Chapter 288 Discovery
Jiang Nuannuan took the tissue he handed and wiped her mouth, "I understand."

After leaving the company, Fei Jinzhao wanted to send her home, but she refused.

"I need to take a taxi to the hospital. My parents were in a car accident yesterday and I have to go check on the situation today."

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lips: "You should have told me about this at that time."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and held his hand, "I don't care about them. They haven't raised me either. It's not worth telling you."

The hailed car has arrived.

"Okay, get ready. Didn't I say that a designer is coming?" She let go of her hand, k!ssed him on the cheek, and ran away from under his umbrella.

She bent down and sat in the car, not forgetting to wave to him with a smile on her face, "Good work today."

Fei Jinzhao watched her car drive away. The drizzle fell on his face. He closed his eyes and smelled the fragrance of grass in the air. He felt that the weather today was really nice.

There was a muffled thunder above the head.

The security guard in the security booth at the door knew him well. He leaned under the eaves and asked, "Your girlfriend?"

Fei Jinzhao nodded and responded lightly, "Yes, girlfriend."

Sooner or later.

Gu Tingyan returned to Bishuiwan from his home early in the morning and saw no one from Jiang Nuannuan.

The first thing he did was make a phone call to check on the post.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had just arrived at the hospital, saw him calling. After answering, she reported her itinerary on her own, "I'm in the hospital, have you gone home?"

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds. Feeling that his intentions had been discovered, he asked coldly: "What happened?"

Jiang Nuannuan walked into the inpatient department, where nurses were coming and going. She deliberately walked over to talk to them, and took the time to reply: "Yesterday, my biological parents were in a car accident. I came to the hospital early this morning to check on the situation."

She didn't stay up all night, she just left early.

In fact, she didn't want to come to the hospital, she just wanted to expose the fact that she stayed out all night if she met Gu Tingyan when she went home. It was a coincidence.

Gu Tingyan's frowned eyebrows softened, "Which hospital is it? I'll come over."

Jiang Nuannuan refused, "No, I'm just here to pay. I'll be back soon. Have you had breakfast?"

Gu Tingyan: "No."

She thought for a while, "Then you go to the kitchen and put two cups of rice in the rice cooker to make porridge and fry two poached eggs. There are also pickled mustard bags I put on the shelf. Prepare them and eat them when I come back."

She hung up the phone without giving Gu Tingyan a chance to speak.

The man with the suit still hanging on his arm looked towards the kitchen and subconsciously thought of Aunt Mei in the address book and wanted to call her over. Then he stood by the door and thought for a while, then hung up his clothes, took off his watch and rolled up his sleeves. Entering the kitchen, he opened the cupboard and looked for the rice box to wash rice.

A breakfast, her request is not too much, and it is okay to satisfy it.

System 66: "Why don't you go home and make breakfast for him? Why are you doing it the other way around?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Because I'm full, it's best for him to fry the rice cooker and pot at home, so I don't have to eat the second breakfast."

System 66: "Have you underestimated Gu Tingyan's IQ?"

Jiang Nuannuan hummed.

Those precious hands can cook for her and do all kinds of things for her. Love is unique.

Regarding the situation of her biological parents, her father had a malignant tumor in his body and passed away after resuscitation failed. Her mother was still alive and was pushed into the intensive care unit. The nurse returned the mobile phone on the bed table.

I used this cell phone to call her yesterday.

Jiang Nuannuan flipped through her address book and suddenly felt that the number looked familiar. System 66 said: "This is not the strange number that sent you MMS blessings last time during the Reunion Festival."

The nurse said: "These two old men often came to our hospital before. The man was in poor health and had no money for medical treatment. He also got into a car accident. Alas."

This statement has a certain meaning, saying that their children are unfilial.Since these two people had Jiang Nuannuan's number, except for the blessing text messages, she had never received any news from them asking for money, and she immediately became suspicious of her biological parents carrying the vegetable jar to Jiang's house.

They only went to Jiang Meng to get money for medical treatment?He didn't come to find her either.
She pondered for a long time, then took out a bank card from her bag and put it back in the cabinet drawer along with her mobile phone. She hired a reliable caregiver for the old man and left.

A total of 100 million for burial expenses, living expenses, and follow-up treatment was enough for her biological mother to use alone. As for other matters involved, she didn't care.

Back home at nine o'clock.

Gu Tingyan leaned out from the kitchen and said, "Is the matter done?"

Jiang Nuannuan put down her bag and walked over, hugging his waist, "Well, can you have breakfast?"

He pointed at the rice cooker expressionlessly, "It should be ready."

The two bowls of white porridge were cooked just right, but the poached eggs were cooked and burnt. Jiang Nuannuan took a bite under his gaze and said, "It's quite delicious."

He had broad shoulders and sat down on the chair. "Then eat like this." His tone was vaguely proud.

After quietly finishing the meal, Jiang Nuannuan asked him, "Is your mother okay?"

Gu Tingyan: "Nothing serious happened."

She consciously put away the dishes and turned to look at him, "Fu Shiliu isn't here."

"No." Gu Tingyan said indifferently: "I have another child raised by my mother, who has the same blood type as her, and has an annual salary of 100 million."

Temporary blood transfer in the hospital was very troublesome, especially for rare blood types. Even he couldn't buy it openly. He had troubled Fu Shiliu before, and he and Jiang Nuannuan had an unpleasant quarrel. Now he was really afraid that she would think too much and spend a lot of money to find a new one. An obedient 'blood bag'.

Jiang Nuannuan said oh, went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, cleaned up herself, took out a few Zhai Lin's paintings from the house, and moved them to the car.

"I am not Zhai Lin's tutor now. I want to return these paintings. Are you still going to work this afternoon?"

Gu Tingyan didn't sleep a wink all night, and his stomach ached. He lay on the bed in his nightgown and looked at her, "If you don't go, what time will you be back?"

Jiang Nuannuan estimated the time it would take to get back and forth, "Let's try to come back tonight to cook for you."

She closed the bedroom curtains, exited the bedroom and closed the door.

A new psychological counselor has arrived in the Zhai family. Uncle Wang said when he led her into the house that Zhai Lin was undergoing a new round of talk therapy.

Several servants moved the paintings behind her and stopped at the door.

The studio was locked by Zhai Lin alone early on, and it was impossible to open it without his key.

Uncle Wang felt that there were two paintings, so he went back to look for them. He took out a spare key and handed it to Jiang Nuannuan, "Maybe he and Fu Ying had a complete quarrel. His studio has been closed. You put the paintings Put it in and come out.”

He hoped that these lost treasures would make the Second Young Master happy.

Jiang Nuannuan opened the door and entered. The interior basically maintained its original appearance, with a few new oil paintings added, including mountain villages, streams, sunny forests, and jungles full of hyacinths.

She stopped in front of the painting and suddenly felt that it was completely different from the abstract paintings he often bought in the past.

Looks full of life.

Jiang Nuannuan touched the hyacinth, and there was a nomination in the lower right corner, which was Zhai Lin's own.

After a while, she turned around and came to the only painting hidden in the corner, which was larger than any other painting. It was covered with a layer of golden silk, hiding the content tightly.

Jiang Nuannuan touched it with her fingers and pinched a corner of the satin, feeling that it was different.

At the same time, Zhai Lin, who knew she was coming to the studio, kicked over the chair and hurried over.

The golden thin silk fell smoothly along the frame, and the studio door was pushed open at the same time.

"Jiang Nuannuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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