cannot be resolved, then the relationship between us will not change. Everyone looks at me in the same way, and some things are unavoidable. If one Zhou Qi retracts his claws towards me, there will be a second and third Zhou Qi."

From the moment she called the business card handed to him and became his contractual lover, she was destined to endure many strange looks and frame-ups.

Gu Tingyan took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "That's why you need someone to protect you."

He wanted to use his car and bodyguards to declare his sovereignty to everyone. She, Jiang Nuannuan, was his, and no one dared to touch her again.

But being emotionally weak, he apparently forgot one issue.

When Jiang Nuannuan starts to mind that she is a lover, and when Gu Tingyan nominally has a wife Feixin who is about to get married, then this thing is wrong. Even if his starting point is to protect her, they will no longer get along with each other in the previous way. .

He only wore a casual sweater at home today. Jiang Nuannuan put her hands on his waist, raised her head and kissed his lips, then said softly, "What you said last night made me greedy. I think Want more.”

She looked at him, her eyes were a little sore, and the ends of her eyes were moist, "I rarely embarrass you, so don't embarrass me."

Her eyes were aggrieved, and Gu Tingyan took a moment to understand what she meant.

This little girl wanted to get into his car openly and be his person.

After thinking about it, he also had such an idea, and it was indeed his fault.

The calm man raised his hand to wipe away the moisture from the end of her eyes, and sighed slightly, "I know."

System 66: "Alipay received 3000 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 72%."

Jiang Nuannuan finally smiled and threw herself into his arms, "Then I'm going to go to Zhai Lin for lessons? Do you still want to go to the company at night?"

Gu Tingyan: "I have compressed my work, and I have been busy lately."

He remembered and asked again: "I promised to travel with you last time. Where do you want to go?"

Jiang Nuannuan let go of him, "Let's talk about it after the new year. It's best if everything is settled before we make a decision."

She got into her Audi car, drove around the bodyguards and nanny cars at the door, and left Sunshine Garden.

However, it is actually still early before the agreed time. The parent-teacher meeting starts at 7 pm and lasts for an hour until it ends at [-] pm.She went out at three o'clock now and made an appointment with Zhai Heng for dinner.

This decision was made after I received a call from him when I got in the car.

As a patient, Zhai Lin's every move was in his brother's eyes. The parent-teacher meeting with Jiang Nuannuan gave Zhai Heng some time.

The Audi was parked in the basement of a shopping mall. She came out and got into the black Bentley on the roadside, like a street spy conducting operations.

Zhai Heng sat in the back seat, stretched out his thin white wrists wearing Buddhist beads, and took the person into the car.

The heated car was filled with the aroma of his medicine. Jiang Nuannuan felt high after taking a slight whiff.

He zipped up her clothes and said warmly: "You're in such a hurry to come out? You haven't even put on your clothes yet."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and replied: "I'm in a hurry to see you."

Zhai Heng raised his eyes to look at her, raised his hand and scratched her nose, "Don't use those words to deal with me."

She actually felt that he didn't have long time, and what he wanted was her, so she just wanted to satisfy him as much as possible.

But it was immediately obvious that she was quite embarrassed.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, suppressed her smile, and reached out to him coquettishly, "It's so cold outside, can I put my hand in your blanket to keep it warm?"

Zhai Heng's thin jaw was gentle, and she sat next to him, moved half of his blanket to her legs, put her hands in it and covered it.

The blanket with his body temperature was very warm. After only a moment, a pair of beautiful porcelain white hands came in and wrapped her with a higher temperature.

"It warms up quickly."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him and smiled, "It's pretty quick. What shall we eat later?"

Zhai Heng gently stroked the back of her hand and said, "There is a good Sichuan restaurant nearby. It is not far from the school. I can send you there directly for the parent-teacher meeting later."

He looked at her with a helpless smile in his eyes, "Zhai Lin is troubling you again."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head: "He is your brother, no trouble."

Arriving at the private room in the store, the waiter skillfully brought the tea kettle and menu, and took a second look at the two men and women who were incompatible with this small Sichuan restaurant.

One is noble and cold, the other is delicate and beautiful.

Quite a match.

Jiang Nuannuan took a look at the menu. The stir-fried dishes were all catered to her taste. She hesitated, "I think they are all very spicy. Can you really eat them?"

Zhai Heng didn't care, "It's edible."

She thought about it, ordered a few of her favorites, and ordered some stir-fried vegetables for him, making sure not to add the word spicy.

Even the stir-fried spicy sausage was replaced by braised pork sausage with less oil.

Zhai Heng listened silently to her series of instructions. Seeing the waiter's expression getting more and more weird, he let out a light chuckle in his throat, "Nuan Nuan."

He stopped her in time and tapped the word Sichuan cuisine on the menu page with his finger, "I brought you here to eat Sichuan food, not Cantonese food."

"I know." She frowned and pursed her lips, "That's why it's so difficult. Otherwise, we should go eat Cantonese food."

That's light.

Zhai Heng knew what she was thinking, raised his eyes and said to the waiter: "Serve with normal taste."

His lip color is very light, the incandescent lights hanging on the ceiling of the box shine on his body, his skin is as good as snow, and his expensive warm-colored clothes seem to be deliberately neutralizing the paleness and morbidity on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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