Chapter 343 100%

Fei Jinzhao actually didn't believe this, but he might as well be provoked by her. Her love words could always make him fall for him in various ways.

He held her arm and pulled it down, pressing it on the armrest box, maintaining his calmness, "Where are they? What are you going to do? Say the same thing to everyone?"

Jiang Nuannuan replied without hesitation: "You are the only boyfriend I have, tell them I am yours."

The atmosphere in the car froze.

Fei Jin's hand on her arm was so stiff that he couldn't believe it. He closed his eyes and swallowed the complicated emotions, "Are you serious, or are you kidding me again."

"Seriously." Jiang Nuannuan's face was serious and she stared at him with wet eyes, "I'm not kidding, I know I like Fei Jinzhao."

His heart fluttered.

Fei Jinzhao opened his eyes, and the sudden rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was not as calm as he appeared.

"Knock knock."

Seeing that they had been parked here for too long, a traffic policeman on a motorcycle knocked on the car window.

Fei Jinzhao pressed the window, said sorry, drove away, and let the hot wind blow on his cheeks, blowing away the hot breath.

Jiang Nuannuan saw him being so silent and felt that it shouldn't be the case.

She also stopped talking, as if she thought she was being rejected, her head drooped, her face full of frustration.

As soon as the car was parked in the basement of the cinema, she unbuckled her seat belt and wanted to get out, but Fei Jinzhao grabbed her wrist and dragged her back from the car door.

He pulled her chin back and pinched it, lowered his head and kissed her.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment.

The kiss was ferocious and urgent. Within a few minutes, her lips were a little painful from being sucked on, and the wrist held by him was still unable to move.

Cars come and go in the basement.

Someone passed by and casually glanced into the car, then quickly averted his gaze, blocking the child's sight.

Fei Jinzhao didn't care about the occasion at all, until Jiang Nuannuan licked his lips to please him, and pitifully squeezed out broken syllables, "It hurts."

He stopped, his nose touched hers, his voice tightened, "Jiang Nuannuan, you are not young anymore, you can't bully me again and again."

"I didn't." She swore frankly, feeling guilty inside.

Fei Jinzhao: "So you go and tell them that I am your boyfriend."

Unsure of what exactly he heard, he repeated what he had just said.

Looking at his sharp and cold handsome face, Jiang Nuannuan said firmly: "I'll tell them that I'm yours."

If her warm touch hadn't been too real, Fei Jin would have thought he was falling into a sweet dream.

"No deception?" he murmured softly.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "No."

He pursed his lips, and his mind was turned into a mess by her.

She would make him not care about anything and take it seriously.

Fei Jinzhao opened the door, suppressing her emotions that were about to burst, "Let's go watch a movie first."

Jiang Nuannuan touched her lower lip and responded blankly, "Oh."

Too bad they still missed the movie.

Half an hour had passed since they entered the theater, and Jiang Nuannuan had finished watching an entire romance movie in a fog. Jiang Nuannuan didn't even understand. As people flowed by, Fei Jinzhao carefully protected her as she walked out.

There is also a night market stall on the street next to the cinema downstairs.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't have enough to eat at night, so she took him to a place full of fireworks for a late-night snack, nibbled on a bunch of squid, and said with satisfaction: "These are still to my taste."

Fei Jinzhao was holding her bag and leading someone, and it still felt a little unreal in the crowded night market.

The owner of the sweet potato cart praised him for being handsome, so Jiang Nuannuan proudly took his arm and told him that he was her boyfriend.

After cutting the fragrant sweet potato in half, she took a spoonful and put it to Fei Jinzhao's mouth, "Taste it, is it sweet?"

He lowered his head slightly to eat, looking at her, "It's sweet."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled cutely, took a piece with the same spoon and ate it herself, "I think it's sweet too."

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lower lip.

Jiang Nuannuan thought about it and said to him, "I quite like Feixin, he is generous and generous."

