Chapter 292 Happy New Year

He told her the password for his apartment door. Jiang Nuannuan opened the door and went in. She heard a cold male voice calling, and she followed it.

Pansy stands in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the living room, majestic and majestic. The afterglow of the morning light shines behind him, unable to resist the loneliness of the room with uniform colors and straight lines without temperature.

He looked sideways, with a deep frown on his smooth forehead, and saw that she was holding a full shopping bag in her hand. There was surprise in her eyes. While responding to what was on the phone, he came over to help her carry the bag.

"Let the headhunting company look for it again, and the designer must be in place after the year."

Fei Jinzhao hung up the phone and asked her, "Why are you here today for the Chinese New Year?"

Jiang Nuannuan opened the shopping bag and put the nut boxes and festively packaged candies and chocolates on the table one by one. "I'm afraid you'll forget that today is the New Year and you'll be too busy to even cook, so I'm here to accompany you."

She raised her head and looked at him, her pupils reflected the image of him alone, and she was dressed so festively, which pierced his heart. Fei Jinzhao's heart skipped a beat, and she nodded, "I forgot, there is nothing to eat at home. I’m going to buy groceries.”

Jiang Nuannuan had an expression on her face that I knew well, "We have to hurry up, what will we do if the market closes later?"

She didn't come too early today. She went around Jiang's house until it was almost 10 o'clock, but if she didn't rush to buy groceries, it would be too late.

Fei Jin went to the bedroom, put on a coat, and took the car keys from the shoe cabinet, "Let's go."

He had just bought a black SUV. Jiang Nuannuan, who had originally planned to drive the car, sat in the passenger seat and stared at him sideways.

Fei Jin drove out of the community and said: "The second-hand scooter, the mobile game I made at school, has been making some money intermittently."

He didn't rely on his family, he bought it himself.

Jiang Nuannuan heard what he meant and her eyes brightened, "I know Fei Jinzhao has always been very good."

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lower lip, turned to look at her and then turned back, feeling complicated.

He just didn't want her to drive every time he traveled with her, or to accompany him on the bus, so he spent an additional 10,000+ to buy an SUV that fit his current status without being too ostentatious. Apart from this money, All the rest of his fortune was invested in the dying gaming company, and he still had millions in loans from the bank.

At any moment he would have nothing.

There were only a few stalls left in the market that were about to be closed down. Jiang Nuannuan wore a mask and followed Fei Jinzhao to watch him pick and choose what he wanted to buy.

Passing by the fish-killing stall, Ye Hang was closing the stall, and there was no sign of Fu Ying. He was heard chatting and laughing with the people at the next stall, his face glowing, "I have to leave early. I have to go to my mother-in-law's house for dinner in the evening. I have to take a shower and tidy up when I get home." one time."

While the other party was killing the fish that Fei Jin had picked, he replied: "I heard that after you came out of prison, you became the son-in-law of a wealthy family. Don't forget me when you are drinking and playing cards in the future."

Ye Hang smiled, with arrogance in his eyes, "Absolutely."

Jiang Nuannuan looked away, and Fei Jinzhao took the processed fish. A garbage truck passed by in the aisle. He pulled her into his arms, and Rong Zhao's family suddenly appeared in sight.

The two parties came face to face with each other, and their memories brought the family back to the shocking news that broke out at that time.

Fei Jinzhao, who grew up like a wild dog in the countryside and had eaten all kinds of food, turned out to be the illegitimate son of one of the famous wealthy families in Linggang.

The news of his return to his family was overwhelming and swept across the whole village, shocking many people's jaws.

Seeing his outstanding and cool temperament, well-dressed, and aura of being rich, he seemed to have become more noble.

Rong Zhao still remembered the conversation with him in the village. This man said ruthlessly that he had never loved him, and his eyes had been set on another woman since unknown time.

She looked at Jiang Nuannuan who was held in his arms and protected her, her mouth was astringent, and she turned to leave, but her parents came forward to say hello carrying vegetable bags.

Rong's mother said happily: "Jinzhao, I looked at the statue from a distance, but when I got closer, it turned out that the good people living now are all good-looking."

She turned around and called Rong Zhao, who was standing still, "Zhao Zhao, what are you standing there for? You've been thinking about me for so long and now you finally see her, why don't you say hello?"

