Chapter 307 Dinner for Three
She thought about this issue for two more seconds.

Get into Gu Shizhou's car. Tomorrow's news is nothing more than that the actor Gu Shizhou is suspected of dating a new girlfriend. With the number of times she has been out of the country in front of the camera, Qiao Lin's jewelry may be affected a little.

If you get into Gu Tingyan's car, it means that the CEO of Gu Group, who already has a fiancée, is suspected of cheating. The impact on Qiao Lin's jewelry will be many times greater. How much will she lose when customers cancel a wave of orders? money?

Being labeled as the rumored girlfriend or mistress, Jiang Nuannuan resolutely got into Gu Shizhou's car to minimize the loss.

Gu Tingyan clenched his jaw when he saw her pretending to be unfamiliar in front of outsiders.

The location is Nanchun Hotel.

Jiang Nuannuan was glad that the decoration here was luxurious enough and the corridor was spacious enough to accommodate three people walking side by side at the same time.

She was caught in the middle and entered the box.

There was a round table large enough to seat eight people. When the waiter opened the door with a menu, he found that three people only occupied a small corner, with chairs sitting closely together.

This scene was strange enough, but the two characters sandwiching the girl had both been seen on TV, making the scene even more bizarre.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to order. Gu Tingyan held the menu book and reported a list of dish names, "Crab Crab Burger, Shrimp Zongzi Roll, Beef Bone Soup, and a complete set of desserts."

They had eaten these things several times before when ordering takeout at home, and he thought that Jiang Nuannuan liked them.

Gu Tingyan collected the menu and asked Gu Shizhou, who was leaning against the back of the chair across from Jiang Nuannuan, "We are eating this, what are you eating?"

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows slightly, without even looking at the menu, he turned to the waiter and said, "Roasted pig brains, spicy barbecue skewers, stinky tofu, spicy fried fat intestines."

The waiter was stunned for a moment.

Why eat at a roadside barbecue stall in such a high-end restaurant?
"Our kitchen may not be prepared."

Gu Shizhou said: "When my girlfriend comes back from traveling, she always wants to eat something she likes."

Jiang Nuannuan secretly thought it was not good and immediately explained: "Speak completely, female friend."

Gu Tingyan's face darkened, and no matter how good his temper was, he could hardly restrain his ferocity, "Do you like to eat these?"

Jiang Nuannuan swallowed her saliva after being questioned, "I'm actually not picky about food, I can eat anything."

Gu Shizhou raised the corner of his mouth and said calmly: "We ate at the barbecue stall at night before, and she ate the whole box of pig brains and stinky tofu in front of me. She looked very cute while eating, and her mouth turned red from the spicy food. Have you ever seen it?"

Jiang Nuannuan felt very bad. She held Gu Tingyan's hand under the table and leaned over to explain, "You have a bad stomach, how can I let you eat spicy food? These dishes you ordered are also my favorite."

In order to accommodate his taste, she rarely touches spicy food when she is with him. She basically eats light food to nourish the stomach, but her temperament of not being picky about food and eating anything is true.

Gu Tingyan was comforted, and his frown relaxed a little, "You don't have to suppress your preferences, I can accompany you to whatever you want, just like the milk tea we tried before." The temperature on the other side dropped sharply, and the cold ginger was warm Nuan was shocked, and quickly turned around and said: "There are no street stalls and barbecues here. Let's eat those things next time."

Gu Shizhou pulled her hand back, held it firmly through the gaps between his fingers, and snorted coldly, "When you are with me, why don't you accommodate me in every way? Do I have to obey you?"

He turned to look at the stupid waiter and said, "Let your chef do it."

They are all VIPs here, and even the box they sit in is reserved exclusively for Gu Tingyan in the hotel, so their right to speak still has weight.

It’s just that the waiter was stunned. At this moment, Cue came back to his senses and nodded hurriedly. He was thinking about where the girl in the middle came from. She actually engaged in a top-notch triangle relationship!Awesome!
As soon as the box door closed, Gu Tingyan moved the chair and stood up with a cold look in his eyes, his aura was suppressed and he shuddered, "Let go."

Gu Shizhou couldn't stand Jiang Nuannuan's partiality and met his gaze provocatively, "What? You can't stand just holding hands? We kissed so many times before"
Jiang Nuannuan reached out and covered his mouth, "Stop talking!"

If it wasn't illegal to sew his mouth with a needle, she would sew a big X in Gu Shizhou's mouth!
With his soft palms pressed tightly against his lips, Gu Shizhou no longer spoke, but used his demeanor to bring out his unruly look to the extreme.


Gu Tingyan's jealousy was overturned in an instant, his eyes became extremely cold, and the terrible anger in his eyes was about to burst out, and he wanted to beat his own brother every minute.

The panicked Jiang Nuannuan covered Gu Shizhou's mouth with one hand and grabbed Gu Tingyan's finger with the other. She raised her head and explained: "It was at the last birthday party. I accidentally kissed him when I was drunk. I..."

The little face with his back to Gu Shizhou was full of embarrassment, and then he put on a righteous expression that was brave enough to admit his mistakes, "I kissed Gu Shizhou."

In Gu Tingyan's eyes, her forbearing expression undoubtedly proved that what happened that night was that she was the one who was forced to lie down and did not want to.

Gu Shizhou, who was listening with his ears, felt that besides Jiang Nuannuan's careless wording that made him very unhappy, she took the initiative to admit in front of Gu Tingyan that she took the initiative to kiss him, which made him reluctantly happy.

Gu Tingyan said coldly: "What do you know when you're drunk? He won't be beaten in vain, so what's the point of hiding it for him?"

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip, "You are brothers, and Gu Shizhou and I are friends who have collaborated many times."

One friend after another began to distance themselves from each other. Gu Shizhou took her wrist and wanted to speak, but was shocked by the almond-shaped eyes that turned around with red eyes and looked like she was about to cry.

He immediately softened his heart and opened his mouth to coax her, "It's a friend, it's a friend. If you hadn't been thrown on the mountain, who would have met you and who would be your friend."

This tone of barely clarifying the relationship is obviously more suspicious.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't control so much. He would calm down everyone first, and then separate and coax them one by one.

"Shall we sit down and eat first?"

(End of this chapter)

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