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes and asked her, "Are you friends with her?" He remembered that she was engaged to Gu Tingyan, and he also participated.

If they can become friends, does it mean that she doesn't mind Gu Tingyan's emotional state at all?A contract is really just a contract.

"It's a friend. She's a very nice person." Jiang Nuannuan stuffed the half-eaten sweet potatoes into a plastic bag and put it on her wrist, stopping in front of him. "You don't want to take the risk of messing with the Fei family, okay? I'm afraid of putting you in danger. And I’m very well-raised.”

Fei Jinzhao still didn't nod. She put her hands around his waist and got into his arms, "You just don't believe that I really like you."

He hummed softly.

Jiang Nuannuan made up her mind and said to him seriously: "Then we can get married. Is this enough to give you a sense of security?"

A thunder struck the ground.

A few seconds later, Fei Jinzhao reacted and his heart was beating wildly. He didn't know whether his girl understood the meaning of these words. This was enough to make him dizzy.

Fei Jinzhao stared at her with his chestnut eyes. After a while, he heard his nervous and trembling voice, "You want to marry me?"

Jiang Nuannuan tapped her chest, "I thought clearly, I like you very much here, and I didn't lie to Fei Jinzhao."

"No regrets?"

"No regrets."

Fei Jinzhao hugged her tightly, almost strangling her to death.

Jiang Nuannuan could clearly feel that his whole body was trembling.

System 66: "7000 million has been received in Alipay, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 100%, the total amount is 25 billion, the goal has been achieved."

The inappropriate words of 66 rang in her ears, and Jiang Nuannuan's guilt immediately flooded into her eyes out of Fei Jinzhao's sight.

She bit her lower lip and buried it in the crook of his neck.

I lied to him for the last time.

After sending Jiang Nuannuan away, Fei Jin recalled her to the cold apartment, took out the last gold ring left by her grandmother, and looked at it under the warm light for a long time.

He remembered that his mother had a nice name, Wen Wan.

I also remember that my grandmother said that she was usually weak and gentle, which was why the traffickers succeeded, so they kidnapped her in the village.

He also understood that Fei Jingtian was out on business at that time and saved Wen Wan. Even though he had a wife and daughter, he fell in love with her without telling her about his marital status and wanted her.

Later, the woman collapsed after learning the truth and returned to the village to give birth to him. At that time, the rumors in the village were enough to kill people.

His mother passed away not long after giving birth to him, and his entire childhood and his grandmother were tortured by rumors and poverty. In order to support him, his grandmother worked many small jobs, and in the end she died of blood cancer. .

Fei Jingtian would not know this.

He only came back when he needed bone marrow and traded it with a dying gaming company.

Fei Jinzhao didn't want to let go of the man who had ruined her and her grandmother's lives.

But now there is truly a girl in his arms that he wants to protect and is willing to be his wife.

The only thing he cared about was her.

He didn't want her to get hurt at all, and he would consider her safety.

His bottom line will retreat again and again, and finally he will be willing to shrink into a shell with only her, restrain his edge, and slowly get on the right track according to her expectations.

He is willing to take the high road, and just wants to keep each other warm with her for the rest of his life.

He will wear that gold ring and bind the girl when she is passionate about him.

Zhai Lin waited for her to officially talk about it, and then made a love request to her. Fei Jinzhao decided to marry her, and she set the time for both parties at the same time next week.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't have much time left, and she didn't want to delay it any longer. She even felt that she was bad enough.

She didn't want to hurt anyone, but she was afraid of being wiped out, and as a greedy human nature, she longed for the 100 billion she would get in reality.

This time, she set her target on Gu Tingyan.

It's time for another follow-up visit today, and his Maybach is downstairs.

Gu Tingyan waited for a while.

He was in a bad mood during this period and was always worried that she would change her mind and leave with someone else during the few days he was away from Bishui Bay.

Li Zhu's words in the office clicked on him.

"I think it's just right. Without that relationship, you can pursue her openly."

(End of this chapter)

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