Chapter 467 Gu Tingyan (14)

The place of fun was at a private winery owned by Lu Cheng. In the entertainment room, three people were playing mahjong and talking about the topic.

Feixin bit her cigarette and played cards with her long fingernails. She glanced at Fu Shiliu and said, "It's rare that Gu Tingyan is willing to abandon his sister and invite you to play mahjong."

Fu Shiliu smiled, "Are you surprised?"

"It's quite unexpected." Fei Xin replied casually: "I even spent Valentine's Day with her, and that night I picked up two bids for nothing. You are the first woman this kind of girl has taken the initiative to date."

Fu Shiliu: "You don't count?"

Fei Xin smiled: "We are considered partners, and I am not a woman in his eyes."

The contempt and disdain in these words made the atmosphere slightly tense.

Lu Cheng interjected, with a hint of meaning, "I don't know who I've made an appointment with yet, why are you coming to a conclusion so quickly?"

He was able to come this time, not just because Mr. Gu was a matchmaker.

Fu Shiliu paused and her smile became much lighter. Thinking of what Gu Tingyan said that day about bringing them together, she frowned and said, "Feixin, they are not brothers and sisters. They just saw the little girl being abandoned by the Jiang family." It was just a good deed to pick it up. Valentine's Day is just a coincidence. He often travels between the company and school, and it is rare for him to find time to go home."

Feixin raised her eyebrows, "Is that what you think?" She played a card and said with a smile: "Yes, after all, you two went to the same school for several years, and you have already regarded this person as your future partner? Mrs. Lin also has that idea, right? They're right next to each other, so they match each other."

Fu Shiliu's brows relaxed and he felt a little awkward, "That's what I meant. Is it good for the development of both families? Anyway, I don't have any objections."

Lu Cheng glanced at her from time to time, and when he saw the spring water in her beautiful eyes, he let out a soft chuckle, which sounded extremely mocking if you listen carefully.

"Are you sure that the little daughter-in-law at home is not the one he raised by himself?"

Feixin showed his cards and suddenly said: "I'm confused! Give me money, give me money!"

She smiled and raised her hand to take the money. Fu Shiliu looked ugly and handed the banknotes to her casually, "Mr. Lu, Jiang Nuannuan was only 13 at that time, right? A 20-year-old man likes her? Don't be kidding, you are saying that Gu Tingyan takes her for granted. It’s okay to play with an object.”

Feixin took the money and pushed the mahjong into the shuffling slot, "That's a bit unpleasant to say."

Lu Cheng nodded and lost most of his interest in Fu Shiliu. He had never had a close conversation with her before and thought she was a gentle beauty from a water town who could also develop into a virtuous wife. But now it seems that she is not smart and has a lot of skin. .

Gu Tingyan liked his sister so much that he only bought gifts for his family. Even a blind person could see what he was like.

At this time, Jiang Nuannuan was brought by Gu Tingyan. She walked down the underground steps to the entertainment room and heard Fu Shiliu's words clearly.

It was just an object that Gu Tingyan held in his hand and played with.

There was no emotion on Jiang Nuannuan's face. After all, while eating other people's food, drinking other people's food and enjoying luxury money, it was inevitable that she would be reduced to the fate of an object.

After all, she had lived at home for many years. Such truth made her feel uncomfortable, and she had a slightly tilted attitude towards going abroad.

After hearing this, Gu Tingyan almost immediately lowered his head, hugged the person in his hand a little tighter, and explained in a deep voice: "You are not an object, you are obviously a treasure that I have carefully raised."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip, her heart beating a little faster, grateful for his protection.

"She's quite annoying."

"Don't listen to her."


The two of them crossed a screen and appeared in front of the three of them. Fei Xin was just about to light another cigarette when she saw the beautiful doll-like little sister in Gu Tingyan's arms. She put down her hands and glanced at Fu Shiliu as if watching a show.

"Hey, I just said that it's rare for you to have private activities without your sister. You have to bring someone to play mahjong in love."

