Chapter 479 Gu Tingyan (26)

The voice on the other end was sweet and soft. Gu Tingyan leaned back on the pillow, her eyebrows relaxed and said, "Come with me after you finish your homework. I want to hug you."

Most of Jiang Nuannuan's bad mood was instantly dispersed. She subconsciously touched her lips. Thinking of the lingering and almost suffocating kiss not long ago, she hummed softly, "You just want to kiss me."

"Don't you want to?" He asked with a smile: "You ran too fast this morning, and I didn't plan to stop."

Jiang Nuannuan said word by word, "I don't want to!"

"Well, then give me a hug." He said, "You always want me to fulfill my obligations as a boyfriend."

He has been taking the initiative to close the distance between the two of them, as well as in terms of behavior. His old-fashioned indifference has been replaced by enthusiasm, hoping to infect her and make her understand how rare he is and how much he likes her.

Jiang Nuannuan went in the end. After finishing her homework, she asked the maid to prepare dinner and put it in a thermos box to take with her.

Lin Xiao spent the whole afternoon at home thinking about how to discuss the joint venture with the Fu family. Suddenly he saw her carrying a thermos bucket and was about to go out, and quickly asked: "Going to deliver food to your brother?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, he hasn't eaten yet."

Lin Xiao frowned and said with a bit of anger: "Don't go, and don't visit him less in the future. Just let the servants deliver him."

The servant who received the instructions from her eyes immediately stepped forward to take Jiang Nuannuan's thermos bucket. She raised her hand to block it, stepped back, and refused Lin Xiao's words for the first time, "No, I can just go and deliver it myself." ."

Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly changed, and he called her by name and surname, "Jiang Nuannuan."

"I have no intention of going back on my word." Jiang Nuannuan stood straight with calm eyes, "I have already submitted the information to go to Lunyi. As long as Aunt Lin helps conceal the itinerary and erase my existence at the end, no one will disturb me. If you want to coordinate Gu Tingyan and Fu Shiliu's plan, you just need to wait patiently."

Lin Xiao's chest was pricked by her words. She knew that she had been stimulated and emotionally affected by her son today, and she had implicated Jiang Nuannuan.

"Nuan Nuan." Her expression turned sad, "I'm afraid, I can't let this family be destroyed."

She may not know that everything she is doing is destroying this seemingly stable and happy family.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded slightly to express her understanding, "I know, so I chose to stand on your side to help you, but I also said that this is the only time I compromise."

This was earned by consuming the affection she had for Lin Xiaocun. No matter what happened from now on, she would never give her face.Lin Xiao understood the meaning of her words. She took two steps forward and said eagerly: "Nuan Nuan, you are still our daughter."

Jiang Nuannuan put on her shoes, avoided her heart-wrenching remarks, and said calmly: "If I can get the notice smoothly, it will take a month to leave here and go to school, so I won't bother Auntie within this month. Come and disturb me, I will leave on my own when the time comes, you just need to find a way to stabilize Gu Tingyan."

She picked up the thermos bucket and turned to leave.

Lin Xiao stood there and watched her disappear from the door for a while, then said in a low voice, "Whoever dares to tell anyone about what happened today should get out."

None of the servants in the house dared to speak out.

Jiang Nuannuan went to the hospital to have dinner with Gu Tingyan. She would stay with Gu Tingyan in bed tonight, but Gu Tingyan wouldn't let her sleep on the sofa anymore. The little one curled up and slept on it, which made him feel distressed just looking at it.

It's not like the two of them have slept in the same bed. He has made some things clear to her. There is still a month left to get along. Jiang Nuannuan has also put down her pretentiousness. She hopes that in his heart Leave a heavy mark as a small revenge for teasing her.

The beds in the private wards are similar to those at home, so it is not a big problem to accommodate two people.

After washing, she put on the pajamas she brought from home and watched the nurse who came in remove the needle from the last bottle of medicine for Gu Tingyan. When the ward was empty, she walked over and lifted the quilt and lay down.

Gu Tingyan was injured and couldn't move around. Jiang Nuannuan slept peacefully next to him.

He stretched out his hand to touch her arm, "Don't stay so far away from me, there will be draft in the quilt."

Before, they were sleeping alone and under a quilt. Jiang Nuannuan, who had ignored this, realized that they were sleeping on the same quilt and leaned closer to him, "Is it okay? I'm afraid of touching your wound, otherwise I'd better Cover yourself with a blanket on the couch.”

As soon as she got close to Gu Tingyan, she raised her hand and took her into her arms, kissed her hair and said with a smile: "The wound is on the chest and abdomen, not the waist. It can't hurt me, and it won't make you feel bad."

Jiang Nuannuan was a little stiff, but other than that, he made no extra movements. He just held her like this. After getting used to it, her body gradually relaxed.

She leaned on his arm quietly, smelling the faint smell of medicine on his body, "I really want to ask you, were you really planning on me when you took me home?"

(End of this chapter)

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