Chapter 277 Don't Be Angry
That night, Gu Tingyan had dinner with her, and Li Zhu sent her a new mobile phone and work documents he wanted to sign.

Jiang Nuannuan also received an apology from him. Between work and her, it was he who chose the job for his boss, which also explained the importance of the meeting at that time.

She expressed her understanding, but Gu Tingyan spoke indifferently to him, "Your duty is to assist me, not to make decisions for me."

Li Zhu lowered his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Nuannuan for help. She put down her phone after thinking for a while and said, "It's not easy for him either, so don't scold him."

Gu Tingyan paused slightly and looked at her, "Aiding the evildoer?"

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "Then, you will deduct his bonus for two years?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Okay."

Assistant Li opened the door with a slumped face and came out. His job was saved, and Jiang Nuannuan's status in his heart surpassed that of Gu Tingyan.

He never underestimated the position of this gold-swallowing beast in the boss's heart, but he just didn't expect that she could still ride on the boss's head.

Misstep, misstep.
Many WeChat messages popped up on the phone, including ones from Fei Jin and others from Gu Shizhou. Jiang Nuannuan finished replying one after another, muted her phone, put it under the pillow, and asked Gu Tingyan, "Are you sleeping here too at night?"

He nodded and replied: "Sleepy?"


Gu Tingyan put the documents away, took off his casual jacket and went into the bathroom to wash up. When he came back, he lay down next to her and held her in his arms.

"Go to sleep."

"You're not working anymore?"

He lowered his eyes and said calmly: "I don't sleep well if you go out."

Jiang Nuannuan hugged him, and the man smiled silently.

One week after the earthquake, Zhai Lin used his own name and Jiang Nuannuan's name to support the high treatment and prosthetic expenses for the homeless disabled people in Dilei Village.

It also provides many new jobs to those mountain people who have been displaced and lost their jobs, ranging from working in factories to being apprentices in companies. The salary is comparable to the county income, which is very impressive.

He survived the earthquake and did good deeds and made social news, causing quite a stir in the wealthy circle of Linggang.

Who would have thought that the mad dog who was confined to the house would now turn around and start doing charity work. Everyone speculated whether it was because of Fu Ying's return that he began to get better.

Zhong Ya, who was still in the tent in Dilei Village, woke up after the surgery and stared at the news in a daze. Hua De was dead, and dozens of pigs were crushed to death in his pig farm. She was no longer forced to marry him, but she also lost I lost my legs and even lost the dream I had after entering a big city.

She sadly became the disabled person she despised.

Someone outside came in and handed a business card, and he also gave one to her family.

[Red Elephant Instant Noodle Factory is recruiting workers, food and accommodation are included, monthly salary is [-] yuan]

Someone nearby said that this was a job introduced to me by two wealthy bosses in Linggang, and it was in the county town.

Zhong Ya held the business card and cried and laughed.

Gu Tingyan stayed with Jiang Nuannuan for two days and had to rush back to the company to handle work.

After Zhai Lin released the news, Fei Jinzhao and Gu Shizhou both knew that she was going to Dilei Village, and called them one after another.

Gu Shizhou was very angry, and even more worried. He was angry that she was doing charity work with Zhai Lin, and he was worried about her physical condition.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to put all the men together into a pot of seafood porridge in the hospital, so she could only lie and say that she was not injured.

She told Fei Jinzhao that she had to work overtime at the jewelry store and that he had flown to France in advance. To Gu Shizhou, she explained her contract as a psychologist with Zhai Lin and followed him out of fear that he would get sick, so she temporarily put things off.

It was sunny outside today. She took a bag of fruit and went to Zhai Heng's ward in a wheelchair.

The first few times she went to see him, he was always sleepy and the two of them talked for a short time. Now she had chosen a good time, hoping that he would be in better health so that he could bask in the sun with her.When I saw Zhai Heng, he was already sitting on the windowsill with a futon, wearing a camel sweater. The hazy light gently slanted along his shoulders, and his profile was extremely white under the light.

The warm sunlight on his face was not stained by the temperature at all, like a holy and ruthless god in an oil painting. Upon closer inspection, there was more compassion.

Jiang Nuannuan knocked on the door. Zhai Heng, who was sitting like a statue, moved his eyes slightly and slowly tilted his head. Half of his face was cut by the sun and fell into shadow. The corners of his straight lips raised, "Why are you here?"

The sun shines brightly at the moment when I smile.

She took a breath and smiled, "I see the weather is nice outside, and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the lawn to bask in the sun."

Zhai Heng stood up, his expression became much more lively, "Did you bring some snacks?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the fruit bag at hand and nodded, "Eat strawberries and apples together."

There was an oak forest behind the hospital, with many leisure chairs staggered inside. The two found a place under the oak tree where no one was passing by.

If the sunlight shines down between the leaves, dust particles float in the air, and the artificial grass is green and scattered with many fallen leaves.

Jiang Nuannuan took out the washed strawberries and apples, peeled an apple and handed it to him. Zhai Heng pinched a strawberry and said, "I'll eat this."

She nodded, took a bite of the crispy and sweet apple, and sighed, "The weather is so nice."

After Zhai Heng finished eating the strawberry, he licked his fingers and said, "There is something I want to ask you."

Jiang Nuannuan signaled him with her eyes.

He leaned on the chair, looked at the mottled light spots on the grass, and said, "Will you never leave Gu Tingyan?"

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly stopped chewing the apple, and her comfortable sitting posture gradually stiffened, "You heard me."

"Yes, I overheard it." Zhai Heng turned to look at her, his voice was very soft, "I want to ask the reason."

Jiang Nuannuan put down the half-eaten apple and raised a fake smile, "Because I like him, and I can't live without him."

Zhai Heng turned sideways and put his arms on the back of the chair, supporting his chin and looking at her, "That's true, what about me?"

Jiang Nuannuan's palms were almost sweating, but she still had to look into those beautiful eyes. She said bravely: "I like it too."

Even the air around him was silent.

She lowered her head. This was tacitly understood by both of them. She did not reject Gu Tingyan, nor did she reject Zhai Heng.

I'm afraid it was the words she couldn't leave that broke the balance. Zhai Heng never showed any possessiveness or dissatisfaction with her from beginning to end. Now that he said those words, did it really hurt his heart?
While she was brainstorming on her own, Zhai Heng suddenly chuckled and said, "I'm always glad sometimes that I can tell the difference between your lies and the truth."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him and found that he was unexpectedly sad. She bit her lower lip, "Huh?"

Zhai Heng's eyes dimmed, "You don't like anyone."

Gu Tingyan didn't get her, and no one got her, so he wasn't as sad as he expected. He was still considering the possibility of loving her after he was cured.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at him and said softly: "I really like it, I'm not lying."

It's just that she likes herself more and doesn't want to be wiped out or lose the money.

She raised her hand and took a big bite of the remaining apple. The sweet juice stained her lips. She turned her head and kissed Zhai Heng's cool and soft thin lips under the deserted oak tree.

She compensated by sharing a fresh red apple, as she had done that night at the kitchen counter.

The sudden kiss made Zhai Heng's eyelashes tremble. The arms leaning on the bench tightened around her waist. He tasted the sweet taste from his lips and made no further movements.

(End of this chapter)

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