Fu Shiliu's face sank to the bottom, turned a little pale, and stared at him, "I thought there were only four of us tonight." Gu Tingyan carried the person to the sofa and sat down, and asked her: "Let someone Make you some dinner? What would you like to eat?"

Jiang Nuannuan took the schoolbag handed by the assistant, "You must not have eaten the abalone rice. You will eat it with me later."

"Okay." He touched her head and asked someone to bring a glass of orange juice to her. Then he went to the bar to get a drink and went to the mahjong table.

The servant who replaced him stood up and asked him to sit down.

Gu Tingyan took a sip of wine and saw that the cigarette was still in Lu Cheng's hand, so he reminded her, "Don't smoke in front of her, pinch it."

Lu Cheng snorted and smoked his cigarette honestly, "I really treat you like a treasure."

"Yes, I'll provide it." Gu Tingyan responded without hesitation.

Fu Shiliu, who was completely ignored by him, was almost out of control. The paint in the mahjong pattern in her hand was about to be picked out by her. She kept a calm voice and asked: "So you specially invited me to play mahjong today. It really helped me get to know Master Lu." A blind date?"

Gu Tingyan looked at the cards and replied indifferently: "I don't have to say anything about this. It's up to Lu Cheng."

Lu Cheng laughed, "Beauty is beautiful, but if you can't stand me, don't force yourself to do something difficult for me. It's clear that I belong to you."

Feixin didn't mind watching the excitement, "Mr. Gu obviously doesn't like it anymore. Tell me, what kind of person do you like? Like your sister?"

Jiang Nuannuan swallowed a sip of juice and looked at the pairs of eyes looking at the mahjong table. She subconsciously turned the pen with her fingers. However, her palm-sized face was full of innocence and beauty, and her prominent and beautiful bones were already bright and beautiful. Beauty trends.

Feixin felt that this little girl really had the ability to make men like her, and there was nothing to say about her face.

Gu Tingyan also turned his head to look at her with an incomprehensible expression.

After a while, when he was about to open his lips to speak, the servant interrupted the conversation by bringing two portions of abalone rice.

He pulled his lips into a smile, threw the card in his hand, "Hurry up and play, I still have to eat with the girl."

At the end of the game, he got up and left his seat to be picked up, and went to the sofa to have dinner with Jiang Nuannuan and check his homework.

Fu Shiliu finally understood what he meant. She was nothing in his eyes. She was better than any woman around him after knowing her for so many years, but he had never looked at him.

What is she?

She suddenly looked at Lu Cheng and said, "Mr. Lu, leave me your number? I'll contact you often in the future. After all, it was Gu Tingyan who introduced me. I believe he has found a good person for me."

After saying this, Fu Shiliu couldn't help but glance at Gu Tingyan, wanting to see what his reaction would be.

And Gu Tingyan, who has always been distant and indifferent to the outside world, such a noble and promising man, is sitting close to Jiang Nuannuan and eating with her. When he sees that there are side dishes in the bowl that she doesn't like, he can easily pick them out and tell her. : "Change your picky eating habits."

"Oh." Jiang Nuannuan bit her spoon and couldn't help but laugh, "But if you ask me to change it, give it to me."

Gu Tingyan put down his chopsticks, his eyes full of fondness, and replied calmly, "You're used to it."

Feixin held her chin up and didn't look at the cards very much. She clicked her tongue and said, "He really cultivated himself through fun. The pink bubbles are almost bursting through the roof."

Lu Cheng had an itchy mouth and took a sip of wine, then took a business card and pushed it to Fu Shiliu, "Let's just get along with each other from now on. We can't see the reality."

She can't hold back her temper and pretends to be gentle. Her temperament is a bit outstanding, but it's not much different from the women he can buy with money.

Fu Shiliu felt that she was here to be humiliated. She resisted the urge to curse, accepted the business card, picked up her bag and left. She cried in anger on the way back.

The crying phone call also went to Lin Xiao, like a primary school student suing his parents.

(End of this chapter)

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