Chapter 285 Giving away barbecue

Jiang Nuannuan took a shower first and returned to the bedroom. Several messages came in on her phone.

Gu Shizhou: Where did he throw you? I'll pick it up.

Did he think that the provocation during the fireworks show would separate the two of them?

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her sore legs and replied: Thanks to you, I took a taxi home. It's your fault.

Gu Shizhou hasn't responded to the message yet, and System 66 broadcast the progress in her ear, "Gu Shizhou's favorability is 65%, Alipay has received 3000 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 88%, and Alipay has received 2000 million."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, okay, she knew he was gloating.

Gu Tingyan's cell phone vibrated on the bedside table. She turned to get it, walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the door, "Your call is from Xin Tao."

The water inside stopped, "Please take it."

She refused to answer, "Open the door and I'll bring it in for you."

The bathroom door was halfway open, and the man's body covered in foam, his long legs from his smooth waist to the bottom, and his round and upturned buttocks, flashed before his eyes, and Jiang Nuannuan blushed.

It's really warped.

Why does it seem to be more warped than before?

Gu Tingyan turned on the shower, and the sound of water dripped. "You turn on the speakerphone, I'll listen."

Jiang Nuannuan said hello this time.

As soon as Xin Tao answered the call, he heard a voice coming from the phone. It was sweet and soft, not Gu Tingyan's cold voice.

He was stunned for a moment and then came to his senses, "Where is Mr. Gu?"

"Taking a shower." Jiang Nuannuan slipped the phone through the crack in the door and asked him to reply.

Gu Tingyan glanced at the white wrist, "What's the matter?"

Hearing the sound of water on the other end, Xin Tao realized that he was disturbing someone else's business. He coughed lightly and said, "You have to come to the hospital. Mrs. Lin Xiao just fell ill and was sent to the emergency room. She needs a blood transfusion."

His eyes narrowed slightly, "I know."

About to go out temporarily, Jiang Nuannuan prepared clothes for Gu Tingyan, "Will you be back in the evening?"

The man packed up and said, "I will go back to my house in the evening, and you can go to bed first."

She nodded, "OK."

Before leaving, Gu Tingyan stood at the entrance, hugged her and kissed her, telling her, "Don't run around."

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips and said, "Waiting for you at home."

Watching his Maybach drive away, Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the clock at two o'clock in the morning. She was completely sleepless due to the commotion in the car just now.

It's New Year's Eve today, so it doesn't make sense why there's no news from Fei Jinzhao.

She didn't want to waste this night, so she opened the wardrobe and put on a new dress, put a plaid scarf on it, and went downstairs to take a taxi.

The game company in Fei Jinzhao is quite easy to find. You can find it by searching on the website. It’s not far away, only half an hour’s taxi ride away.

It's just that the road is sparsely populated at the moment. There are scattered push-cart barbecue stalls in the commercial area still operating, and the building security guard is dozing off.

Without calling in advance, Jiang Nuannuan was not sure that he would be here, or it might be in a bar. He has now learned to drink and smoke with others.

After walking out of the elevator, the front desk was deserted after get off work. She was blocked at the locked door, but there was a faint light coming from inside, and the figures behind the frosted glass door were shaking, as if they were in a meeting.

At three o'clock in the morning, she was sure that Fei Jinzhao had forgotten about work and felt relieved.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't call to disturb her. Thinking of the barbecue stall on the trolley downstairs, she turned around and got off the elevator to buy some midnight snacks and leave them at the door.

The security guard who opened the door downstairs on shift saw her coming out. He was surprised and asked, "I didn't see you just now. What were you doing upstairs?" Jiang Nuannuan said: "My friend works overtime at the game company upstairs. Let me come and take a look. .”

Hearing what she said, the security guard immediately sighed, "They are so busy every day, and there is a young man who comes out last every time. I don't know if he wants to sleep. It's really hard."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned slightly, "What time does it usually end?"

The security guard looked at the clock on the wall and replied, "Come on, 03:30. Finally, the young man came out around four o'clock and came back to work on time at 8:[-]."

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the barbecue stall and ordered a lot of barbecue, feeling a little distressed.

System 66: "He will fight for you again, alas."

She stood in front of the cart in a daze, "Why are you sighing?"

System 66: "It's a pity."

Its words are evasive and its thoughts are hidden.

It was discovered earlier that the host had indeed taken the protagonist's book, and it was in a very depressed mood. Its promotion was 100% ruined, and it was about to be demoted.

The exit of the supporting character after completing the cannon fodder mission in the middle will not affect any plot progress. The original intention of the mission is just to let the host fill an emotional gap period.

But the protagonist is different. The protagonist usually has to progress to the end of the novel, or the tragic ending, or getting married and having children. According to Fei Jinzhao's script setting, maybe he has a happy ending, but the host has to complete the task and leave according to the progress of the supporting character. , the situation will be serious.

It does not have high authority and cannot check where the favorability comes from. It is usually family, friendship or something else, but the host's favorability almost always increases after getting close to the male protagonist.

You don’t need to think about it to know that the proportion of love is extremely high.

When the hero loves you the most, if you slap your butt and run away, it would be a major accident.

System 66 has been pondering until now, and is angry at how evil the bad system is that handed him the wrong notebook.

The worst result can only be that it takes the host away, and the small world collapses.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know how many people were in the office, so she just carried a bag of cola drinks in her left hand and a big bag of barbecue in her right hand.

The time was pretty much the same as what the security guard said.

Fei Jinzhao put down his pen and closed the document with his slender fingers, "Everyone has worked hard today. The bank loan will arrive in two days. Next Monday we will try sample production. We also have to worry about He Hui and Cao Zhi in terms of art. This time you have a heavy workload.”

He Hui flipped her hair and joked: "I always work overtime with Fei for so long, it's not in vain."

He also followed the routine in the workplace and said calmly: "Are you sleepy? It's Friday. I'll book a private room to relax in the evening? Have a good rest tomorrow."

There was a burst of cheers in the office. Cao Zhi winked at He Hui and whispered in her ear: "Why, you old cow wants to eat young grass. You always rip off Mr. Fei and sit next to him every time you have a meeting."

He Hui put away the documents, looked at the man who was being escorted out, and smiled back: "Look at that young and energetic man who is tall and long-legged, who doesn't like it? I'm going to play later, and I also want to ask him if he wants to go home with me to relax. .”

Cao Zhi raised his eyebrows, "Are you as hungry as you when you reach thirty?"

He Hui rolled her eyes, "We have been with him till now, and you have seen his execution ability. I guarantee that this company will not fail. Who wouldn't like such an outstanding person? It is also profitable to get some sleep."

She followed up with a smile and said, "Mr. Fei, it's New Year's Eve today. It's a new year. Why don't you put two pots of green plants outside the company to commemorate the occasion?"

Fei Jinzhao stopped for a moment, then turned around and asked her, "Is it January today?"

The smile on that handsome face disappeared for a second, as if the mask had fallen off, revealing the coldness and alienation inside.

He Hui nodded, "Yes."

Why was he reacting so violently?
Someone spotted Jiang Nuannuan squatting outside the glass door and turned on the light in the hall outside. "Hey, why is there a girl squatting at the door?"

The door opened, and a group of people of similar age came out. Their eyes fell on her one after another, her charming and tired face under the fluffy long hair, and her autumn-filled almond eyes blinking lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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