Chapter 446 Zhai Heng (23)

Madam Zhai said with a rare smile in her eyes, "My grandson's heart."

Mrs. Shen's heart, which was suspended in mid-air, suddenly fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

A series of competing bids surrounded her, making her drown in the water and extremely embarrassed.

She never would have thought that a little-known designer could be Zhai Heng's woman.

The question that Mrs. Zhai had always pushed away finally had an answer.

She helped Shen Nian bully Jiang Nuannuan, which inadvertently offended Zhai Heng to death.

Mrs. Shen's lips turned pale, "Is that so? Miss Jiang did come to my house as a guest, and Young Master Zhai was also there. The two of them acted as if they had never known each other. I didn't even know."

Mrs. Zhai replied calmly: "Junior's affairs are so secretive that I don't know much about them."

She couldn't explain it clearly, but people around her had already figured out a big drama. Mrs. Zhai acknowledged that her grandson-in-law's relationship was not made public. It could only be that the designer surnamed Jiang didn't want to.

Shen Nian looked at his aunt and knew something was wrong. She panicked and began to speak indiscriminately, "Old madam, don't be deceived. Jiang Nuannuan seduced Xu Yan at the beginning."

"Shen Nian!" Mrs. Shen whispered harshly, her eyebrows stern, "Shut up!"

Shen Nian was startled and was so scared that he didn't dare to say anything.

Mrs. Zhai glanced at Shen Nian lightly, "surnamed Xu? The boy from the Xu family who returned to China two years ago?"

Mrs. Shen broke into a cold sweat on her forehead and said quickly: "There is a misunderstanding. Designer Jiang is Young Master Zhai's woman. What did she do to get close to the Xu family's son? My niece has always been quick to talk, so don't take it to heart."

All she received in response was a soft hum and a faint glance from the old lady.

Compared with the ancestors who were all from prominent families, those who became rich halfway through becoming a monk were just unworthy things.

With a look full of meaning, Mrs. Shen was so embarrassed that she realized for the first time how correct her husband's words were. She was too used to Shen Nian, and she was so blatantly bullying in front of Zhai Heng that she kicked the iron plate.

No wonder Yuyan has been unable to win several projects recently. The Zhai family has to hold a bidding meeting and refuses to give them a bite of the cake.

Mrs. Shen was heartbroken.

In just a short time, the 50 yuan necklace has been photographed for 600 million, and the final transaction price was set at 800 million.

This amount was much better than Jiang Nuannuan had expected. She had never seen so much money in her life except in Zhai Heng. While others congratulated her for her excitement, she touched the beads on her wrist. Calmly stepped onto the stage and shook hands with the auctioneer.

Mrs. Zhai met Jiang Nuannuan for the first time. The little girl was standing under the spotlight, wearing a formal dress, with a graceful and graceful temperament, and her bright face showed its sharpness.

She smiled with satisfaction, and her smile deepened when she noticed the string of Buddhist beads hanging unexpectedly on her body.

Her grandson has always been one of the best, and now he has put his heart and soul into it.

"Very good." Mrs. Zhai stood up, said "Very good" twice in a row, and slowly left the scene.

Jiang Nuannuan's gaze fell on the old man's back for a moment, then moved away to notice Shen Nian and Mrs. Shen.

Her laughter is the mockery of the victor to the despicable.

Ask yourself that Jiang Nuannuan is a person who will retaliate against others. When Mrs. Shen came to her door and wanted to see her, she was outside buying coffee.

The call from the studio came to her mobile phone, and she said softly: "Please help me to welcome them to my office and sit down, then turn off the air conditioner and lock the door."

There was a huge mountain behind her, and no one could move it. She used her power once, and no one dared to refute it.Mrs. Shen, who wanted to come to make peace, and Shen Nian, together with Shen Nian, were locked in Jiang Nuannuan's office in a summer of more than 30 degrees.

Just like when they trampled on her badly, she sat in the air-conditioned coffee shop and sipped coffee, waiting for time to pass.

Recently, there have been many rumors that good things are about to happen for the eldest son of the Zhai family. The rumors were somehow leaked to the media. One entertainment article after another, everyone is guessing who picked this flower of the high mountain.

Everyone said that Zhai Heng had a gentle personality, but he was unattainable and unkind. Occasionally, when he got angry, he would eat his opponent's bones until they were all gone.

There were many similar rumors and they were outrageous. Jiang Nuannuan sighed in her heart. She clicked on Weibo to browse, and the rows of 99+ exclamation marks and Aite exploded.

She was surprised. Her Weibo account was rarely used. She had only posted it once a few days ago and changed her title to Jiang Nuannuan, the designer of Xu Liang Studio.

She switched back to the homepage and was stunned again when she found the back stamp with the word "explosive" at the top.

# The owner of the top wealthy Zhai family in Linggang officially announced his relationship today#
Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a few beats and she clicked in.

There is a newly registered Weibo account named Zhai Heng. Aite added her name with the suffix of three words that are simple and declarative of sovereignty.

@江伟诺, is my girlfriend.

The official account of the Zhai Group also came forward to tag two people.

@翟昅, @江宁诺, good things are coming soon, thank you for your attention.

They are just a few words, but the amount of information contained in them has exploded on Weibo.

In the past years, many wealthy families have officially announced their relationships, and there have also been a lot of gossips about separation and reunion with celebrity girlfriends. However, Zhai Heng is so mysterious that there has never been any scandal. News about him only appears in financial news and recently in the entertainment sector. The reason why I go to bed so frequently is because I suddenly have a girlfriend.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't see the message until an hour after the incident. Zhai Heng didn't urge her to reply. He never disturbed her during working hours.

Jiang Nuannuan covered her lips and laughed softly. She pulled out the WeChat box and sent him a pig emoticon that said "I miss you". She held up a shiny light sign, which was so cute.

Zhai Heng's mobile phone was set to special care. The secretary was still reporting tomorrow's itinerary. A sudden sound interrupted his words. Zhai Heng looked down at the message she sent and raised his lips slightly.

Zhai Heng: What do you want to eat at night?
Jiang Nuannuan: Eat you.

After the message was sent, she felt that her ears were a little red, so she quickly cut it out and posted a reply on Weibo.

@翟昅, is my boyfriend.

Zhai Heng stared at the WeChat interface for a few seconds, rubbed the screen with his fingers, and suddenly raised his eyes and said: "Move your schedule to a later date tomorrow. I have to get off work early today."

It was time for him to make a trip to the drugstore to pick up some essentials for home.

The secretary inexplicably remembered a sentence that suited the occasion.

With the beauty in his arms, the king will never come to court early from now on
Jiang Nuannuan waited until the time was almost up before returning to the studio. The door was still locked, and there were people outside helping to watch. When he saw her coming back, he quickly whispered to her: "People are still in there, it's almost over. If we continue like this, we will get heatstroke." .”

Jiang Nuannuan took the key and opened the door and walked in slowly.

Both Mrs. Shen and Shen Nian looked like they had been fished out of the water, lying on the table in a miserable state, unable to breathe. They looked like they were about to suffer from heatstroke.

Their studio faces the sun in the afternoon, is low-rise, and has an industrial style. In summer, without air conditioning, it is like a big steamer.

Jiang Nuannuan, cleanly dressed and bright, sat down at her office desk with a sly smile, "Sorry, I went out to drink coffee and wasted some time. Did Mrs. Shen come to me to order jewelry?"

(End of this chapter)

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