Chapter 290 Cultivating Malice
There were also two Doberman pinschers in the manor. Jiang Nuannuan saw the familiar dogs and went over to pet them.

After the walk, she squeezed the time to go home. Zhai Heng held her hand and said, "If you are free during the New Year, come and ask for a red envelope."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and replied: "It will come."

After leaving the manor, she went to the studio to take a look at the situation. Lu Jin had received a lot of private jewelry orders for next year. The order volume was huge, and they faced a new problem.

"In the past, these high-end privately customized jewelry were designed by you. The recently named customer has very high requirements on craftsmanship and has a tight schedule. Can you handle it?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "Didn't we recruit a few designers? Let them go and try."

Lu Jin nodded, "Okay, where are you going to spend the Spring Festival? I'm going back to France then, why don't you come back with me?"

"No, I have arrangements."

She remembered something and said, "I'm going to tell the finance department that I will pay the year-end bonus early this year and go home early for the New Year."

After finishing the work, Jiang Nuannuan drove to the mall to buy some seeds and nuts for home, and took a look at the spring new luxury goods in the counter.

Linggang Building is operated under Gu Tingyan's group, and she is familiar with all the stores there, and has even sent a few cabinet guys to help carry things.

Jiang Nuannuan wandered into the children's section of the brand and thought the little shoes were pretty. She ignored the five-digit price and squatted down to help the people choose.

Outside the store, several women came in chatting and laughing, choosing in the next area.

Fu Ying was caught in the middle, her eyes timid and novel. She looked at the dazzling array of designer bags, and Fu Shiliu took one and stuffed it into her hands, feeling a little at a loss what to do.

The counter sister enthusiastically introduced the products to them.

A woman wearing mink fur asked Fu Ying how it felt and whether she liked it. She clenched the bag with slightly dry fingers and said, "It's pretty good."

She was dragged out by her sister to go shopping at the market today. When she came to such a prosperous and luxurious shopping paradise, her ordinary black cotton-padded jacket became the most special presence among the beauties.

A strange feeling of shame and embarrassment rose in my heart.

The woman heard that she liked it, glanced at Fu Shiliu, and said with a smile: "Okay, then you buy this, and I'll look at the others."

Fu Shiliu also gave her a reassuring smile, "That's it, you can look at the others."

Being surrounded by the rich scent of perfume, Fu Ying felt envious. She suppressed this thought and took a few steps back. Her eyes were attracted by the small clothes and shoes in the children's area.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was only separated from her by a cabinet, asked the cabinet brother to buy two or three colors of the same shoes and socks as if they were wholesalers. After thinking about buying them for a long time, Fu Ying heard a familiar voice, looked over and said in surprise : "Miss Jiang."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and raised her eyebrows, "Fu Ying, are you here to shop too?"

Fu Ying looked at the shoe boxes piled near her feet, her eyes moved slightly, and she shook her head, "My sister asked me to come."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and looked at the small shoes in her hand, "This year's new ones are quite nice."

Fu Ying clenched the shoes she just took a fancy to, "Yes."

The cabinet brother thought Jiang Nuannuan wanted it, so he introduced the price to her, "We can customize the size of that pair now. The price is 3. Do you want it?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head. When Fu Ying heard that the price felt like a hot potato, she bent back and put down her shoes.

She thought she had found a friend, but no, she was the only one in this store who was ordinary.

Jiang Nuannuan came out from behind the counter. When Fu Shiliu, who was wearing a cheongsam and furry jacket, saw her, his expression changed slightly, and the group of people became quiet.

Fu Shiliu, who is getting married for the second time, seems to be doing well. She is no different from before. She still has the gentle image of a classic beauty in cheongsam.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded slightly as a greeting, then picked up an unknown number of bags on the wall and threw them to the counter brother, "Okay, let's check out together."

Gu Tingyan's bank card transaction amounted to another 500 million.

She asked the people behind her to carry it, said hello to Fu Ying, and left first with them.

No one is jealous of this formation.

They were all carrying their own shopping bags, and they were accompanied by their little followers.

Thinking that all this should be hers, Fu Shiliu gritted her teeth with hatred. She married into Zhou Qi's family, and the marriage was simple. The money given to her every month was not even half of what Zhai Heng gave her, and her social circle was even lower. , now the family's only hope is Fu Ying.

She turned to look at Fu Ying, trying to adjust her emotions that were disturbed by Jiang Nuannuan. Her face was soft and her voice was like water, "Yingying, go and wait in line to pay. We have to leave too."

