Chapter 261 Take him away

She took him away.

Fei Jinzhao curled her lips and said, "Yeah."

The car arrived at an apartment building.

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at the dozens of stories high building, and then glanced at the Linggang River across the garden.

It wasn't until Fei Jinzhao pulled her into the corridor and took the elevator that she suddenly came back to her senses and asked him, "Did you make any exchange for the sudden bone marrow extraction?"

Why is Fei Jin still living alone outside after being recalled?It makes sense for him to stay at Fei's house for a while.

Although the configuration of this community is not low, and it must have been arranged by the Fei family, it pales in comparison to Feixina's large townhouse.

They don't care about illegitimate children at all.

This is Jiang Nuannuan's most intuitive feeling.

Fei Jinzhao: "That's not my family."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised: "Huh?"

The man pulled her out of the elevator, and the voice-activated light at the top suddenly turned on, revealing a pair of deep maroon eyes, which were dim and dull.

It was just a pedal.

He would stomp up to it.

"Fei Jinzhao?"

He leaned down and rested his head on her shoulder, his voice was hoarse and gentle, "Yeah."


Jiang Nuannuan touched the smooth dark suit fabric on his body, then hugged his thin waist, "I'll help you go in and wash up first."


Fei Jinzhao's new apartment can also see the night view of the Linggang River, but the furniture is very few and new, and it has just been moved in, and there is no trace of humanity.

While he was taking a shower, Jiang Nuannuan took out the remaining hangover medicine in his bag and boiled water.

Thanks to Gu Tingyan, she now always has this thing and stomach medicine, so she can always take them out for emergency relief when something happens.

Just like the row of anti-hangover pills thrown to Gu Shizhou today, but she didn't think they could appease his explosive mentality.

There were footsteps behind him, and Fei Jinzhao came out wearing a short-sleeved shirt and gray trousers.

The indoor heating was turned on enough, and Jiang Nuannuan didn't feel cold even after taking off her coat. She walked over with a water glass and said, "Eat, let's have a good sleep tonight."

Fei Jinzhao sat down at the desk in the living room and took the water glass.

The computer was still on. Jiang Nuannuan stood behind him and took a few glances. It was all dense green codes.

"Do you still want to work?"

Fei Jinzhao asked back: "Do you always have hangover medicine in your bag?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No, I just bring it with me when I go out to drink with friends. I've been embarrassed before, just in case."

He was silent for a while, then suddenly slid the chair back and asked, "Would you like to stay with me for a while?"

She tilted her head and looked into his eyes, smiling, "How can I stay with you?"

Fei Jinzhao stretched out his hand to pull her, but Jiang Nuannuan was unprepared and fell into his arms.

"that's it."

He slid the chair holding them back a little, trapping them between the table and him.

Jiang Nuannuan sat on his strong thigh and sniffed lightly, "You seem to have changed your shower gel."

Fei Jinzhao asked in a low voice: "What does it smell like?"

She leaned over and sniffed the side of his neck, and her hot and moist breath caused an itch, which rolled in the man's throat.

Jiang Nuannuan: "I don't know, a new woody scent? It used to be lavender."

"Which one smells better?" Fei Jinzhao thought that she didn't like it, so she changed it back to the original cheap shower gel.

"It smells good on you."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and put the back of her head on his shoulder. As soon as she moved her hips, her legs were pinned down.

Fei Jinzhao's breathing was a little heavy, and he bit her ear gently, "Don't move like this."

Jiang Nuannuan's long eyelashes trembled, her fingers curled up, and she trembled, "I just adjust my sitting position to watch you work, how about you let me down?"

He said nothing, pressed her waist and leaned into his arms, silently rejecting her.

What happened at the bar that night made Fei Jinzhao relieve the crisis that had been pressing in his heart. With someone in his arms, his tense nerves could relax.The two of them calmed down for a while, and then he moved his hand around hers and put it on the keyboard. The quiet room was filled with the sound of clicking for a while.

Jiang Nuannuan listened to his strong heartbeat changing from intense to calm, and relaxed. She took out her mobile phone and played Landlords on silent mode.

However, she has no talent in games. After all the losses, Happy Bean only managed to win two or three games with extremely good cards.

Fei Jinzhao occasionally lowered his eyes to see what she was doing, and listening to her inaudible sigh of annoyance, he went over to help her play her cards with one hand.

"Don't take it apart and fight. Don't use this one. Match it up in the next round."

"how do you know?"

"You can count cards."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Seeing the Landlord's victory shining brightly on the screen, she felt that Fei Jinzhao was really smart.

While typing the code, he can also count a wave of cards for her. If he doesn't counterattack, who will counterattack?

After playing a few more games, Fei Jinzhao's hand would go around her arm from time to time and click on the screen. Every time, he could pull her back to win, and the number of Happy Beans doubled.

Jiang Nuannuan felt relieved. She turned off her phone and held it in his arms, "Are you working for the family after graduating early?"

When Fei Jinzhao spoke, her chest was vibrating, "No, they gave me a game company."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, then straightened up suddenly, raised her voice and turned around and said: "You took out the bone marrow, and then the Fei family gave you a game company? This is an exchange, right? Is there something wrong with the head of the Fei family? So? They just suddenly found you, so they have always known about your existence!?"

The words are a bit confusing, but the general meaning is clear.

This unfolding was enough to shock and predict Jiang Nuannuan.

She watched Fei Jinzhao and Grandma Fei suffer with her own eyes, and she also watched Grandma Fei die of illness.

This is a standard feature of the novel's plot, but the immersive experience made her even more angry.

If you always know but don't look for it, and only look for it when something goes wrong, the head of the Fei family is not a good person.

Fei Jinzhao looked at her without saying a word, her jaw tensed, and she knew that what she said was correct.

His hands left the keyboard and pressed on her waist, whispering, "Don't worry about those dirty past events and transactions, I will take care of them."

On the day Fei Jingtian lured the wolf into the house, he had set a goal.

Jiang Nuannuan saw a trace of hatred in his eyes, which was fleeting.

After a little thought, I understand.

The head of the Fei family has a wife and daughter, and Fei Xin and Gu Tingyan are about the same age. What does this prove?
Before meeting Fei Jinzhao's mother, the head of the Fei family had a wife.

Jiang Nuannuan felt very distressed. She raised her hand and touched Fei Jinzhao Qingjun's face, coaxing him softly, "You're not sad."

"I'm not sad."

"Just thinking about something else."

The rolling wheelchair was pulled closer, and her lower back was lightly pressed against the edge of the table. Fei Jinzhao came closer to her, and her breathing became more and more intense.

"Nuan Nuan, I met people from the game company and had some drinks in the evening."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "I know you won't go to the bar for no reason."

He whispered again: "My mind is a little unclear."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded again.

You took anti-alcohol medicine and you were quite energetic at work just now.

Fei Jinzhao looked at her deeply and said, "Put your hand on my shoulder."

"what happened?"

She obediently clung to his shoulders, and in the next second there was no distance between her arms to block her. His hot chest came close to her, and she lowered her head to peck her lips, slowly biting her lips and kissing her deeply.

That’s what it turned out to be.

The warm, rough fingertips gently rubbed every inch of Jiang Nuannuan's waist, making her tremble all over.

Fei Jinzhao took the initiative and got intimate with her wantonly, making people unable to resist.

She was still on his lap, looking like a suffocated fish. Her breathing was erratic, her hair was disheveled, and her almond-shaped eyes were watery.

After a long passionate kiss, Fei Jinzhao restrainedly let go of her, kissed her swan neck, and then brushed her collarbone, breathing heavily.

"There is a vacant room here. Can you sleep here tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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