Chapter 321 I protect you

The waiter led them to the VIP channel, lowered his head and said respectfully: "The boss has made arrangements."

The box was located on the second floor with a huge platform. Zhai Heng loosened his hand and put it on her shoulder, "Come here."

Jiang Nuannuan took off her thin jacket and wore a tight, creamy white sweater that was slim and close to her skin.

He handed the coat to the waiter and hung it up. His eyes stayed on her for a moment, then he naturally held her waist and said, "Stand on the platform."

The entire gambling situation on the first floor could be seen from the second floor. She lowered her head and found Zhou Qi and Ye Hang in the place where the most people gathered.

Jiang Nuannuan frowned slightly, "Sure enough, Zhou Qi brought Ye Hang here to gamble."

"Not long ago, he coaxed Ye Hang to sign a 1000 million gambling debt." Zhai Heng said calmly, his voice as cold as Qinxue.

Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at him, "Have you been sending people to follow them?"

"I said I would protect you, so of course I have to be careful about everything." He lowered his eyes and looked at her, with a smile at the end of his voice, and his voice was clean and gentle.

Taking the juice cup from the waiter, Jiang Nuannuan leaned into his arms, "Is it made by Fu Shiliu? This is only for her family."

Zhai Heng said warmly: "That 1000 million is a fake contract that Zhou Qi tricked Ye Hang into signing. Why did he do this for no reason?"

So it could only be Fu Shiliu's instruction, and every move of their family was monitored under his eyes.

"Then she has become smarter." Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, "People like Ye Hang have no other choice but to find ways to betray Fu Ying with money. If Fu Ying aborts the child after being heartbroken, she can kill two birds with one stone. "

After returning to Linggang, Fu Ying never had a good day. Most of the time, her sister Fu Shiliu was operating behind the scenes to manipulate people's hearts.

The family hadn't realized that Zhai Lin no longer loved Fu Ying.

If such a lunatic truly loves, he will never let go.

Zhai Heng asked the waiter to serve the food and said to her: "Zhou Qi likes to gamble. I can make the casino open a table for him and let him gamble with Ye Hang. You can choose to let Ye Hang win and he will be safe and sound." He can return home and have his wife again, or he can choose Zhou Qi to continue his good luck and let Ye Hang have his legs removed and thrown in front of the police station."

"How do you want to choose?"

With a few words, he put the fate of the three people in her hands.

Zhou Qi, who was looking at the roulette wheel with great interest, did not realize the danger at all. Next to him, Ye Hang, who looked slightly decadent, was separated by bodyguards and was still talking hysterically.

Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at him, "I think this kind of gamble is fair."

Zhai Heng chuckled softly, took a small dessert from the dining cart and handed it to her mouth, "What is fairness? Ye Hang didn't have to pay for the 1000 million, but Zhou Qi secretly asked someone to pay for the cards. He also has some friendship with the casino owner.”

He had become familiar with it every day, so he took the opportunity to trick Ye Hang. Jiang Nuannuan thought so, still holding the juice cup in her hand, she opened her mouth and bit into the crispy dessert, "Chestnut chocolate?"

"Would it be sweet?" He watched her eat.

"No, the sweetness is just right." Jiang Nuannuan licked the chocolate sauce on her lips, her chin was suddenly pinched, and then her cheek was gently held up. Zhai Heng lowered his head and sucked her gently. of lips.

She was stunned for a moment, ignoring the licking on her lips, and only looked into those clear and watery eyes, so gentle and caring.

The slightest hint of sweetness entered his mouth, and Zhai Heng slowly left her, his fingertips wiping away the trace of water that had thickened at the corners of his lips.

Looking at her red cheeks, he sighed and laughed, "I can't eat too many sweets, so I can only try this."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip and asked, "Is that delicious?"

Zhai Heng wiped his hands with a tissue, and there was a nice curve in the corner of his mouth. "I have never tasted something so delicious." Jiang Nuannuan laughed, "It's a pity that you can't eat more."

He held her waist again and followed her words: "Yes, you can't eat too much here."

Jiang Nuannuan followed him to the box and sat down, "Let Ye Hang go back. It will be very harmful to Fu Yingyue if she beats her child when she is older. I believe she will never agree to give up a life. She is now She has no earning power, and if she wants to return to the Fu family and live a good life, she must abort the child and get close to Zhai Lin. It is difficult for her, she has no way out, and she cannot lack someone to take care of her."

Zhai Heng nodded, "Okay."

He rang the service bell, called the waiter, and signaled him: "Let the casino lend Ye Hang more money to gamble with."

Zhai Heng said warmly: "But the rules of the game have changed this time."

The casino owner never made a loss-making business, so he directly asked someone to bring Ye Hang.

Why did Fu Shiliu let Zhou Qi cheat people? This money must be repaid several times.

There is no yin-yang contract this time.

"I'll give you 5 million, and you go and bet again with Mr. Zhou."

Killing fish only costs a few dollars a month, and the money earned in several lifetimes will not be enough. All Ye Hang can think of is gambling for gambling. Of course he wants to go to the police station, but gambling is within the rules and is legal throughout the process. There was no evidence of the fake contract on his property, so he was desperate.

He desperately asked Zhou Qi to help, but the grandson turned against him and scorned him. How could a fish-killer play with him?

He was too angry to speak, and even had the idea of ​​killing someone.

Until the 5 million was smashed down, which made him dizzy, "You want to trick me again? I'm just a fish killer, and I can't pay back even if I lose a few lives!"

The casino owner smoked a cigar and said in a rich voice: "What I mean is that if I give you these 1000 million to gamble with, no matter how many times it is multiplied, you can only get the [-] million you owe in gambling debt, and whatever is left will be the same." It’s okay for you, you can go back safely and no one will come to you again.”

Ye Hang asked blankly: "You cheated me out of 1000 million, why are you so merciful and want to let me go now?"

"To gamble, or not to gamble?"

There was no turning back anyway, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Bet!"

"Sign it."

Another contract written in black and white floated down.

Ye Hang didn't even read the terms this time. He waved his hand and signed his name. Then he stood up with a pair of limp legs, went to the hall outside, and shouted at Zhou Qi at the gambling table not far away: "Zhou Qi ! Come and bet with me!"

The voice echoed in the vast hall, full of anger and fighting spirit.

There was a screen placed in front of Jiang Nuannuan, which broadcast the whole situation live. She ate a few more desserts and got tired of it. "Zhou Qi is very lucky."

Only then did Zhai Heng take his eyes away from her and look at the screen slowly, "Only when you taste the sweetness will you continue to increase the amount."

"What are the total assets of his family?" Jiang Nuannuan asked curiously: "Do you know?"

"Well, it's just a small amount of money." Zhai Heng stroked her long hair, "People like that have to suffer a little bit before they can be at ease."

This was a pun, and it was clear that Fu Shiliu had not suffered enough.

(End of this chapter)

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