Several women queued up to pay. Some wanted the new bag of the same style that Jiang Nuannuan just took away, but they were told that they needed an additional 30 yuan or they wouldn't sell it. They suddenly became very angry.The luxury goods industry has the heaviest chain of discrimination.

It was Fu Ying's turn to pay with her bag in a daze. When the counter sister told her that the bag in her hand was 20 yuan, she was stunned.

"Miss, are you swiping your card?"

She didn't have that much money in her Alipay, and no one around her paid her money. Her face suddenly burned and turned red.


The woman in mink fur said deliberately: "Ah, yes, you haven't returned home yet."

She called Fu Shiliu, who was still pretending to look at the bag, "Shiliu, I'm here to pay for your sister."

The gentle woman on the other end came in a hurry, "It's your turn soon."

She handed over a bank card and bought the bag for Fu Ying. Fu Ying didn't feel any joy in her heart, only the embarrassment of not being able to pay, as if she was deliberately pulled out and humiliated, which made her self-esteem crack.

Fu Shiliu held her arm and apologized to her, "I was negligent. When you and Zhai Lin were together, you were just like Jiang Nuannuan now. You swiped your card for millions of dollars without blinking an eye. I'm still stuck at that time." In my memory, alas."

That lament was filled with endless pity, as if she had ruined her glory by being stubborn.

Millions of dollars, something that many people have been working for their entire lives but cannot earn.

Ye Hang's stall earns two to three hundred yuan a day. How many years does it take to earn one million yuan without eating or drinking?
Fu Ying held the packaging box tightly and lowered her eyes to see her bulging belly. Her cloudy and angry eyes suddenly cleared up. She threw the bag to Fu Shiliu, "I don't want it anymore."

Fu Shiliu held her wrist firmly, "Why not? You will go home for the New Year's dinner in a few days. Your family is your support. You must have a good outfit to meet people, right?"

There was a struggle in Fu Ying's eyes. She had rejected Zhai Lin and a wealthy family, but could she really easily and firmly resist the temptation to enter the top society when money and luxurious life were flashing before her eyes?

She can, but what about Ye Hang?
When Jiang Nuannuan returned home, she piled things into the cloakroom and entered the bedroom.

The room was dark, and a figure could be vaguely seen lying on the bed.

He slept all day.

She changed into her pajamas and walked over, "Gu Tingyan?"

No one responded, and she didn't dare to turn on the light to prick his eyes. She knelt on the bed and leaned over, "Still sleeping?"

She reached out to touch his face, and the man suddenly reached out and pulled her into his arms, humming in a magnetic voice, "What time is it?"

His embrace was hot, and his hot breath touched her skin. Jiang Nuannuan fell to the edge of the bed, and the hands on her waist kept her close to him, unable to straighten up, "About five or six o'clock."

She touched his neck, which was a little damp, "Do you have a fever?"

Her hands were cold and felt indescribably comfortable against her skin. The man covered the back of her hands and opened his eyes in confusion, "My stomach hurts."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked and said subconsciously: "Shall I get you medicine? Can I rub it for you again?"

To be fair, she enjoyed this job the best.

Gu Tingyan stared at her for a few seconds, then loosened his fingers and said, "Yeah."

She rolled off him, took some stomach medicine and came back with a glass of water for him to drink. She then lifted the quilt and lay down next to him, her fingers digging into his slim and stretchy gray T-shirt.

Gu Tingyan, who has been working out all year round, has very low body fat and only a thin layer of muscles on his abdomen. When Jiang Nuannuan touched it, his body trembled slightly.

Her fingers were so soft and boneless that she pressed against his stomach and rubbed it in circles, like a match rubbing against the skin of a fire, creating sparks.

The palm of his hand was quickly heated by his skin. Jiang Nuannuan felt that something was wrong. He raised his head in confusion and asked, "Are you really not having a fever? I think you can fry eggs."

He held the back of her neck and squeezed, "Are you a cat? Don't scratch it with your nails."

She raised her other paw to show him and defended, "It's my newly made nail extension, I didn't scratch it on purpose."

The nails lightly scratched his tight abdominal muscles, and it was like electricity flowing through him, and the muscles trembled and contracted.

"Yeah." The sound escaped from his throat, as low as a played violin, which made Jiang Nuannuan's ears tingle, feeling bad.

(End of this chapter)

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