Chapter 386
The CEO of Gu Group has not gone to work for a week.

Discussions in the internal employee group exploded, and people Fan Jiang knew were among them, secretly passing on gossip to him.

Fan Jiang, whose boss was closed, had been retiring in an entertainment company. After receiving the news that Jiang Nuannuan might be back, he rushed to the top floor of the club without stopping, opened the door and entered the wine pond and meat forest.

Countless beauties passed by, but he didn't even look at them. He aimed directly at the two people sitting on the sofa, drinking and playing cards.

Gu Shizhou crossed his legs, held a cigarette between his fingers, and asked casually: "How long are you going to embarrass yourself? It's been a year and you haven't chased me back. Instead, you've pushed me further."

"I even knelt down in front of her." Bai Liang said expressionlessly, "Your suggestion doesn't work at all."

He joked before that he would have to kneel down to Hang Panxia and beg her to come back. This time he really lost his dignity and knelt in front of her house. He only received a rejection. Within a few days, news came that she was going abroad to participate in a variety show.

"Then let go." Gu Shizhou flicked the ashes from his cigarette.

"Haha, when will it be your turn to say this?" Bai Liang glanced at him and said mockingly: "Jiang Nuannuan played hard with you back then, and even decorated your house in pink even if you failed. No, I haven’t seen you driving people out of your heart, but speaking of it, you deserve this retribution.”

There was silence from the other side. He took another sip of strong wine and added, "I deserve this retribution too, but it's not as miserable as you. I can still see people."

"Say less." Gu Shizhou raised his eyes and said casually, "I'm afraid I can't help but smash you to death with a wine glass."


As soon as he finished speaking, Fan Jiang's figure came in a hurry. He possessed himself and said a few words in Gu Shizhou's ear.

Before Bai Liang could raise his eyebrows to ask something, he saw the man's expression changed slightly, put down his wine glass and stood up to leave. He knew better, and couldn't stop the surprise in his eyes.

After disappearing for a year, is he suddenly back?

Gu Tingyan's cell phone received more than a dozen calls throughout the afternoon.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned in his arms and watched TV, wondering why he didn't answer anyone, "Who called?"

"Harassing phone calls." He raised his hand to block the number and asked instead, "I recently took a leave of absence to travel."

Jiang Nuannuan can probably guess who it is.

She nodded obediently, "Okay, I've been at home for a week, and it's time to go out for a walk, but I don't have a few clothes here, they are all in Bishui Bay."

"Go somewhere and buy it."

Gu Tingyan made a decision immediately and carried her to the bedroom, "Go and change clothes."

As Alfa's nanny car came out of the Sunshine Garden and went straight to the airport, the red Porsche with its roaring exhaust pipe passed by it.

Looking at the empty residence long ago, Gu Shizhou pursed his lips tightly and narrowed his peach blossom eyes dangerously.

As expected of his brother, he hid quickly enough.

Gu Tingyan concealed his whereabouts, but the private jet's flight also needed to be reported. The confidential itinerary was in Fei Jinzhao's hands that night due to hackers' intrusion.

As dusk fell, he took the people on the plane and followed.

Around dawn, the plane landed in a small town near the sea.

There is only the sea and mountains here. Thousands of feet below the rolling green mountains are the waves and the beach. The dark blue water swirls in the corners, and the huge waves crash onto the rocks with a crashing sound.

Jiang Nuannuan, who woke up in the hotel to the sound of waves, couldn't suppress the itch in her throat. She took the cold water cup from the bedside table and drank a few sips of water before exhaling.

System 66 arranged for her to have a malignant tumor on her chest. This type of disease, which was already at an advanced stage, was originally very painful. However, with the help of 66, she could not see any side symptoms except for the occasional cough.

Gu Tingyan came out of the bathroom, came to the bedside in her nightgown, and kissed her on the forehead, "Will someone bring you breakfast or should we go down to eat it?"

"Go down and eat."

She lifted the quilt and hugged his neck, her voice soft and hoarse as she just woke up, "Hold me to wash my face."

There were very few people in the hotel restaurant at this time. Jiang Nuannuan finished the buffet with him in a short skirt and rushed to the beach with sunscreen in hand.

Before, she was sunbathing alone and lifeless. This time, she was quite happy to have more personal experiences around her.

