Chapter 340 Let’s go on a date at night?
"How about we come back another day, Mom." Rong Zhao put down the paper cup and was stopped by a look from Rong's mother when he wanted to leave.

The two of them looked at the beautiful girl coming in from the door.

Fei Jinzhao stood by the window, heat pouring into the collar of his shirt, his expression a little tense, "Why are you here so suddenly?"

"I have nothing to do, so I wanted to come and see you." Jiang Nuannuan smelled a smell of cigarette smoke as soon as she entered the door. She was still young. She walked to the table and asked, "Have you smoked a lot?"

Fei Jin was speechless, paused for a few seconds and then said, "I've been busy with work lately."

Jiang Nuannuan walked around the table, closed the window behind him, and looked up at him, "You handle things first, I'll wait for you next to it."

"No, I'm done." Fei Jinzhao said, "Let's go to the lounge."

"Why are you done with this? We haven't discussed it in detail yet." Rong's mother quickly took the contract in front of her and spread it out on her desk. "We are all fellow villagers. If you don't cheat me, I will never cheat you. As long as you According to the original budget, it is enough. I will never cut corners and make it for you. Not to mention Sumire Zhao, you also know that this year’s economic downturn means our business is not doing well. You have to help the people in the same village. The good news will not go to other people’s fields. Let’s all get rich together, right?”

Rong Zhao stood silently beside him, his eyes lowered and he didn't know where to look.

Mother Rong poked her with her elbow and said, "Say something."

Rong Zhao clenched his fists and mustered up the courage to raise his head and said, "I also study art. Last time you rejected us, this time I want to negotiate with you as a designer. I can help you save a design fee. Leave this job to us.”

"I am now at the stage of returning to China for internship in college, and I need this performance."

She took out a few design drawings she drew. Fei Jinzhao didn't look at them directly, but handed the documents to Jiang Nuannuan.

"Look at it."

He Hui also asked her to take care of this matter. Jiang Nuannuan did not hide her selfish intentions and let the business be done.

There were five manuscripts in total. She carefully read through them all, and finally shook her head, "No."

She put the document back on the table. Fei Jinzhao didn't pick it up and read it again, and just acquiesced to her words.

Rong Zhao's face turned pale, his self-esteem was instantly hit, "Fei Jinzhao, don't you even want to take a look? We don't talk about the past, don't hide our selfishness, can't we just do business first?"

When Rong's mother heard this, she thought it was Fei Jinzhao who was worried about the fact that he was dumped by Rong Zhao in the past. She immediately became furious and her tone became violent, "Jinzhao, only an expert can understand this. After all, our Zhaozhao painted it ourselves, why did you let an unrelated woman do it? She also apologized to you for what happened in the past, didn’t she? "

He Hui arrived with small desserts and coffee at this time. She put the things on the table and said, "I don't know what flavor Mr. Jiang likes, so I just bought some."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Thank you."

Rong Zhao's face turned paler, his eyes swayed slightly, and he looked at her, "Mr. Jiang?"

Fei Jinzhao couldn't comment, she pressed her fingers against the design document and pushed it back intact, "We are currently cooperating with Qiao Lin Jewelry. She is the boss, and her designers are responsible for controlling our design drawings, so no one can compete with her. She knows whether it’s okay or not.”

He paused for a moment and looked at Rong Zhao with cold chestnut eyes, "I'm also doing business, don't get me wrong."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and took out a can of coffee, "I suggest you go to a small company to learn first. There are problems with basic color matching and fabric selection. The drawings are very average and have no highlights."

It's far worse than the designers she recruited who graduated from prestigious schools.

A college student who was about to graduate and unaware of the dangers of society presented a work he was confident in, but was told that it was worthless.

Rong Zhao's eyes were red and he looked like he was about to cry.

Rong's mother pressed her hands on the table and stared at Jiang Nuannuan with eyes as big as copper bells. She felt that she was deliberately looking for trouble, "What does the jewelry designer have to do with clothing? If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Nuannuan answered patiently: "Jewelry is the main business, but it doesn't mean that you don't know how to dress. The two complement each other. I can see the things that are problematic, that is, it won't work. No one likes to pair expensive jewelry with one piece." On Taobao, the products co-branded with us are bound to be the best.”

As someone who is well versed in this industry, she put it very bluntly. Rong Zhao's designs are currently not suitable for high-end design. Her journey has just begun. It is normal to not think about reaching the sky in one step, but to slowly climb up.

Rong's mother endured this sigh and said to Fei Jinzhao: "Okay, then you will design it, and my factory will be responsible for supplying it."

From left to right, she always looks arrogant and bosses me around. You must leave the work to me.

In Jiang Nuannuan's eyes, this attitude was really disrespectful and disrespectful even if Fei Jinzhao regarded him as a once-down-and-out person.

Fei Jinzhao raised the corners of her lips and said with cold eyes, "Aunt Rong, it's not your turn to eat this cake now. When will your scale expand? OEM brands are not street vendors. They have professional research teams and manufacturers. Printmaker, let’s discuss cooperation issues again.”

He directly rang the phone and asked his secretary to come and see the guests off.

Rong's mother looked ugly, "You don't know how difficult it is to get into this business these days, yet you still don't help the people in the same village, and you don't help Rong Zhao either."

Fei Jin didn't even raise her head, "I have nothing to do with the various tasks in your factory."

