Chapter 399 Let the three of you sleep
Gu Tingyan couldn't help but lie down on the same bed. Zhai Lin, who was used to being alone, couldn't stand so many men sleeping in the same room.

He gritted his teeth and finally said, "Only tonight."

Tomorrow, tomorrow we must find a way to separate everyone and stop challenging his temper and patience. He really won't be able to stand it.

Tonight, I reluctantly asked Gu Shizhou to act as a security guard to prevent Fei Jinzhao from doing anything to Jiang Nuannuan in bed.

Gu Tingyan made the only request, "Don't close the door."

He will spend the night on the sofa outside, always paying attention to what's going on inside.

Zhai Lin slept in the guest room next door, and everyone had their own thoughts.

There is a gauze hanging on the bed, which He Xiang and the others bought before. It is tied to the foot of the four-poster bed, like an opening and closing curtain.

Jiang Nuannuan went to the bathroom to take a shower. After lingering in it for a long time, she dried her hair and came out. She looked at the two men sitting on each side and swallowed silently, "I'm done."

She never wore underwear to sleep, and her summer cotton nightgown was thin. Fei Jin glanced at her chest and quickly opened the curtain to let people in.

The hazy white gauze curtain blocked the spring light on her chest. Gu Shizhou could not see clearly and sneered lightly, "Then I'll go wash it."

There is no change of clothes, but it is not difficult to ask subordinates to bring them.

Jiang Nuannuan sat cross-legged in the gauze tent, and Fei Jinzhao sat next to her, "Don't let him go to bed tonight."

This is his bottom line.

She nodded, touched the bruises at the corners of his eyes with her soft fingers, and kissed him gently on the lips, "It's been a hard day today. I know it's not easy for you to accept this kind of thing. If you wait a little longer, I will Try to find a solution."

What other solutions are there?It's just that she chooses everyone, and the stalemate continues when no one is willing to compromise, or history repeats itself and she makes a choice again.

So what will be different this time?
Not daring to think about the answer, Fei Jin turned to the side, stretched out his hand to hold the back of her head, and kissed her lips hard.

The sound of water in the bathroom was gurgling, accompanied by Gu Shizhou's critical voice, "Why do you have the same scent as him, Jiang Nuannuan, don't you have your own shower gel?"

No one responded, and the bedroom door was still open. Jiang Nuannuan pressed Fei Jinzhao's thigh, and raised her eyes dimly to scan the bathroom, "Yeah."

Her distraction was entangled by Fei Jinzhao.

Jiang Nuannuan had to look back. When she looked past the door, she suddenly found a man standing straight beside the door, with black hair and eyes, full of nobility, his eyes penetrated the mesh, staring at them unobtrusively.

Suddenly, the hairs on her back stood up, and the burning desire between her lips was extinguished one-sidedly.

It's deadly.

Gu Tingyan watched her and Fei Jinzhao kiss without making a sound from the door, while Gu Shizhou complained about the shower gel they shared in the bathroom.

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her grip on Fei Jinzhao's pants instantly. The suddenly tight fabric wrapped around the strong thighs underneath, causing an uncontrollable reaction.She was about to suffocate, and her heart was pounding.

"Knock knock."

Gu Tingyan looked at him for a second longer as torture, so he knocked on the door.

Fei Jinzhao's movements finally slowed down, and when he stopped and left her lips, he wiped the water stains that accidentally fell on his chin.

He pulled the quilt to block Jiang Nuannuan from touching his legs, and looked at the door.

Good upbringing prevented Gu Tingyan from doing things like Gu Shizhou, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't be angry or jealous. Holding a cup of cold medicine that the nanny had made, he opened the mosquito net and looked at Jiang Nuannuan with his dark eyes. The coldness of his voice reached its lowest point.

"I heard you coughing and thought the air conditioning temperature here might be too low and you might catch a cold, so I gave you cold medicine."

The scene he saw when he came to deliver medicine to her was enough to make Jiang Nuannuan feel distressed from the toes down. She had to beat her own chest to see what good thing she had done.

Comforting this one and neglecting this one and hurting that one are too busy at all.

She hurriedly wiped her lips, knelt down on the bed, stood up straight, took the cold medicine from his hand, and subconsciously said thank you.

Gu Tingyan lowered his hands, his eyes full of pressure, "Are we so polite that we have to say thank you?"

"No." Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and held his hand. "There are many bugs at night. Remember to cover yourself with a quilt."

He withdrew his hand and turned around. His voice was clearly emotionless, and it sounded like he was hurt. "I'm right at the door."

Gu Shizhou had finished taking a shower. He was wearing nothing on his upper body, with drops of water hanging on his chest. He was wearing a pair of sports shorts that reached his knees, and he brushed his hair casually.

He was keenly aware of the tension in the atmosphere. He looked at the two people huddled under a quilt and Gu Tingyan who was walking to the door. He immediately understood what had happened and spoke mercilessly to Fei Jinzhao, "I didn't pay attention in such a short time. Is that enough for you?”

In the moment of interruption, Fei Jinzhao had regained her composure, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, glanced at him with her chestnut eyes, "I'm not enough, but at your speed it's enough."

He took out his mobile phone and threw it to Jiang Nuannuan, "When you get bored of waiting, you can check the entertainment news."

Jiang Nuannuan really hasn't been online much during this period. I don't know how outrageous Gu Shizhou's reputation is.

She took a sip of the unnecessary cold medicine and turned on Fei Jinzhao's mobile phone, which had no password at all. The screen saver was a photo of the two of them taken during the day.

Gu Shizhou wiped his wet hair and told her out of some concern, "You know those news on the Internet are just intentional on my part."


Jiang Nuannuan casually entered Gu Shizhou's name and searched for recent news about him. After seeing the revelations about the water, she almost didn't drink the sweet cold medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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