Chapter 309 Your heart can accommodate hundreds of rivers
He Hui looked at him, "Are your eyes twitching? Mr. Fei is not here."

Cao Zhi was speechless and stopped twitching, pointing his hand in the direction of Fei Jinzhao's office, "He came back from changing clothes at home."

Their boss hadn't been home for many days, and had to stay in the lounge for food and accommodation. He had a meeting with Qiao Lin's studio today, so he hurried back and changed into new clothes.

He Hui didn't expect Fei Jin to recall her so quickly. She looked up and saw the slender figure standing in front of the window, digging her toes into the soles of her shoes in embarrassment. She quickly changed her words to make amends: "I should have seen fake news. How can he be alone."

Fei Jinzhao, who listened to every word of the words, was so hurt that she could not speak.

Jiang Nuannuan disappeared for so many days. It turned out that she made the choice to leave him according to his words. Even the notice needed to come from another man's mouth.

But if you think about it carefully, she was right.

He had nothing, so it was normal for her to leave, but why did she have to step on so many other boats.

She is both the CEO's lover and a celebrity lover. What else did she pretend to be when she was developing a relationship with him, and how many lies did she lie about?
Fei Jinzhao's face was pale, and she tried her best not to think about it, and walked out of the office calmly, "Go to the conference room and prepare for the meeting."

Jiang Nuannuan entered the company with two team members, and she felt that everyone looked at her in a wrong way. The man in the main seat had an expressionless face, and his fingers on his lap were bent and his joints were white.

There was no emotion in his eyes, and you didn't need to guess why.

After having so many intimate interactions with her, he realized that he was not the only one with her. He had cuckolds all over his head. It would be strange not to be angry.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed inwardly.

The other party was the person in charge of Qiao Lin Jewelry and was well-known at home and abroad. He Hui and others did not dare to make any more jokes and sat at attention at the conference table.

The entire meeting mainly focused on the initial issues of virtual clothing and accessories. The game plan was spread out in front of Jiang Nuannuan, with the two names of the game marked on the cover.

She paused and looked at Fei Jinzhao, "The name of the game is so interesting."

The man lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes swept a layer of light green under his eyelids, and avoided her gaze, "I haven't decided yet."

He had been afraid to think about her some time ago, and he was still thinking about why she didn't give an explanation for so many days, and refused to say a word to him. There was no message in the chat box on WeChat. Now that she was here, he felt anxious in his heart. Complex and difficult to distinguish, messy as hemp.

"You have to be careful when choosing a name." Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and turned the page in her hand, "Tell me about the problem."

Neither of them had any personal emotions while working. They were doing business, and there was almost no eye contact. Everyone felt the pressure.

At the end of the meeting, everyone ran away faster than a goose, leaving the bosses of both parties alone to resolve internal conflicts.

Both of them sat motionless, and the atmosphere reached a deadlock.

Fei Jinzhao asked formulaically: "Any more questions?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head.

After another silence.

She turned sideways and asked him, "Do you want to have dinner together tonight?"

Fei Jinzhao asked at the same time: "Are you and Gu Shizhou together?"

Both sides were stunned.



Speaking in unison again, Jiang Nuannuan's almond-shaped eyes softened and she said softly: "I'm not with him."

Hearing her answer, Fei Jinzhao felt secretly happy, but when she thought about her relationship with Gu Tingyan, her heart twitched and her joy completely disappeared.

What else would it be if they weren't together? Of course it's because of the president of the Gu Group.

What does it have to do with him? Maybe she came to him for dinner after her relationship was exposed.

Fei Jinzhao suddenly didn't want to have dinner. After waiting for her for so long, he didn't want to break up with her over dinner. He had long regretted what he said in the first place.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his chestnut eyes that lit up and dimmed in an instant, like a lake covered with autumn leaves in winter, drifting in silence, which made people feel distressed.

She bit her lower lip and lowered her head, "Can I still go home and cook with you? I don't want to go to a restaurant."

Fei Jinzhao clenched the pen in her hand, adjusted her breathing, and whispered, "I haven't been home for dinner in a long time." Jiang Nuannuan said tentatively, "Then let's go shopping together?"

Fei Jinzhao raised his eyes. After a moment, he stood up and said, "Let's go."

She felt relieved, packed her things and followed him out.

He Hui also felt sorry for the young boss who worked so hard and was cuckolded. When Fei Jin summoned her to the office to get the car keys, she walked to Jiang Nuannuan and whispered:
"In the past few days, Mr. Ying has not been able to stay in the office as well as Mr. Fei, and he has to look at his mobile phone eight hundred times a day. Mr. Jiang, please think clearly. Gu Shizhou has so much shady information, he is not as good as a handsome young entrepreneur who is clean and honest. I just want a boyfriend who can live my life and be emotionally devoted, isn’t it?”

Fei Jinzhao came out of the office, and He Hui immediately walked to the other side and put her arm on Cao Zhi's shoulder.

He glanced at the two of them, took Jiang Nuannuan into the elevator, and then asked her, "What did He Hui say?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "She told me that Gu Shizhou is not a good person and has a lot of dirty information."

Fei Jin hummed, without retorting, and said calmly: "You have known each other for a long time, and you know his character best."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yes, his behavior is just to provoke his brother. They always fall in love with the same person easily."

Fei Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, "They all like you."

"It only counts if I like them." Jiang Nuannuan tilted her head to look at him, "I'm sorry that I hurt you."

When the elevator reached the first floor, Fei Jinzhao's soft voice reached her ears, "I'm just being sentimental. You just want to play with me."

Being emotional and reasonable, he actually couldn't blame her. She gave him too much hope and financial help, but in the end she only drove him into the abyss emotionally.

What can be counted?

Did you only play him with money?

Fei Jinzhao gritted her teeth before swallowing the sweet taste in her throat.

"I didn't want to play with you."

Jiang Nuannuan took his hand and said, "I'm not lying if I like you."

System 66 heard these words familiarly, and summed it up skillfully: "Your heart can accommodate hundreds of rivers."

"To shut up."


Reason told Fei Jin to let him go, but in action, his hanging arm was left to be hooked by her, indescribably stiff.

After getting in the car, the SUV stopped at the door of the security room with the railing not raised.

The security uncle came out, holding a QR code sign and said to Fei Jinzhao who pressed down the car window: "You forgot to pay the monthly parking fee this month. Don't forget it next time."

Fei Jin responded and scanned the code.

The security guard's sharp eyes saw the little girl sitting in the passenger seat. He exclaimed and said pleasantly, "No wonder you got off work on time today. It turned out to be your girlfriend who came to rush you."

He also pointed at Fei Jinzhao and joked to Jiang Nuannuan: "But I guarantee that he is working every day. If he doesn't go home, he is definitely not out picking up girls."

Fei Jinzhao Qingjun's face was a little stiff, and she didn't dare to look at Jiang Nuannuan's expression next to her. She said naturally: "I know, he works very hard every day to give me a good life. Thank you uncle for your supervision." ah."

In fact, they haven't exchanged a message for more than a week since the birthday party.

Fei Jinzhao pursed her thin lips, drove for a short distance, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Where were you some time ago?"

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes and said sadly: "You said you never wanted to see me again. I didn't know how to face it, so I bought a plane ticket and ran away for a while."

A plane ticket, so one person.

Fei Jinzhao had been paying attention to Gu Tingyan's whereabouts and knew that he was busy dealing with the group's affairs during that time. He was on the news every day, so he would definitely not accompany her.

He breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, and tried his best to suppress his undue expectations, "So, is there a reason? You do those things."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and said sadly: "Well, I want to tell you, don't miss me."

(End of this chapter)

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