Chapter 457 Gu Tingyan (4)

"Probably, there's nothing wrong with it." Jiang Nuannuan shrank back, not understanding why his face changed so quickly.

The two looked at each other, and her eyes were full of caution and unfamiliarity. In the past few years, when he was busy getting stronger and ready to clean up the mess his father would make in the future, he did not dare to get too close to Jiang Nuannuan because he was worried that Jiang Nuannuan would regard him as a blood relative. In the past few years, the relationship between the two has taken a different path as he imagined.

She doesn't care about her own emotional journey at all, which is both expected and extremely unbearable.

Everything was starting over again, and he knew that being emotional wouldn't solve the problem, so he shouldn't be in a hurry.

A few seconds before the red light turned green, Gu Tingyan reached out and pinched Jiang Nuannuan's cheek, and said in a slow tone, "Jiang Nuannuan, I have really neglected to cultivate affection and discipline for you in the past few years when I was not at home."


She was filled with questions and couldn't figure out what this unclear statement meant, but she was smart enough not to get in trouble with the lady on the phone.

The car parked in the garage. Jiang Nuannuan jumped out of the car and took her schoolbag from the back seat. She stood on the steps and looked back at the man coming around from the driver's seat.

He was wearing a well-made suit, with a straight figure, thick, straight shoulders, narrow waistline, and a handsome face that was very heroic.

They hadn't seen each other for more than half a year, and Jiang Nuannuan was completely unable to combine the person in front of her with the vague young man from back then.

He stepped onto the steps and naturally put his arm around her shoulders, "Come in, there are a lot of mosquitoes outside."

Jiang Nuannuan bumped into the side of his chest and followed him into the house with staggering steps. Fortunately, the hugging posture didn't last long. After closing the door, Gu Tingyan let go and took off his coat.

"I'll go to your bedroom later."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "What are you doing in my bedroom?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly and said word by word: "Your teacher recently told me that your performance during exam week was not very good. We'd better talk about what's wrong with you."

Jiang Nuannuan's mouth tightened, "Aren't you tired just after you came back? If you don't want to rest first, we'll talk about it during the day tomorrow."

"It's not very tiring. I have enough energy to handle you."


With no other choice, she had no choice but to run upstairs and sort out all her previous transcripts and give them to him for inspection.

Gu Tingyan leaned on the back of the chair, with his long legs crossed, holding several transcripts in his hands and flipping through them. Jiang Nuannuan sat aside, just watching his slender fingers flipping over them, feeling a little unexplained panic in her heart. .

She really almost thinks of him as an old father who doesn't come home often.

"Actually, I'm just a little biased. I can get my points back with this."

"What are you talking about sitting so far away?" He tilted his head and looked over with dark eyes, full of oppression.

Realizing that she and him were on opposite ends of the sofa, Jiang Nuannuan slowly moved over and put her hands on his legs, repeating the words in a soft tone.

"Just let my tutor give me tutoring these two days. There will be no problem."

Gu Tingyan then put down the report card, rubbed the top of her hair with his hand, and accidentally hooked her earlobes with his fingertips, "You don't need a tutor, I'll teach you."

"Aren't you busy? Tutoring is very tiring. You have to teach me for two hours every night." Jiang Nuannuan's eyes trembled slightly. When he panicked, his paws were on his legs and his upper body was raised up.

She does not live on campus, and her evening self-study is all handled by her tutor. It is strange and scary that this responsibility is suddenly shouldered by her cheap brother whom she has not seen for a long time.

"I'm still busy but I still have time to spare. I'm living at home during this time." Gu Tingyan said calmly.

She was about to turn 18. If he allowed the little girl to continue like this, she would slip away from her fingertips. How could he be willing to do so. "You don't want to?" He pinched her ears, "You think I can't teach you?"

Her earlobes tingled, Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip and stepped back, "No, I'm just afraid that your rare return will take up too much of your rest time."

"Jiang Nuannuan." Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, serious and persistent, "I don't raise you as a trouble. Everything I do for you is done with my own heart."

Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a beat and she was speechless.

She always ate well and slept well. She had insomnia for the first time. When she went downstairs the next morning, she saw Gu Tingyan already sitting in the restaurant having breakfast with Lin Xiao.

The servant opened the seat next to him for her. Jiang Nuannuan looked away, yawned and sat down.

A hand next to her poured milk for her, "Didn't you sleep well?"

Jiang Nuannuan took a few sips from the cup and said weakly: "I was scared."

The restaurant was silent for a moment.

Lin Xiao laughed out loud first, "Yesterday you checked Nuan Nuan's results and scared her into having nightmares?"

Jiang Nuannuan belatedly realized who the man next to her was. Her confused expression froze and the embarrassment spread. She finished drinking the milk and prepared to get up and leave.

"It's almost late, I'm leaving first."

Gu Tingyan grabbed her wrist and said, "Sit down."

After the food and clothing parents spoke, Jiang Nuannuan sat down and looked at him pitifully, "I didn't mean to say that my brother is terrible."

His eyes were heavy and he didn't know what his emotions were. He just turned his hand and put a fried dough stick in her bowl, and said indifferently: "I'll take you there after you finish. You won't be late."

Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to finish her breakfast despite the pressure of her gaze. Lin Xiao remembered and ordered the servant to take out the pastries from the refrigerator.

When the two of them walked to the door, Lin Xiao's gift box was also delivered to Jiang Nuannuan's hands.

Lin Xiao said: "Don't you always like to eat this? Your brother brought it to you last night. I didn't take it out when you were having dinner outside. Let's take it to school for lunch today. It will go bad soon after it is left out." ."

Holding the cold gift box in her arms, Jiang Nuannuan suddenly looked at Gu Tingyan, her eyes twinkling.

Yesterday, on Valentine's Day, he brought back a box of her favorite pastries. She temporarily dismissed the special time of Valentine's Day as a coincidence. Sending pastries meant that he had always remembered her favorite things and never forgotten them.

After getting in the car, the two of them were speechless for a moment.

When they got to school, Jiang Nuannuan got out of the car with the gift box in her arms, pursed her lips, bent down and said to the man in the car, "Thank you, brother."

Gu Tingyan looked at her for a while, and Jiang Nuannuan was embarrassed to close the car door when she heard him say in a low voice: "Don't be afraid of me."

Her fingers froze, and the door was half closed before she pulled it open again. Her young and tender face was full of apologies, "I'm not afraid of you, it's just that you haven't been back for too long and I'm a bit strange. Plus, you didn't come back last night." The surprise inspection made me a little panicked, but I knew you were doing it for my own good."

He curled his lips lightly and said, "I'll pick you up after school."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, feeling relieved, "Okay."

A box of pastries was enough to dilute the conflict caused last night. School was over in the evening, and Gu Tingyan came to the school gate to pick him up as promised.

(End of this chapter)

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