But looking back at Gu Tingyan's black shirt and trousers, and comparing it to the shorts and three-point poses of other couples on the beach, he was really old-fashioned and conservative.

"Aren't you hot?"

Jiang Nuannuan squeezed out the sunscreen and applied it to his neck. Looking at his neck, which was not much darker than the palm of her hand, she could understand again.

This skin is not exposed all the year round, and the skin is really well maintained.

Gu Tingyan asked her: "Is there too little fabric in the skirt?"

She landed in a hurry last night and bought all the clothes at the airport. He didn't pay close attention to what she was holding. When she took off the little cardigan outside, the short skirt with only a hanging rope hooked it made him feel... I don't have much sense of security, I feel like I can't hold myself on the rope and it will fall apart at any time. "This is the beach, it would be weird for you to wear so much."

Jiang Nuannuan handed her the sunscreen again, turned her back and said, "Please help me apply it on my back."

Gu Tingyan paused, squeezed the liquid into his hand, and gently rubbed it on her back. His Adam's apple rolled slightly, "I'll go to the mall tonight to buy some beautiful ones. Don't you like those things the most? I'll buy them all for you."

"Then you won't wear this anymore? There are several more." Jiang Nuannuan was a little hesitant.

"Go back to your room and put it on."

In such a hurry, Gu Tingyan wanted to book a hotel for her to dress up, but it was too late. The guests had all checked in, so he could only use money to seduce her to go shopping and buy more fabrics.


Jiang Nuannuan agreed to his proposal.

At noon, the sun was blazing and the sand was burning her feet. She jumped on Gu Tingyan's back and said, "Let's go eat and go shopping."

It didn't take long for the rare couple's time to be enjoyed.

The air-conditioning in the mall was fully turned on. Jiang Nuannuan was strolling around the shops. When passing by the children's area, Gu Tingyan fell behind and stopped.

She walked back and saw him staring intently at the child model.

"what happened?"

Gu Tingyan suddenly thought of a way that he had never considered.

He held her hand and said in a deep voice: "I am already 30 years old. Is it time to have a child?"

Jiang Nuannuan was taken aback by the topic, "Do you want a child?"

"I want to have one with you." Gu Tingyan looked at her seriously.

If it is destined to end in nothing, the only way to try seems to be this.

he thought so.

Jiang Nuannuan noticed his sudden low mood and pursed her lips.

"Forget it, think of me"


Gu Tingyan froze slightly, "What."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, with a smile on her bright face, "I said yes, we will go to the hospital for a health checkup after we go back. If there is no problem, we can have a child."

He didn't say anything about skipping the step of getting married. Jiang Nuannuan understood what he was thinking, and he tried to use the child to trap her into staying.

And this purpose was not hidden from her. He could have done it forcefully, but he still left her with a choice.

"Can you feel that I have really come back to you and will stay forever?"

Jiang Nuannuan touched his angular face and asked, "Will such an answer make you feel safe?"

He used to be afraid of nothing, but then he met Jiang Nuannuan and fell into trouble with her, and became only afraid of losing her.


His deep black eyes were moved, and he said in a deep voice: "But it's a good start."

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips and pointed to the ice cream shop next to her, "I'm going to check out the perfume. How about you help me buy some coffee-flavored ice cream."

The two stores were next door neighbors, so Gu Tingyan did not refuse and helped her line up with her shopping bags.

The remaining few bodyguards standing in the dark walked to the door of the store, wearing plain clothes and monitoring the movements of the girls inside at any time.

But they still made a mistake.

A little girl holding a balloon came to one of them and said that she could not find her mother. The other person met a fashionable and beautiful girl and asked which floor of the shopping mall a certain store was on.

Within ten seconds, Jiang Nuannuan, who had not even touched the perfume bottle with her fingers in the store, was dragged away from the other side of the open shop with a confused look on her face.

A slender man wrapped in a sportswear, with a peaked cap covering most of his face. The second before Jiang Nuannuan was about to call someone, he turned around, his chestnut eyes were dark and dull, and his eyes were just like those before death. The vulture bites its prey unwillingly.

Jiang Nuannuan immediately lost her voice and allowed him to lead him out of the store.

Seeing Fei Jinzhao again, without the sunshine, he was left with only withering and death.
(Written by: Kavin, first update.)
(End of this chapter)

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