Chapter 378 Zhai Heng passes by
Zhai Heng, who had saved his life, treated his extravagant wife like a guest. The investigation data in his hand clearly showed that she was in love with the son of the boss of the Gu family who was a venture capital investor. Apart from giving her a fixed pocket money every month, he would not do anything else. He wouldn't interfere in her private love life and wouldn't lie on the same bed with her.

To him, the relationship between the two was probably more alien than friends.

He thought the same was true for her. On the surface she was dealing with him at home, but secretly she was always paying attention to the man she couldn't love.

At least she could see, touch, and talk.

Zhai Heng sometimes felt envious. The little moonlight in his heart still hadn't come, and something happened on the way that made him unbearable.

He knew that 'Jiang Nuannuan' had a private jewelry studio abroad and the business was doing very well, but at this time, Ji Yansen was obsessed with investing everywhere, and she spent a lot of money to help her boyfriend.

When she opened a jewelry store, Zhai Heng saw in her a little bit of the little girl who used to draw pictures on the grass for him to see. He had people remind her about this, but this girl was far from that. His little neighbor is smart.

She is a complete love brain, and all the money she earns can be given to Ji Yansen, so that he will follow his lead.

He felt that even opening a jewelry studio seemed to have tarnished the profession. This sentiment reached its peak when his brother's girlfriend was kidnapped and torn apart for taking her family's gems.

Because of this incident, Zhai Lin broke his leg in a car accident abroad. He did not go abroad due to physical reasons. The police also found out that the real culprit was just a staff member of 'Jiang Nuannuan'.

Fu Ying died in the sea. After learning the news, Zhai Lin became insane and wanted revenge. In the end, Zhai Heng suppressed the matter secretly.

She can't let her brother play tricks and let her go to jail. That body can't go to jail because it still carries a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Zhai Lin's dangerous remarks were also judged by doctors to be mania. After returning to China, he has been under surveillance and locked up at home.

What made Zhai Heng really give up monitoring 'Jiang Nuannuan' and take back everyone's attention was when he got the physical report.

The new examination gave him a heavy blow. His body was not suitable for heart transplant surgery. At that time, it was found that he was already in a severe level 3 condition, and some of his organs were weakened. He had been receiving medication for recovery, but unfortunately, their effect was Very little.

The drug that had great effects on many people had little effect on him, as if it was deliberately arranged by fate.

There were many complications, and by the age of 28, he only had two years left to live.

He felt that there was no point in waiting. Whether she would come back or not had nothing to do with him.

At that time, he would only be a handful of loess, unable to control or protect him.

Later, 'Jiang Nuannuan' became a hot topic due to news about pushing someone into the water on a cruise ship, and was accidentally seen by Zhai Heng on TV. He didn't pay attention to her for a long time.

Those beautiful almond eyes are full of hatred and distortion when facing the camera.

Zhai Heng thought expressionlessly that after so many years, he had watched her destroy herself bit by bit.

He doesn't even have the slightest thought of "thinking about people when he sees things".

He had given her a choice, but she insisted on ruining this body, and he felt sincerely disgusted.

Grandma's birthday party is approaching.

He was no longer paying attention to how the news was handled. 'Jiang Nuannuan' did not kill anyone, and the circumstances were not very serious. As long as he admitted his mistake with a good attitude, even the defendant would only have to spend a few months in jail and suffer some hardship.

There were many people at the birthday dinner. Zhai Heng had always been ill, so it would be fine if he went a little late.

The roses in the courtyard were blooming very well. He walked slowly through the corridor, his eyes scanning aimlessly at the beautiful flowers in bloom, thinking that it was that summer when the little roses on the wall of the house next door were blooming beautifully.

There was a faint sound of conversation in the small pavilion, and he found that his nominal wife was standing under the pavilion, talking sadly to the man who had suddenly risen to prominence in just a few years.

Zhai Heng remembered very clearly that Gu Tingyan's business had been very large in recent years, and he had been indebted to his family's favor. He never crossed the line at all and always kept a distance from his wife.

He actually didn't care whether they rolled into the same bed, but he admired the man's determination, or he didn't actually like his wife that much.

