Chapter 27 Watch him sell toilet paper
"What job?" she stopped and asked.

"My temporary life assistant, 7 days, 1 per day."

Jiang Nuannuan was not sure that Gu Ting would not come to her at the banquet during this period. She thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about it later, I have to think about it."

"You still want to think about it?" The other party's words sounded a bit incredible.

"I need to confirm that Mr. Gu doesn't have any work for me in the near future."

Gu Shizhou exposed it mercilessly, "Aren't you just the vase he invited to look at?"

Jiang Nuannuan hung up the phone.

Gu Shizhou over there threw his phone on the table and got angry.

"My wallet and face are so inferior to Gu Tingyan?"

Bai Liang poured him a glass of wine and said heartbreakingly, "So you still know? How many times does your brother wipe your butt behind you every day? According to the speed at which ordinary celebrities are making scandals like yours, they will be buried in the cold soil." It’s 18th floor.”

The more he talked, the angrier he became. After finishing his drink, Gu Shizhou slammed the cup on the table. He licked his lips and sneered, "According to what you say, I have to win no matter what."

When Jiang Nuannuan looked up Gu Tingyan's mobile phone number, she found a spam text message next to it. She clicked on it and her eyes suddenly shook.

The bank card accounted for 1000 million.

The initiator's last number was the same as the card number that Gu Tingyan transferred to her for the first time.

Did he take the wrong medicine?Give her money again?Still 1000 million! ?
Or was it that he sent her to bed last night, only to be called away by Fu Shiliu at the last minute, feeling a little embarrassed about her as a substitute?
No matter what it was, she accepted it with peace of mind.

Don't be in vain.

She called Gu Tingyan, her voice sweet and soft, "You sent me money."

"You pawned that haute couture piece, and you don't have enough money." Gu Tingyan replied quietly.


How does he know?

System 66: "Haute couture gowns have their own special codes, and the owner must be notified when recycling them."

The image of a woman who doesn’t worship gold is firmly established.

There was silence on the other side of the phone. Gu Tingyan was not interested in asking her what she needed the money for. He only said: "Is 1000 million enough?"

After Jiang Nuannuan was shocked for the second time, she quickly replied, "That's enough, that's enough. I just want to use this money to go out and relax. You also know that it's because of my family's reasons."

The next words were not finished, I believe the other party could understand her distress.

He brought her back just for her face. He didn't want to imprison her, so Gu Tingyan responded quickly.

"The money is yours, you can do whatever you want with it."

After he hung up the phone, Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief and decided on a time to go out with Gu Shizhou.

Tomorrow morning, his nanny car will pick up people at the entrance of Yunkun Community.

At dusk, she casually had dinner at a roadside stall and was going to watch Fei Jin selling toilet paper under the overpass.

66 said he was there every night.

When Jiang Nuannuan arrived at the place, she was immediately shocked by the long queue.

Looking from a distance, all he could see was a broken tricycle piled with toilet paper, and a tall and thin figure standing under the light. His skin was visibly white and he was an outstanding person.

"How does he take care of himself and still have such fair skin when delivering food?"

Jiang Nuannuan muttered as she stood in the queue, and there were students talking in front of her.

"Why did the price of Senior Fei's paper increase again today?" Someone in front complained, "Yesterday it was only 5 yuan."

"It seems there are new benefits. He agreed to add WeChat today. It should be money for WeChat." Another girl said happily.

The voice of complaint changed and turned into cheers, "Can I finally become a fish in my brother's fish pond?" Jiang Nuannuan finally got closer to the queue and saw the price of tissue paper on the sign. A pack of tissue paper was available online for two yuan. I was charged 20 yuan here.

Fei Jinzhao's business is almost like robbery.

She looked at his face with downcast eyes and handing the paper again. It was as cold and cold as the only flower out of dust in this busy city. She really didn't expect that such a person would do such a thing.

By the time she reached the queue, the last packet of paper was gone.

"come back next time."

The young man packed up the things on the tricycle without raising his head.

"Is your hand feeling better?"

He paused with his hands, raised his eyes and looked at the smiling face, slightly surprised, "It's you."

"I walked here and thought they were selling some good stuff." Jiang Nuannuan handed over his payment code and glanced at his palm. Sure enough, there was no medicine on it, and the skin there was peeling off. I got a piece of it, and it looked worse than it was in the afternoon.

He nodded, "There's nothing good. I'll leave first."

Jiang Nuannuan jumped on the edge of his tricycle and sat down, "I helped you at noon today, can't you get to know me?"

Fei Jinzhao frowned slightly, took out his mobile phone and opened the QR code, "My WeChat."

He thought she was also here to ask for WeChat. Although this was indeed true, it was not enough for him to leave an impression on him.

"Let's do this. I don't want your contact information, so just take me to the pharmacy." Jiang Nuannuan rested on his car and put her legs into the pocket of the tricycle, "Just drop me off."

Fei Jinzhao didn't like causing trouble. He had to rush to the hospital to pay for tomorrow's bed, but he thought about it and agreed.

The tall and thin boy took her out of the overpass on a broken three-wheeler.

This is the first time for the junior students at Linghua University to see their senior’s tricycle manned vehicle.

"Who is that girl?"

"I've planned to follow Fei-senpai for the rest of my life. Is there a woman who got there first today?"

"The profile looks very beautiful."

"It looks a bit familiar."

The evening breeze on the street was cool, and Fei Jinzhao's old shirt was blown back by the wind. Jiang Nuannuan's eyes slowly moved down, staring at his lean waist for a moment, and then fell to his hips.

I have to say that he has a really good figure after long-term exercise, especially when he stands up and does three rounds, the parts covered by his washed-white jeans are so good.

Some Internet celebrity adjectives are not completely fake.

System 66, which captured her dirty thoughts, was slapped in the face by its phantom limb. Maybe it really shouldn't have recruited such an unreliable soul to work for free.

Jiang Nuannuan's gaze was too focused, causing the cold and cold young man to notice and tilt his head, scanning her with his peripheral vision, "Where are you injured?"

She immediately withdrew her gaze and looked up at him, whom even the wind favored, "Chest."

Fei Jinzhao's eyes froze, and he quickly turned around without saying a word.

When the tricycle stopped in front of the pharmacy, Jiang Nuannuan jumped out of the car and said, "Can you wait for me for a while? My home is also nearby, 5 minutes away."

Since she helped her recover some losses in the afternoon, Fei Jinzhao did not refuse.

She ran to buy iodophor and ointment, and then ran out quickly.

"Give me your hand."

The young man looked at the things in her hands, and then he understood why she went to so much trouble.

"Don't bother." He tried to hide his hand behind his back, but Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his wrist and pulled it out.

(End of this chapter)

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