Chapter 257 What Are You?

The head teacher also kept it in mind. He would stand on the podium and talk about each child's daily performance and final grades, and his eyes would always glance toward the nationals.

The main reason is that this couple is too eye-catching. Sitting there, there is a difference in texture from other parents and it is too abrupt.

It was difficult for her to associate them with the nouveau riche and stupid kids.

When it came to the national performance, the head teacher was quite hesitant, but because of the powerful parents whose families basically opened factories and small companies, she said with the mentality of offending a large number of people rather than offending one person, she said: "The next round Now that I’m the parent of a national child, I want to talk about his grades and daily performance.”

Jiang Nuannuan and Guomin straightened their backs involuntarily, Zhai Lin lowered his crossed legs, and repeatedly played with a lollipop with his hand in his sweater pocket.

I heard from my class teacher that I was at the bottom of the national final exam, that I didn’t pay attention in class, that I couldn’t keep up with my studies, and that I couldn’t get along well with my classmates.

Zhai Lin casually raised his eyes to look at the class teacher, his eyes were sinister, and he crushed the solid lollipop with his fingers. The sharp corners of the candy pierced his fingertips through the candy paper. The pain made him temporarily suppress it and wanted to ignore it. Consequence emotions.

The heads of the people were hit lower and lower, and tears of grievance welled up in their eyes.

"I am very serious in class." He defended himself carefully, but his voice was so low that only Jiang Nuannuan and Zhai Lin could hear it.

It took less than a week for him to study until he got a perfect score for the exam. The difficulty of the midterm exam papers was definitely not on the same level as those in the village. What good things could he get out of the exam?
When most parents hear this, their faces will feel hot. Jiang Nuannuan calmly asked: "My child has only been here for a few days, and the head teacher commented that he is not suitable for such a learning atmosphere. Is it too hasty? Shouldn't there be more?" Give him some time before making a conclusion?"

Class teacher: "The children in our class are all selected from the top students in each class. The scores of national children are at the bottom in ordinary classes."

The words are very clear. They just don't accept that the nationals are little idiots from the countryside, which lowers the standard of the class.

If she had mentioned this when she transferred to another school, Jiang Nuannuan would have been able to accept the nationals going to ordinary classes first to adapt, but the school collected the money and put the children in the top classes, so they would be kicked out again, and things were not right.

Zhai Lin took out the broken lollipop, opened the candy wrapper under the eyes of all the serious parents, stuffed a broken candy into Guomin's mouth, and said coldly: "Then I'll change this class. Let’s change the principal by the way.”

In his opinion, after spending so much money, this school bullies the children he raises and does things in a way that makes him unhappy, so he should change it to a method he likes.

He uttered arrogant words in public, which made several parents feel funny, and they even looked at him with a little disdain.

Someone laughed and said, "You want to change the principal? This is the best experimental school in Linggang. Did you change the principal at your request?"

Zhai Lin sat back, the stool moved back with a squeak, and a pair of long legs were lifted up on the table.

He has no respect for the people in this classroom as much as he wants.

He glanced sideways at the parent who was speaking, with clear malice in his eyes, "I spent money, and if the principal doesn't do something, I will do it to him."

Such a simple logic loop, Jiang Nuannuan thought it made sense.

The head teacher felt that the matter was about to get serious and said quickly: "Parent, please pay attention to your speech. You finally got into this school. You must consider the consequences of your speech."

Zhai Lin pressed his palm on Guomin's head and rubbed it, and replied coldly: "You also spent money to teach? Or did you charge money?"

The head teacher's face turned red and white, "Parent! Please don't insult people! You are so angry!"

Jiang Nuannuan felt that there was no need to communicate anymore. When you can use your power to suppress others, you really don't need to say too many words.

She followed Zhai Lin's example, relaxed into her chair, took out her mobile phone and called the Education Bureau's reporting hotline without saying anything nonsense.

"Hello, I have a report to make."

"Oh, what I want to report is Linggang Experimental School. The principal and head teacher have accepted bribes and corruption. I am the sister of a student here. Well, do you want to leave your contact information and home address?" She glanced at Zhai Lin and said a few words to the person opposite. After saying this, she raised her lips and said, "Please wait." Jiang Nuannuan asked Zhai Lin, "Should I leave your brother's contact information or yours?"

Meeting her gaze, the man glanced at the nation who was weeping silently and said, "Mine."

Of course he is in charge of his people.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled with satisfaction. She didn't care at all about the crazy looks from the parents around her. She made a report call at the parent-teacher meeting and reported to the principal and class teacher. This was the first time they had met such idiot parents. Does this child still want to be in Linggang? The school is mixed up.

"Do you think the other party will accept it?"

Some parents find it funny. This school is funded by many wealthy people every year. How can the backing be effective just by calling the police?

The classroom was very quiet. Everyone pricked up their ears, listening to Jiang Nuannuan's home address and waiting for her jokes.

"Well, the informant is Zhai Lin. His home address is the Zhai family's old house in Chizhuang Mountain. Oh, there is only one manor on the top of the mountain over there. That's it. His mobile phone number is"

The receptionist on the other end originally planned to put it aside for later, but when he heard clearly the informant and contact address, he was stunned for a moment.

"Well, are you talking about the Zhai family's old house?"

The other party didn't even consciously use the honorific when speaking.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Yes, do you need me to ask the Second Young Master to come to the Education Bureau tonight to help investigate the matter at Linggang No. [-] Middle School? If it is not convenient for the people from your discipline inspection team to come, we will pay a visit in person tonight. Please work overtime."

The advantage of using power to suppress others is that even if the other party is not sure whether something is true or not, they still come out to supervise and inspect overnight in order not to offend others.

Jiang Nuannuan hung up the phone, took a piece of paper from her bag to wipe the tears of Guomin, and said softly: "Guomin, your brother is a powerful person, don't worry, he will defeat the bad guys."

Zhai Lin looked at her with a lump in his throat, and the lingering anger in his eyes was a little unnatural.

System 66: "1000 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 36%."

If a good parent association is disturbed like this, some people will come to their senses.

"Zhai Lin? This name sounds familiar. He lives in the old house of the Zhai family."

The parent hesitated for a moment, and then someone answered, "Second child."

The Zhai family has two sons, but the second son made a lot of noise due to a car accident in his early years and faded out of the public eye. If not mentioned, he would be easily forgotten.

But how could such a young man, who rarely appeared in public, come to attend a parent-teacher meeting for a child with a disability?
Parents in the entire class had doubts and disbelief in their eyes, and some parents who only had some business at home and didn't know the situation sneered and scolded, "Now that anyone can make random calls to report, can the Education Bureau really deal with you?"

One parent relied on his big body and ability to intimidate people. He stood up from his position and came to Zhai Lin, "Hey, what kind of trouble have you messed up a good parent-teacher conference? Go and apologize to the class teacher, and go to the room obediently." It’s enough to just go to the ordinary classes, why are you forced to squeeze into the top classes? And you have learned to threaten us parents and teachers? You are so young that you really don’t do anything serious."

Zhai Lin was very annoyed when the other party stood next to him and spoke condescendingly, and was very annoyed by the disgusted look in his eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan saw something wrong with his expression, and the next moment she felt that he was about to lose control and hit someone, he kicked the table away and hit the parents in the front row with a clang.

There was a large space around Zhai Lin. He put down his overlapping long legs and stood up. His voice was low and harsh, "Ordering me? Who do you think you are?"

(End of this chapter)

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