Chapter 318 Don't Be Jealous
Gu Tingyan asked: "Where are you going?"

"I had a conversation with Zhai Lin in the corner, and it was about Fu Ying." She tilted her head to look at Zhai Lin, who was looking over, and said, "She can't even afford dog food recently, and the two dogs are very hungry. She’s thin and ugly, her boyfriend and family don’t care about her pregnancy, and Ye Hang hangs out with that guy Zhou Qi, I think something will happen.”

As she spoke, she turned her head to face Gu Tingyan, "Remind him to take a look and pay attention."

In the morning, she bought dog food and delivered it to the community security office. He was there. Gu Tingyan pulled her over and stood next to her, "Let's go."

Zhai Lin, who had put the past behind him, heard Fu Ying's name again, just followed the two of them, and said from behind: "Tell her family about this, I am not her family."

Gu Tingyan glanced at him and said indifferently: "You didn't like her the most."

Zhai Lin raised the corners of his lips, and his sneer was full of inexplicable malice, "I have changed my mind now, just like you."

Who do you like?
Who is closest to Zhai Lin?

The suggestive words caused Jiang Nuannuan's wrist to be tightened, and she interrupted: "Let's go quickly, otherwise the closing ceremony will be over."

The three of them arrived at the indoor basketball stadium. Parents and children were required to take photos at the closing ceremony. The nation's sharp eyes found the most dazzling brother and sister in the crowd, as well as an equally outstanding stranger.

The good thing about being young and not afraid of trouble is that he bravely ran over and held the hands of Jiang Nuannuan and Zhai Lin at the same time, and said crisply: "The teacher said that we want to take a family photo and hang it on the class wall. Mom and dad won't come, but brothers and sisters will come. "

Gu Tingyan's ears only captured the family portrait and his parents. He stared at Jiang Nuannuan expressionlessly, and a few words escaped from his thin lips, "Family portrait?"

The citizen raised three fingers and said, "Only three people can take the photo!"

Zhai Lin took the little hand and said, "Let's take pictures."

Jiang Nuannuan tugged on Gu Tingyan's sleeves and said softly: "If his parents don't come, we have to go. Don't be unhappy."

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, his eyes darkened, "It's not the child's problem, it's Zhai Lin who is deliberately getting close to you."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Jiang Nuannuan said, "I didn't know him at first, but you asked me to go. Now we have become good friends. You can't be jealous."

"He said he has changed his mind. I think the only possibility is you." Gu Tingyan looked at this innocent yet inexplicably attractive face. He never thought those people would like her before. They all liked different types. But later it was discovered that this was not the case, and she was liked by everyone.

This feeling is not good.

"But I only admit that you are my boyfriend, right? Don't be jealous of your boyfriend." Jiang Nuannuan knows how to smooth things over. So what if she admits it? He won't make it public now. After all, the engagement to Feixin is not over yet. How long will it take before this becomes public, and that will push her into a pit of fire.

After finally appeasing the man who couldn't take a 'family photo', Jiang Nuannuan picked up the letter jacket that was just thrown here and handed it to Zhai Lin for him to put on, "You have some blood stains on your back, put on the cover. Let’s deal with it when we get back.”

Guo Guo said cheerfully: "My brother said he would reward me with KFC later."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Reward?"

Zhai Lin looked at the photographer in front of him, "You studied well, I gave you a reward."

The people opened their mouths, but they didn’t say study just now.
It was obvious that he deliberately squeezed out his sister's boss, so his brother gave him the reward.

When taking pictures, Zhai Lin bent down and picked up Guomin, standing side by side with Jiang Nuannuan. Guomin mustered up the courage to turn sideways in Zhai Lin's arms and kissed Jiang Nuannuan.

The photographer captured this moment.

Two people of similar age, equally casually dressed and equally outstanding in appearance, stood together holding a child.

Zhai Lin, who had been in a haze for several days, now had a smile on his face, full of youthfulness.

When Gu Tingyan saw this scene, he couldn't help but wonder whether it would be weird for him, 29, to be exposed to those trendy clothes again.

He never wears shirts and jackets with patterns and letters on them, or those long jewelry and earrings.

Zhai Lin didn't make any more trouble and left with the people to eat KFC. Jiang Nuannuan followed Gu Tingyan back to the car. The moment the car door closed, she was hugged around the waist and kissed her thinly. She looked up. She tilted her head and crossed her arms to meet him.

After kissing for a long time, the back of her head was pushed against the window. She had to hold his face, which he kept trying to touch, and proactively said, "Shall we take a group photo too?" Gu Tingyan rubbed her waist and calmed down. ,"Why?"

"Let's take a group photo together as a couple." Jiang Nuannuan said with a smile, "Isn't it good?"

If I don’t take pictures, I’m afraid he won’t be able to live with this incident.

He was silent and said, "Okay, let's go to the mall first."

Jiang Nuannuan asked curiously: "Why? I have nothing to buy."

Gu Tingyan said quietly: "I'll buy it. If you like men's fancy clothes, I can try it again."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, then smiled and threw herself into his arms, "Ah, didn't I tell you that I like calm men? You don't need to change your clothes."

"Isn't it good to be young?" Gu Tingyan hugged her and looked at a group of primary school students outside the window, saying calmly, "They are full of energy."

"That really doesn't matter."

"It's enough that you have good physical strength. On the other hand, you are more energetic than them. I like them best."


System 66: "Alipay received 3000 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 95%."

Gu Tingyan looked calm and said, "Okay, let's go home early tonight and start."

Jiang Nuannuan: ".."

A week later, the Internet news was full of negative information about Gu Shizhou.

Photos of him attending various parties and hanging out with beauties were posted, instantly attracting many first-, second-, and third-tier celebrities. Even the photos of him and Bo Liang arm-in-arm as brothers were written by the media as suspected of being unisex. Extremely heavy and criticized.

Jiang Nuannuan read the news after receiving a call from Hang Panxia. She warned her on the phone to stay away from the two men and that she would go abroad for a while. Her tone was full of disgust, as if she was being pestered. .

Jiang Nuannuan's Weibo is also blowing up, and Qiao Lin Jewelry also has its own audience and fans. Everyone is very unified in hoping that she will stay away from the scumbag. She must not be with such a man. Her happiness will be ruined for the rest of her life.

She silently put down her phone and looked at Gu Shizhou, who was sitting in front of her with his legs crossed. Not long after the studio opened, he came. He also had short blue-purple hair and sparkling galaxy earrings, and his shirt was loosely worn on his body. , the whole person is full of looseness and unruliness.

She asked: "Aren't you anxious? The news outside is like that."

Gu Shizhou curled his lips, "I'm anxious. I'm even more anxious because you saw these photos and disliked me for running away with someone else."

Gu Tingyan made this idea and secretly told Jiang Nuannuan how bad his character was.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned back in her chair, "I don't know how. I've verified that you don't have much experience."

Gu Shizhou touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue and leaned forward, "The more you practice it, the better it will be for you."

She couldn't compare to him when it came to talking dirty. She snorted, "Okay, shut up."

Gu Shizhou smiled and went back to sit down, "I came back from the airport and got some news by accident."

Jiang Nuannuan: "What?"

"From now on, Linggang Airport will not let you get on the plane without my brother's permission." Gu Shizhou chuckled, "He did the right thing and didn't let you run around again."

Jiang Nuannuan really didn't know about Gu Tingyan's secret moves, but now he has exposed them all. Is it because the two brothers are slandering each other and competing for favor?

(End of this chapter)

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