Chapter 33
Lu Ling was already a little unable to get off stage at this moment.

She smiled awkwardly, unable to hide her panic.

After dinner, Hang Panxia and Luo Ling took the initiative to clean up the kitchen. After counting today's income, everyone said good night and went back to their rooms to rest.

The camera in the bedroom was wrapped in clothes. Hang Panxia turned off the microphone and fell on the bed laughing. "Lu Ling obviously doesn't know how to cook, and she insists on pulling you and trampling on you. Let's see how she ends up tomorrow."

"She has been stepping on me in the kitchen since morning." Jiang Nuannuan smiled evilly, "I guess many people want to scold me after the show airs."

But if nothing else, they will be slapped hard in the face by her again.

She always liked the pleasure of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Hang Panxia sighed and said, "But I never thought that you would like to cook when you were the daughter of a wealthy family."

Isn't that the inner core has been changed? Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Personal hobby."

Before getting ready to go to bed, her cell phone suddenly rang.

After a closer look, it was Gu Tingyan calling.

This was a rare occasion for him to take the initiative to call her.

Jiang Nuannuan's hair suddenly stood up. She picked up her phone and rushed into the toilet. She calmed down for a while before picking it up.


A soft voice came from the receiver. Gu Tingyan, who was leaning in the boss's chair, turned his pen and his cold eyes fell on the computer screen.

Assistant Li has been following Gu Shizhou's schedule to prevent him from causing any scandals that will end badly. Now he saw that Jiang Nuannuan and Gu Shizhou were on trending searches together, and it was also a restaurant variety show. This melon was immediately delivered to Gu Tingyan .

The boss's secret lover actually appeared on the show with his biological brother, which is strange no matter how you think about it.

"Where did you go to play?" Gu Tingyan asked coldly, with no emotion audible.

Jiang Nuannuan guessed that he must know, otherwise he wouldn't call her.

She whispered: "It's an island. I just wanted to go to the beach to relax. I accidentally happened on a restaurant show here. They had a celebrity who had ruptured hemorrhoids and needed someone to replace him, and that's when I happened to meet him."

This was not convincing enough, so she added: "The director recognized me and felt that I was very topical and asked me to help. I thought that the guest participating in this variety show was your brother, so I agreed to help. "

Before Gu Tingyan could speak, she quickly gave her assurance, "Don't worry, I just told the outside world that you gave me a long vacation to adjust my mood. I haven't officially started work yet."

The implication was that she revealed nothing.

Gu Tingyan was silent. She had finished speaking and had nothing to say.

"Keep your distance from Gu Shizhou."

"Why?" Jiang Nuannuan asked curiously.

"He's out of his mind."

Jiang Nuannuan almost couldn't help laughing, so this phone call was actually because he was afraid that she would cause sparks with his brother again?Her stand-in is indeed in demand.

"I see."

"Stay for a few days."

"Only 7 days, I'll be back soon." She answered immediately, and said with a shy attitude: "Will you come to Sunshine Garden when I come back? I suddenly want to cook seafood for you."

Gu Tingyan stared at the computer screen. A variety show poster popped up on the web page. It showed a girl with fair skin and girlishness bending down to handle seafood. Her eyes were focused, a strand of broken hair lightly resting on her eyelashes, and her curved lips were red and moist.

Gu Tingyan recalled that time at Nanchun Hotel, when she was drunk and kissed his face. She was indeed still young.

Unconsciously, the man's thin lips curled up slightly, "Yeah, I'll do it."

A small laugh came from the other end of the phone, and then Jiang Nuannuan whispered: "I live with a girl. I can't disturb her anymore. Hang up first." "Yes."

The phone hangs up.

System 66 is incredible: "50 has been received from Alipay, and Gu Tingyan's favorability is 13%. He was actually coaxed by you with just a few words."

Jiang Nuannuan replied: "It's normal. Gu Tingyan doesn't really love me. Gu Shizhou and I can only meet by chance. Of course it's easy to coax if the reasons are in place."

When she came out of the toilet holding her cell phone, she planned to send a message to Fei Jinzhao. Remembering that he left like this last time, she seemed a little angry.

【Are you there? 】

As soon as the message was sent, a bright red exclamation mark suddenly appeared, indicating that she had been deleted as a friend by the other party.

Jiang Nuannuan: ".Fried!"

That's not it, how long did it take before she was blocked?She even spent money to buy medicine for him!Heartless! !

Hang Panxia walked around her with the toiletries and asked casually: "You performed very well today and have been very popular online. Will you consider entering the entertainment industry in the future?"

"Ignore it, the job in the Gu Group is quite stable." Jiang Nuannuan shook her head decisively. At most, she would just follow Gu Shizhou to get involved in the circle. It is impossible to join the circle. Wouldn't this persona collapse?

Her answer also made Hang Panxia breathe a sigh of relief. She carefully looked at the facial features of the two people. Some places were similar, but the other person's eyebrows were more delicate than hers. If they were both entertainers in the entertainment industry, their chances of getting ahead would be small. .

Early in the morning, Gu Shizhou set out again with two companions to buy groceries.

Lu Ling stayed up late last night to catch up on her cooking knowledge and didn't sleep all night. She met everyone this morning and now has two obvious dark circles under her eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan was very considerate and went to the kitchen to make the last pot of seafood porridge for everyone to have for breakfast. Then she smiled and took off her apron, put her gloves on Lu Ling, and gave her a big blow on the lower back. bow.

"I'm counting on you tonight."

Lu Ling pulled his lips, and his expression when he smiled was stiff.

Everyone in the group knew that she couldn't cook, but no one except Jiang Nuannuan dared to help.

If you come out to hang out, you will always have to pay it back.

Gu Shizhou also bought the same seafood as yesterday and some vegetables.

A group of people gathered around to wash vegetables. Lu Ling also squatted down to help, but was so frightened by a crab that tried to pinch her finger that she almost fell off the bench.

She doesn't look like she can cook.

This situation prompted Lu Ling's assistant to promptly contact her agent, who then called the program team, hoping to change her role as a cook.

The program team clearly agreed, but they were hesitant and didn't make any move.

Why change such a controversial picture?
Originally, "Island Life" was about to be canceled because it was too dull. The director didn't want to give up this opportunity. At most, he would film a few foreign aids coming to save the film at night.

Time passed little by little. Lu Lingzuo waited and waited without waiting for the program team to come up with a good solution. Seeing that it was almost noon, he had to prepare lunch for everyone.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her plastered wrist, muttering that it still hurt a little, and had no intention of getting up to get food for everyone.

Gu Shizhou heard what she said, went upstairs and brought her a new box of plaster.

"I bought it on the way this morning." He tore open the plaster box and took out the patch. "Give me your hand to help you apply it."

Jiang Nuannuan saw that he was serious and showed no strange and frivolous expression, so she obediently handed over his hand.

Under the camera, he is quite restrained.

Hang Panxia took the initiative and asked, "Sister Lu Ling, it's almost one o'clock, can we cook? The dishes are all ready."

(End of this chapter)

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