Chapter 435 Zhai Heng (12)

She hugged the flowers and the two of them walked to a nearby open-air restaurant. Zhai Heng was dressed too formally, which made his already outstanding appearance even more eye-catching. Standing next to Jiang Nuannuan, she felt a little regretful of her rashness. Out.

"I should have put on makeup to at least show respect for your sincerity."

Zhai Heng didn't agree very much, "This is good."

Jiang Nuannuan asked him why.

He replied: "You are beautiful no matter what."

Jiang Nuannuan held his hand, "I was sweating profusely at the racecourse, and my makeup was probably all stained. How could you fall in love at first sight?"

Zhai Heng paused slightly and said to her seriously: "Actually, you don't see with your eyes."

"Ah?" She was just a little confused when he took her hand and put it on his chest.

Zhai Heng's voice was low, "It will always jump faster if it stays with you."

Jiang Nuannuan also covered his chest, knowing that he was also in a state of excitement and his heartbeat was rapid, so he did not hesitate to give in.

She opened her lips and said, "It's true."

After the meal, the two of them walked home together. Jiang Nuannuan thought about it and said to him: "But I mean it. I don't have a job now. I will be busy looking for a job for a long time in the future. I may I don’t care about you.”

Zhai Heng's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking about it, he responded warmly: "Then start looking for a job from now on."

He knew that she would succeed sooner or later, and he knew that his future wife would have a bright future. But from the moment he saw her, he would miss her every day, so he was allowed to help her take a shortcut.

He had been waiting for so many years to meet her, and the time was hard, and he really didn't want to be separated from her for too long.

With her free time, Jiang Nuannuan started recruiting online and looking for companies to submit resumes. During the day, she went out for interviews, and Zhai Heng came home at night to help her analyze the current situation.

Many times, some of his opinions and words were really not what a driver should say. Jiang Nuannuan was aware of it, but she was busy looking for a job, so she didn't bring it up to ask him about it alone.

In the afternoon a week later, Jiang Nuannuan received the news of joining the company.

She joined a private studio that had just been established and was gaining momentum. Without exception, the managers and designers were all graduates from prestigious schools and had their own unique design styles and works.

Among the works she submitted to them was the drawing designed for Mrs. Shen.

Moreover, the other party was also interested in discussing using this design draft to hold an auction, which expressed their affirmation of her work.

Jiang Nuannuan called Zhai Heng excitedly, so happy that she forgot it was still working time.

When the cell phone rang in the conference room, everyone saw the man in the chair picking up the phone. He listened patiently to what the other party had to say, and gave a gentle affirmation, "I told you that Designer Jiang is very talented and will not hide it."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her paintbrush and asked him happily: "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll go buy groceries."

Zhai Heng paused for a moment, then asked his secretary to pull out a piece of white paper and turn away the cap of the pen. "I'm going home soon. You tell me, I'll go buy it."

Immediately, everyone saw the slender hand writing a list of menus on the paper.After hanging up the phone, the man folded the paper and put it in his pocket, signaling to continue.

"The current candidate companies for this project are Tiansheng and Huaqiang. This subway will cross the Linggang River and pass through residential areas. The circuits and pipelines underneath are complicated. Tiansheng has similar experience overseas. Mr. Yu feels better after negotiating with him."

This project had been discussed openly and secretly as early as Yu Yan asked Zhai Heng to ride a horse.

But he didn't think much about it.

Zhai Henghe said, "Let's find an agency to hold a bidding meeting. The conditions are clearly listed. There is no need to restrict the area. Anyone who meets the requirements can do this project."

End of the meeting.

Before leaving the banquet, someone asked Zhai Heng, "Is good news coming soon for you?"

He responded politely, "Well, I'll send out invitations then."

The answer that he would definitely get a wife caused a stir in the group.

Jiang Nuannuan heard the door open and stood up from the ground to greet her, "You're back!"

Zhai Heng had told her his home password a long time ago, and except for sleeping, she basically spends most of her time with him now.

He stood at the entrance, watching the girl in a nightgown running towards him, his expression slightly swaying, until he touched her warm fingers, his eyes overflowing with tenderness.

"Well, I'm back."

Jiang Nuannuan helped him put the things in the kitchen, and saw a small bag that looked out of place. It was ice to the touch, and when he opened it, he found it was ice cream.

She took it out and took a bite, then narrowed her eyes and said, "Bought it on the way?"

Zhai Heng stood in front of her and lowered his eyes to see her licking the spoon. The tip of her tongue was pink and attractive. He smiled lightly and said, "No, I took a detour to buy it to congratulate you."

Jiang Nuannuan was eating ice cream with a satisfied look on her face, "I like strawberry flavor."

"Does it taste good?" He held his hand on the kitchen counter beside her and looked at her moist lips.

"It's delicious, do you want to try it?"

"Well, let me try it." When he stared at her and said this, Jiang Nuannuan realized something was wrong, but she had no resistance to his beauty, especially when the kitchen light was cold and white, shining on him. Comes with a layer of microdermabrasion filter, the face is really perfect.

Her back was held by one of his hands. When he was about to kiss her, Jiang Nuannuan moved forward in cooperation, but her nose touched the bridge of his nose first, causing Zhai Heng to chuckle.

She blushed, put one hand on his tight chest, and leaned back, "Why are you laughing! Such a serious atmosphere."

Zhai Heng restrained himself slightly, held her in his arms and sat on the kitchen counter, circling her and coaxing her gently, "Nuan, have another bite of ice cream."

(End of this chapter)

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