He also opened the small cake in the box and said softly to the girl next to him: "Go sit on the sofa."

Rong's mother grabbed Rong Zhao's arm, cursed and walked out, "It's a shame that Zhao Zhao has been thinking about you for so many years. You are really a white-eyed wolf."

"Mom!" Rong Zhao scolded her immediately, with tears in his eyes, "Can you please stop mentioning this!"

No trace of her face was left.

Rong's mother got angry and scolded her, "It's not that you don't live up to your expectations. Your uncle Wang's son is coming tonight. If he has good conditions, go and meet him. Don't waste your time on heartless people."

The voice gradually faded away, but it seemed that it was said to Fei Jinzhao on purpose.

He closed the door directly, completely cutting off the sound of the shrew's curse.

Jiang Nuannuan sat down holding the coffee cup, watched him bring the cake over, and said, "Don't take those words to heart."

"I do not mind."

Fei Jinzhao opened the drawer, took out a bank card that had been prepared long ago, and handed it to her.

She was stunned for a moment, "Why are you giving me money all of a sudden?"

He was silent, "I knew it was you for the money you advanced for grandma and the school's increase in scholarships and the scholarships given to me."

Jiang Nuannuan took it and heard him say: "This is all the profits I made. I don't owe you anything now." Fei Jinzhao was silent for a moment and looked down at the card, "I also pay you back." I cleared my bank loan and I have no debt.”

Do you want to choose to try with me?

The words always got stuck at critical moments and he couldn't say them out.

Fei Jinzhao knew that she wanted to raise Jiang Nuannuan, but the current worth of tens of millions was far from enough.

Jiang Nuannuan took a spoonful of lemon cake and handed it to his mouth, "Eat."

Fei Jinzhao swallowed it, and the sour and sweet taste made the sadness between his brows fade a little.

Jiang Nuannuan said softly: "That's good. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just take your time."

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lips and said, "Can you wait any longer?"

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "What are you waiting for?"

"I want to swallow up Fei Jingtian's family property, but it's not easy to do. I'm still planning." He didn't shy away from talking about his ambitions in front of her, "I need power and money."

He needs enough money and social status to be able to stand beside her and resist those men who are eyeing her.

There were too many emotions in those chestnut eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan put down the spoon, put her hand on his leg and leaned closer, "Why do you need so much money? You are not someone who pursues fame and fortune."

Fei Jinzhao straightened up and turned away to avoid her gaze, "When you were unconscious, I overheard other people's comments about you."

"What evaluation?"

"Gold swallowing beast."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Seeing her expression, Fei Jinzhao was a little speechless, and then explained, "I don't think there is anything wrong with this description, it's just that it's not easy for me to raise you."

So he was going to rob other people's property to support her as soon as possible?

Jiang Nuannuan thought it was quite funny, "But I think I am quite hard-working."

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lips and looked at her.

Jiang Nuannuan was touched and raised her head to kiss him on the cheek, "I prefer to accompany a person to success. The Fei family has a great cause and its forces are intertwined. There is no need for you to be in danger again because of me."

Fei Jinzhao's whole body stiffened, and the thigh muscles under her palms were like warm stones.

For a while, he couldn't figure out the answer, or didn't dare to think deeply about the possibility, so he asked in a low voice: "What do you mean?"

"How much money you have is not very important." Jiang Nuannuan said with a smile, "What matters is that I like it."

After knowing that she had many followers and even having an affair with them, Fei Jinzhao really wanted to ask her if this was teasing. She wanted to play with his feelings again.

If so, will he refuse?

Fei Jinzhao's face turned slightly cold.

He Hui opened the door inappropriately and came in, "Mr. Fei, the meeting is about to start at 2 p.m."

He Hui saw his extremely abnormal expression and Jiang Nuannuan's approach to him, and pretended not to notice, coughing twice, "We are waiting for you in the conference room."

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to sit back, but Fei Jinzhao pinned her wrist on her leg. He said, "You can push her if you know how."

He wanted to confirm things.

If she left now, he would be restless all day.

Jiang Nuannuan showed a sweet smile, "I'm not leaving. You have a good meeting first. I'll wait here for you to get off work, and then go out on a date together in the evening?"

The word date instantly struck Fei Jinzhao's heart.

His eyes became stunned.

"Date with me?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, her almond-shaped eyes were crooked, even more disturbing than the summer wind outside, "Yes, we haven't had a good date yet."

Fei Jinzhao's throat was a little dry, and she stared straight at her, "You know what kind of relationship you need to date."

Even though he knew the outcome might not be good, he was still tempted and couldn't help himself.

Jiang Nuannuan's voice was soft and soft, sounding like a sticky little hook.

"I know, you have to assume the role of boyfriend."

During a whole new project discussion meeting in the afternoon, Fei Jinzhao was distracted because of the word "boyfriend".

Originally, everyone thought that he had a bad temper recently and was difficult to talk to, and they were all prepared to be beaten back. But today, no matter what plans or personal ideas he proposed, they could get his unusually calm advice, instead of the usual cold winter snow. The kind of tone that could freeze someone to death.

He Hui saw that he was quite anxious and had to look at his watch almost every ten minutes.

She thought that Fei always left his soul directly on Mr. Jiang in the office.

That girl is so handy, she deserves to be their future boss lady.

(Composition: I went on a trip today to look at furniture, first update, 3000+ words)
(End of this chapter)

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