Chapter 316 Talk
"Why are you working so hard? It's just entertainment." Jiang Nuannuan stuffed a candy into his mouth, threw the towel on his face, and wiped it along his neck.

Zhai Lin didn't reply. The head teacher next to him came over and said, "Second Young Master Zhai, Miss Jiang, I have sorted out the recent national physical examination report and school performance. Do you want to go to the office together?"

Disability classes are only for citizens. Naturally, his life and performance in school are specially monitored by teachers and reported to them regularly.

Jiang Nuannuan asked him softly, "Can you leave?"

Of course Zhai Lin could still walk, so he put his arm down and put it on her shoulder, "Help me."

This tone was very domineering.

Jiang Nuannuan really put her arms around his waist and back and pulled him up. She pressed her palms against the soaked thin material shirt and felt the rough marks on his back.

She couldn't help but turn her eyes, "After the earthquake, the wound on the back is still not completely healed?"

Zhai Lin tilted his head and said, "It has nothing to do with you."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "It doesn't matter. If you hadn't resisted for a while, I would have been hit."

Zhai Lin lowered his eyes and lowered his eyebrows, and suddenly pulled her into his arms, pressing his lips to the black temples, "If you want to know, find a toilet and I'll let you see."

His tone was harsh and had a sour taste.

The words "someone is waiting for her" made him lose control of his emotions.

Jiang Nuannuan understood in her heart and pursed her lips, "Okay, I'll find a toilet later and let me take a look."

Zhai Lin paused and looked down at her, his eyes filled with lingering surprise.

Then, his eyes darkened, "Okay, as long as you're not afraid."

Probably because he resisted too much some time ago, refused to admit the kiss and was forced to kiss, all of which left in his heart the feeling that she didn't like and hate him. Jiang Nuannuan thought about it and felt that this kind of worrying about gains and losses should be restrained appropriately.

She should take the initiative to attack, but her current identity and situation are very embarrassing, so she has to do it reasonably.

The two of them arrived at the head teacher's private office first.

Thanks to them, she now has an independent office, which is completely separate from other teachers to achieve freedom of space.

On this basis of life and material, she attaches great importance to the people. She takes careful care of her with the teachers of various subjects every day. The physical examination sheets and transcripts spread out in front of them are also very dazzling.

"After the national children's food has been improved, all physical indicators are healthier than those of their peers. In addition, their academic progress has almost caught up. I also found that the paintings he made in the painting class are quite talented."

The sports meeting on the playground was in full swing. Gu Tingyan processed a few electronic files that he had to review, and kept staring at the playground, but Jiang Nuannuan was never seen.

I just heard from a few teachers passing by that the competition for the disabled class was held in the venue. Second Young Master Zhai came to participate in the event in person. Gu Tingyan looked coldly and suddenly opened the door and got out of the car. He crossed the barrier door with a steady pace and walked inside.

After reporting on the situation of the nationals in the office, a little teacher came to tell the head teacher that it was time to gather for the closing ceremony. She hurriedly said to Zhai Lin: "I'll go over to organize it first. You can just come and stand for a photo later."

Soon, there were only two people left in the huge office.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and walked towards the door, "Let's go, let's gather and take pictures too."

As soon as her hand touched the door handle, her long arm stretched out from behind and slammed the half-open door shut again.

Warm breath spreads on the back of the neck, penetrates into the clothes, and evokes tingling as the words are spoken.

"No need to go to the bathroom, just stay here."

Jiang Nuannuan turned close to the door and looked around the office, which was full of education and rigor. "This is the teacher's place."

Zhai Lin pressed the door with one hand and loosened two buttons of his shirt with the other hand. Still continuing, he said impatiently: "You just want to see it, and you don't want to do anything else."

He had no idea that his eyes were thickened with desire, and the threads were wrapped around her body, like a spider's thread.

He pulled out the shirt tied into the casual pants with one hand, unbuttoned the last few buttons, and the veins protruding from the skin on his abdomen crawled out from the elastic waistband, reflecting Jiang Nuannuan's eyes and face.Although he is missing a leg, he is also in excellent shape.

Zhai Lin let go of his hand holding the door, took off his clothes and threw them on the ground. He slowly turned around and walked into the sunlight. On his strong back, there were countless criss-crossing scars and whip marks, superimposed on the old scars, several The area was bruised and bleeding because of a fall just now.

He tilted his head, his jawline fell into shadow, and he didn't know the emotion on his face.

Jiang Nuannuan stepped forward quickly in surprise, and gently touched the edge of the scar with her fingers, "Did Zhai Heng hit you?"

Apart from him, she really couldn't think of anyone else who could take care of him.

The touch made Zhai Lin tighten his abdomen and take a deep breath, "The price of kissing you."

He turned around, his body and shadow enveloped her, "I also like the woman my brother likes, and I want to keep doing it wrong. That's how I got these whippings."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him blankly.

Zhai Lin said self-deprecatingly: "But you won't care, because I am a lunatic who can go crazy at any time."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "I didn't say I didn't care, it's just that the psychologist told me that you thought you liked me because of empathy."

"Stop joking." He lowered his head and approached her and said fiercely: "How does your half-hearted class have anything to do with psychology."

The back of Jiang Nuannuan's neck was held by him, and their lips, which were close to their faces, were almost touching. She looked at the secret fire in his eyes, "At first you hated me for hurting Fu Ying, but now that Fu Ying is back, you want to Let me like you, how could I turn my emotions around and face you so quickly? These scars today really prove that you really like me, I apologize to you for what I said before."

Zhai Lin looked at her for a few seconds, then let go and took a step back into the shadows where the sun could not reach him, "So, you will accept a disabled person?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said along the lines: "I never care about your flaws, otherwise why would I have been with you for so long? This has nothing to do with Zhai Heng. If I couldn't accept you, I would have done it long before Zhai Heng said the contract was terminated. Just choose to end it.”

What she meant by acceptance didn't sound the same as what he meant.

Zhai Lin's eyes flashed slightly, he raised his eyes to look at her, and sneered, "The relationship between you and Zhai Heng is good enough to destroy the contract and stay away from me."

To put it bluntly, he can't compare to him.

Zhai Lin was jealous and sour.


Jiang Nuannuan shook her head quickly. What she focused on was balance.

"You let me see your perfect side. I don't want to end it, but I also don't want to embarrass your brother."

He was startled.

She said: "You have many shining points that attract me to stay."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyebrows were gentle, "He is the same."

Outside the door, the head teacher's voice came closer and closer, accompanied by the click of leather shoes, proving that there was a man beside him.

"They are in the office and may have unfinished conversations."

"Yeah." The low voice responded, quite familiar.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly turned her head to look at the door. She walked over and subconsciously wanted to lock the door, but when she touched the door handle, she thought again. Doesn't locking the door mean that someone is doing something inside?

She looked back at Zhai Lin, whose upper body was naked. He was not wearing any clothes at this time and place, and she couldn't speak clearly.

Zhai Lin stood tall and straight, glancing at her with gray eyes, without even moving a step.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes turned around in a panic, and she placed them on the double-door metal storage cabinet in the corner. With a sudden heart, she grabbed the clothes she had taken off on the floor, and quickly went back and grabbed Zhai Lin's wrist, "Someone is coming. You come here first and we’ll talk later.”

(End of this chapter)

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