After working as a stand-in for a big boss, my annual salary will be tens of billions

Chapter 31 Jiang Nuannuan becomes an island substitute guest on a variety show

Chapter 31 Jiang Nuannuan becomes an island substitute guest on a variety show
Everyone wants to see what Jiang Nuannuan can do in variety shows.

The program team quickly assigned her a room, slept with Hang Panxia, ​​and moved her luggage in.

After being promoted from assistant to guest, Jiang Nuannuan felt a pain in her head while holding her phone and looking at the hot searches.

[Jiang Nuannuan becomes an island substitute guest on a variety show]

When Gu Tingyan saw such a big headline, how was she going to explain it?

System 66: "Be careful and don't reveal your secret. If the protagonist is disgusted, the money will be deducted. If the money is deducted to a negative amount, you will explode on the spot."

Jiang Nuannuan; "!!! Why didn't you say anything at the beginning!"

66 confidently said: "Forgot."

"How much money have I made from these male protagonists now?"

"A total of 455 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability value is currently the highest, with 12%."

It was only a fraction of 100 billion, Jiang Nuannuan sighed softly.

Forget it.

Life is precious, making money is the most important thing.

Now that the camera was covered by clothes, Hang Panxia turned off the microphone and sat next to her to chat, "It's too miserable for you to be on a variety show with Lu Ling. She was unhappy with you last time in the motorcycle competition. You will definitely die this time." I'll fix you."

"I think so too. Fortunately, I share a room with you." Jiang Nuannuan lay on the bed and looked at her from the side, sighing.

Gu Shizhou should really triple her salary.

The six people got up early the next day. They were divided into two teams. One team was responsible for purchasing food with limited funds, and the other team cleaned the restaurant and set up tables and chairs for the stalls.

Uncle Shen Yang injured his hand, so Hang Panxia and another insignificant boy followed Gu Shizhou out for shopping, while Jiang Nuannuan and Lu Ling stayed behind to clean up.

Lu Ling didn't want to miss this opportunity to step on her.

The two of them were washing the dishes for the evening in the kitchen, and she took the initiative to chat: "I didn't expect that you still have time to come to the show while working at Gu's. It's not easy. It's very busy running back and forth."

"I haven't officially started work yet, but my boss was considerate of the big trouble at home and gave me a long vacation to adjust my mood before going."

Just as Jiang Nuannuan was about to put the washed bowl into the cupboard, Lu Ling pressed her hand and said, "Look, the edge is not clean yet. I'll rinse it for you again."


She obediently asked the other party to rinse the dishes she had washed, and then took another plate to wash. After a while, Lu Ling pressed her hand in the same way and washed the tableware she had just rinsed again.

"Oh, you haven't cleaned these yet, let me do it."

These are the tableware in this restaurant that has been gathering dust for a long time. How dirty can it be before it can be rinsed off?
Does Lu Ling's attitude mean that he will step on her under the camera?
Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips, "Let Sister Lu Ling wash the rest. I can't wash it all at once and waste water, so I'll go outside and help clean the table."

"come on."

She gestured to Lu Ling, whose face suddenly froze, to cheer her up. Since she wanted to pretend, let her wash a cupboard.

Uncle Shen Yang was moving the table outside. Jiang Nuannuan finished wiping the counter and went to help him move the table.

"I just sent a message to Gu Shizhou and asked him to stop by the pharmacy and get some plaster to apply on you."

Uncle Shen Yang was surprised and happy when he heard what she said, "I even forgot about it."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Don't you have tenosynovitis? Lingshao Bai ointment is very easy to use and is cheap in pharmacies."

"You are so considerate." Uncle Shen Yang looked at her with a hint of kindness, "Thank you for what happened yesterday."

"You're welcome, you are an elder."

When Lu Ling finished washing the dishes, she found a camera and lowered her head to take off her gloves. Her fingers were puckered with water. "well."

Lu Ling shook his head, sighed and turned around to walk out of the kitchen.

When the second episode of "Island Life" came to the end, all the barrage was cursing Jiang Nuannuan.

[She did it on purpose!If it’s not clean, don’t wash it, and leave it all to our cute deer!Look at her fingers being soaked!Feeling distressed! 】

[The program team is really not a good person, they can invite anyone!Does Jiang Nuannuan know how to cook?Forget it if the persona doesn’t match, he can’t even wash a bowl! 】

【what is this!We deer have to do all this hard work when they come up!What an irony for a fake daughter who has no fingers in the spring water! 】

[Am I the only one who discovered the blind spot? She also recommended plaster patches to Uncle Shen Yang, and he also said thank you. In the first episode, when everyone met and got to know each other, when Uncle Shen Yang had an accident, she was the one who set the bones at the beginning, right? ? 】

[Stop upstairs!I noticed that too! 】

When Gu Shizhou came back, he, Hang Panxia and a boy, Luo Ling, pulled a cart of ingredients.

The island residents live on the sea, and seafood is cheaper than vegetables. The vegetables are less and more meat, especially crabs, lobsters and the like account for a large part.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the big lobster and crab, her eyes lit up, and she turned back to the kitchen to find a big basin.

The program crew outside the venue watched in horror. No one knew how to cook. They were all curious about what to do with this car after it was brought back.

The atmosphere in the living room seemed to be at a deadlock, and no one knew how to order the menu.

Hang Panxia said tentatively: "I can scramble eggs with tomatoes. This scrambled egg with shrimp should be the same? How about I make scrambled eggs with shrimp?"

"The eggs here are all shipped by air, priced at five yuan a piece, and shrimps a piece." Gu Shizhou objected expressionlessly, "We didn't buy eggs at all, let's just fry the shrimps."

Hang Panxia stared at the still moving shrimp and swallowed silently, "But I haven't dealt with this, and there are lobsters with big claws over there."

Lu Ling was shocked when he saw this scene, but quickly recovered and said, "My hands are peeling from washing the dishes, so I can't help."

This is such a good excuse, Hang Panxia is envious.

Gu Shizhou didn't even look at her, he didn't care at all.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know that there was a brainstorm going on outside. She dug out two large basins from the kitchen, took a brush and scissors and went out.

Seeing this group of people gathered around the table looking at their mobile phones with serious expressions, she walked over curiously.

[How to wash crabs without getting your hands pinched. 】

【How to stir-fry river prawns. 】

【360 ways to cook seafood. 】

She was speechless for a while, and then asked abruptly after a long time, "Have you never cooked before?"

Lu Ling was the first to respond to her words, with an apologetic face, "I can do a little bit, but my hands are injured from washing dishes, so it seems I can't help."

So it's her fault that everyone can't eat today.

She thought Jiang Nuannuan would look embarrassed, but she just nodded calmly, "Then I'll do the first meal of the opening today, and Sister Lu Ling will cook it tomorrow. How about we take turns?"

Lu Ling never thought that she could cook. He thought she was trying to make a fool of herself, so he joked: "Don't be like washing dishes. She's neither raw nor cooked."


Jiang Nuannuan dragged the big basin outside the restaurant, poured all the ingredients from the cart into the basin, took the water, picked up the brush and skillfully picked up a crab to brush its belly.

(End of this chapter)

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