Rong Zhao regretted giving up Fei Jinzhao, and she also regretted using other men abroad to stimulate him.

She had so many regrets, and he was so protective of a beautiful city girl that she didn't even have the courage to say hello.

Mother Rong pushed her over and stood in front of Fei Jinzhao, hoping that the boy who had been thinking about her daughter for a long time would do something special.Rong Zhao really didn't want to come over. When he looked at the man's calm chestnut eyes, he would remember his rejection.

She pursed her lips and said dryly: "New, happy New Year."

Fei Jinzhao nodded, "Happy New Year."

He didn't have a special expression. He only lowered his eyes to look at Jiang Nuannuan beside him, and then explained to her in a soft voice, "He was a neighbor from the same village before. You met my grandma when she passed away."

Wearing a mask, she only revealed a pair of crescent almond-shaped eyes, "I know, there are still images."

Seeing that they were getting along harmoniously, Rong Zhao's eyes got wet. She wanted to leave, but Rong's mother held her arm firmly, "Yes, no, people in the same village still have to take care of each other when they live outside. We, Zhao Zhao, were in high school with you before. Classmates, our relationship is not bad."

Jiang Nuannuan sighed inwardly at how thick-skinned she was.

Fei Jinzhao was looked down upon by her before and was deeply afraid that his girl would get close to him. Now that his identity has been changed, his attitude has changed.

Rong's father actually thinks that his wife is thick-skinned, but because she is involved with a wealthy family, even if she is an illegitimate child, she is worthy of a relationship.

Fei Jinzhao didn't have much to say. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the potato stall was about to be closed down, so he didn't want to waste any more time. "We're leaving first, we still need to buy something."

Rong's mother smiled and asked him, "Where do you live? We are all in Linggang. We can also go out and say New Year's greetings in the future."

Fei Jinzhao paused slightly, finally took out a personal business card from his pocket and handed it to her, then led Jiang Nuannuan away.

A formulaic social business card directly blocks the other party's attempts to close the relationship.

After buying the potatoes Jiang Nuannuan wanted, he asked, "What flavor do you want? Hot and sour?"

She hooked her arm and said, "Your cooking skills are much better than mine. I like to eat all kinds of flavors."

Fei Jinzhao's thin lips curled up slightly, "Yeah."

One will lower his head to listen to the other person's words, and the other will raise his head to speak in his ear. Even in a place like the market, from a distance, both of them can look so sweet.

Seeing this scene, Rong Zhao panicked and threw away his mother's hand, "Aren't you embarrassed enough?"

Rong's mother didn't understand, "What's the shame? You have known each other since childhood and have a good relationship. At that time, he was always thinking about you. Why did I drag you here to say hello?"

Rong Zhao hated her, "What did you do in high school, what did I do, he is such a fool, he doesn't know? He has already told the truth and rejected me!"

Rong's mother felt that she understood men. She frowned and pulled her, "I don't believe that I can maintain a relationship with you even if I refuse you for so many years. He is now a rich man. Look at his name."

She handed her the business card and said, "See, you are the president of a gaming company. There is a company and a house in Linggang. If you seize it, our little clothing factory will be transformed."

Rong Zhao felt that his mother was shameless and growled at her, "Have you seen the girl next to him? She makes jewelry at home! Jewelry! Have you forgotten? Or have you forgotten that you were the one who broke us apart back then! He hated him so much that he didn't even admit it. Loved me!"

Rong's mother was startled by her roar. When she came to her senses, she realized that her daughter had run away. She murmured and felt a little unwilling.

"I held her arm and asked her to go abroad?! If she really didn't want to go, I would have forced her to death! It was all my fault!"

Father Rong patted her shoulder and sighed, "Okay, let's celebrate the New Year well."

The appearance of Rong Zhao's family did not leave a trace in Fei Jinzhao's heart.

The two went home after shopping for groceries. Jiang Nuannuan was arranged to sit on the sofa. The table was filled with snacks she brought. Fei Jinzhao changed into home clothes and was busy in the kitchen.

This year's policy prohibits fireworks. At lunchtime, there are crackling firecrackers outside.

She tore open the packaging of the chocolate, got into the kitchen, and "eat a piece of chocolate."

Fei Jinzhao was cooking and turned her head to take a bite. Her cold voice was a little vague, "I didn't buy any fireworks. Do you want to set them off tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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