After all, if he puts himself in his shoes, if his little neighbor grows up and becomes someone else's wife, he will use all his means to snatch her away. Of course, this is when he is in good health.

But this is an impossible dream.

Zhai Heng looked away casually, planning to take a detour, but unexpectedly spotted a particularly familiar figure in the bushes.

It's 'Jiang Nuannuan'.

He would have recognized it instantly after all these years.

She did not go to jail for her mistake, and she was eavesdropping on the conversation between his wife and Gu Tingyan like a thief.Why did she do this?They should have no intersection, otherwise he would definitely know.

It makes no sense at all, right?

So who is doing this?
Zhai Heng couldn't control his steps and walked quietly behind her. The silver light shone on his slightly curved back. He heard that his voice contained a little expectation that he didn't understand.

"what are you doing?"

The girl was so frightened by him that she shrugged her shoulders and looked up at him suddenly.

The familiar agility and clarity in those beautiful almond eyes, even more beautiful than the moonlight tonight, rushed straight into his heart. He was briefly dazed, and then couldn't believe it.

She didn't recognize herself or notice anything strange about him. She just held his wrist and whispered in a soft and anxious voice, "Squat down."

Zhai Heng squatted down obediently, knocked his chin on her shoulder, and coughed twice.

Soon, the hand covered his mouth again, his almond-shaped eyes full of unfamiliarity and nervousness, and he carefully warned him not to speak.

His heart was beating uncontrollably, and every cell in his body was telling him that the person he thought about was back in an extremely unexpected way, and he was so panicked that he was not prepared for anything.

If she slowly let go of his wrist for a few seconds, she would even notice that his subcutaneous blood vessels were rushing with his heartbeat, like a drumbeat, trying to break open the thin layer of skin to let her understand that he had What ecstasy.

He spent a lot of effort to suppress this intense emotion, put on his usual gentle mask, and tried to figure out what happened to his little neighbor. She seemed to have changed and looked strange to him.

Although he was sick and grown up, he had always protected his face very well, so she shouldn't be able to recognize him.

He approached her uncontrollably and asked with the gentleness she once said, "Are you here peeking into other people's privacy?"

The distance was just right. The moment she turned back, she brushed against the tip of his nose, and then leaned back to explain to him in a panic.

"My boss is having a tryst with his lover, and I'm keeping watch for him."

She couldn't even figure out the identity of him and his wife. Did she really forget the past not long after she came back?What an unexpected unfolding.

Zhai Heng couldn't help but chuckle, "You mean, Mrs. Liu and the CEO of the Gu Group are having a tryst?"

Her expression was stiff, flustered and cute, completely overlapping with the girl in her memory.

She thought of a very lame excuse, and her embarrassment was about to overflow. He suddenly couldn't bear to bully her. He wasn't here to bully her. He was just too excited and didn't know what to say. He seemed a little too much.

Zhai Heng allowed her to help him walk back to the corridor, restraining himself from holding her hand.

Until the housekeeper's voice came from behind, the girl beside him decisively let go and ran quickly.

Zhai Heng kept watching her run away, then asked softly, "Is that the daughter of the Jiang family who has been in embarrassment recently, Jiang Nuannuan?"

Uncle Wang, who was supporting him by his side, said, "Yes, how did you meet her? She is a very thoughtful girl."

He smiled and refuted Uncle Wang's words: "I don't think so. She doesn't even know who I am. It's very interesting."

Everyone knows that 'Jiang Nuannuan' is not a good girl, and what he saw tonight was indeed his good girl.

It's just that she lost her memory, but it doesn't seem to be the case. He still remembers that she said "see you later."

Since it's goodbye, is there another bold possibility?She originally came from somewhere to the present, and then traveled to her past self.

Tell yourself to see you later.


Is this really the case?It seems reasonable to think so.

It seemed that Uncle Wang asked him to stay away from her, which was difficult to do.

Regardless of the past or the future, he is destined to love her, and he will continue to fulfill his promise to her.

Until death, he thought he would guard her until the last moment.

(The burial in Zhaiheng pit is completed.)
(End of this chapter)

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