Chapter 360 Game Hall

Jiang Nuannuan still ate the cake quickly, then picked up the chopsticks and put the noodles into two clean small bowls.

The longevity noodles were so long that she didn't want to cut them off. She stood up and circled her chopsticks several times before putting them in.

Zhai Heng watched her struggle with the noodles with great interest, "How long can longevity noodles be stretched so long?"

There was pure stupidity in that tone. Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and said, "You don't know?"

"I've never had anything like this." Zhai Heng picked up the chopsticks and admitted lightly.

His birthday is an 'exchange meeting' every year. Regardless of whether he is a politician or a wealthy businessman, he will go home with something gained.

Putting vegetables and noodles among a pile of Western-style dishes would cause disgrace to the family and no one would touch them.

Jiang Nuannuan gave him the poached eggs, "Then eat more."

Zhai Heng smiled at her with a sympathetic expression, but he also accepted her kindness, "Okay, this egg can be used as payment for playing with me tonight."

It was just after 6 o'clock when the two of them finished eating longevity noodles.

The car Zhai Heng came in had already driven away. They waited at the door for a few minutes, but there was no taxi.

Jiang Nuannuan touched her round belly and said, "How about we walk? The amusement park seems not far away."

She felt that she needed to digest it urgently, otherwise she would spit it out even if she were on a merry-go-round.

Zhai Heng looked at her up and down. The skirt was almost pinching his stomach. He didn't know how many times this little girl had been so cute. He smiled sullenly and reached out to grab her wrist. "Okay, hold brother's hand and lead you across the road." ."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at the smile on his face, which was dimly lit by the street lights and looked extremely beautiful.

She exhaled and sucked her stomach in.

I almost lost my sense of being a beautiful woman.

The county is only so big, and you can get around it by riding a battery car.

The two of them walked on the stone pavement beside the road. Zhai Heng's shirt was blown by the summer wind, and his blond hair was messy, lazy and conspicuous.

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him from time to time. After another time, he took the initiative to lower his head and asked, "Is there something on my face?"

"No." She lied casually, "Even here, no one can wear such unconventional earrings so beautifully."

Zhai Heng touched the cross on his earlobe and raised his lips to tease her, "You think my brother is extremely handsome?"

How can he be so narcissistic?
Jiang Nuannuan nodded and replied seriously: "I'll give you a plaque for being the most handsome man in the county."

His sultry laughter was scattered in the wind, his shoulders were shaking, and his loose and wanton look was enough to cover up his depression for a moment.

Jiang Nuannuan wondered if he would still be the same at the age of 29 if he were not a passer-by in other people's scripts.

She remembered the mission told to her at the beginning of 66, 4 worlds, the fourth world.
She lowered her head and squinted her eyes slightly.

It must be him.

This funny conversation continued until the two of them wandered to the amusement park.

The tall arched iron door was closed, it was dark inside, and there was a sign at the door.

Some machines are undergoing maintenance and we will be closed for a week. We apologize for this.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, "Ah, it's closed."

She wasn't interested in this kind of facilities at first, so it didn't matter whether she wanted to play or not, but she always had an expression on her face that she should have at her age.

"It's closed, and the marshmallows are gone." Zhai Heng's eyes circled around, and finally settled on the sign with flashing colored lights next to it.

video arcade.

It should be the favorite place for children nowadays.

He pointed his chin in that direction, "Do you want to go there?"

He thought that a little girl's birthday couldn't always be as boring and unlucky as his.Jiang Nuannuan looked there, "Okay, but I didn't bring a lot of money. The game coins there are quite expensive."

Zhai Heng grabbed her wrist again and led her away, "You call me brother, and I can still let you spend money."

"But today is my birthday, I should pay."

"Oh, then you owe it to me to invite you next time." He said casually.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes and said, "Okay."

When Ji Yansen and Liu Xue were playing the cow roping machine, a group of children gathered around to watch. At the door opposite, the vertical curtain was pushed open by a porcelain-white hand, and two people, one tall and one short, walked in.

Someone called Jiang Nuannuan's name softly. Ji Yansen seemed to have a stress reaction. He suddenly raised his head and his eyes froze.

The button to trap the cow was not pressed in time, and the game console made a failure sound of trying again.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't see them and just explained to Zhai Heng, "You have to go to the front desk to change coins, and then you can get points slips by playing games."

She pointed at the larger-than-human dolls behind the counter, "Have you seen those toys? If you accumulate them to a certain level, you can exchange them for prizes."

After saying that, she raised her head and asked, "Have you never played before?"

Zhai Heng nodded honestly, and then received an increasingly pitiful look from the little girl.

He decided to explain himself, "My hobbies are more advanced?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked like she understood, "Okay."

He smiled, took out five hundred-dollar bills from his wallet, and asked her, "Is that enough?"

The red pictures of Mao Zedong made several young men in the game room blush.

"Where did the God of Wealth come from, to be so generous?" the companion next to Ji Yansen asked in a low voice.

Liu Xue, who was sticking next to him, looked at Zhai Heng, and then at Jiang Nuannuan, who looked like a white camellia, with jealousy hidden in her eyes, and said, "Is he the rich family who just moved into our compound? The one who has a car at home.”

Before, she just lay down at the window and took a look at him from a distance. This time, when she saw him up close, she saw that the big brother was too handsome.

Jiang Nuannuan drew one, "That's enough, that's enough. One hundred can be exchanged for a lot of coins."

Zhai Heng glanced at the Big Mac Bear on the shelf and the long list of points underneath, and almost figured out the boss's routine.

If you don't play a few times and accumulate points, you won't be able to win back, but you can win with a smaller one.

He pointed at the pink bear that was two sizes smaller than it, "How about that one?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Cute."

"Okay." He handed her two more bills and said, "Go and exchange three."

She obediently went to exchange a pile of coins, but when she turned around, she found that there was no one behind her. Her eyes passed directly over Ji Yansen, who was staring at her, and landed on the drink vending machine next to the door.

Zhai Heng is buying a Coke.
Can you drink Coke if you have heart failure?
Questions flashed through Jiang Nuannuan's mind.

No, otherwise his mother wouldn't react so much when she saw him drinking.

He just took the opportunity to come out and drink secretly.

Realizing this, Jiang Nuannuan walked over quickly. As soon as the young man bent down to take out the Coke, she held her hand and said, "Brother."

She said softly: "Buy another can of milk, I'm thirsty."

Zhai Heng put money in again and chose a can of milk for her.

With the milk in hand, Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes and stuffed it into his arms again, "Please open it for me. I can't open it with the game coins."

He didn't care that she had many things to do, so he handed her the Coke in his hand and said, "Hold it to me."

Jiang Nuannuan took it with a smile. Seeing that he was twisting the bottle cap for herself, she immediately put the game coins on the game console next to her, pulled the ring of the can open with her fingers, and took a few gulps of Coke.

(End of this chapter)

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