Chapter 518 Fei Jin calls (22)

Jiang Meng's tears fell in frustration. Ying Hao thought about Jiang's mother's instructions and finally said a word of help, "Hurry up and eat."

Xu Jie rolled her eyes and almost rolled her eyes to the sky.

Jiang Nuannuan finished eating half of the apple and stood up to leave first. Ying Hao held her wrist, "Are you going to eat this tonight? Don't lose weight if you are so thin."

She frowned and broke away, "Don't worry about me."

Ying Hao's hand was empty, and he didn't catch her in the end. He turned around and said, "She has been so unpredictable since the beginning of that broken relationship?"

Xu Jie picked up the plate and moved a little too much, accidentally shaking the juice from the soup bowl onto Jiang Meng. She didn't pay attention and rolled her eyes at Ying Hao, "Idiot, you deserve to be with her as her childhood sweetheart for so many years. , I don’t even know what she likes and dislikes, so just go and drink your green tea.”

There was a lot of commotion here, and dozens of pairs of eyes looked around. Ying Hao couldn't figure out what happened for a while. He just knew that the girl Jiang's mother asked him to take care of was Jiang Nuannuan's dislike. It's like adding fuel to the fire.

Ying Hao had a sullen expression and refused to eat, and chased Jiang Meng out with a long stride. Soon all the acquaintances around Jiang Meng disappeared, leaving her in embarrassment and with her head lowered to meet all kinds of strange looks.

When she picked up the dinner plate, she deliberately spilled a lot of soup on a conspicuous place on her body before leaving.

In such a hierarchical school, no one would feel sorry for her, let alone someone who was hated by the most beautiful girl.

During the evening self-study class, Lu Qing packed her schoolbag early, walked up to Jiang Nuannuan and whispered, "Can I have a word with you alone?"

The two of them went up to the rooftop. Lu Qing closed the door, turned around and bowed to Jiang Nuannuan to apologize, "I didn't mean to find someone to beat Fei Jinzhao. Can you help me and prevent him from going through legal proceedings?" Me, I don’t want to go to jail.”

Her tone was humble, not as domineering as before.

Originally, she didn't pay attention to a poor student at all, but she didn't know how the other party got the surveillance video of her transaction with the gangster. The conversation in it was all about her screaming at the top of her lungs and asking the other party to beat him to death, and beat him if he didn't apologize. It's best to die, this kind of statement has strong motivation for killing.

The beating did indeed happen, and there happened to be a surveillance camera outside the dark alley, and the whole process was recorded.

Everyone is now over 18 years old. Fei Jinzhao insists that if she doesn't settle with a lawyer, she will be imprisoned for a few days as the mastermind. By then, she will be expelled from the school and her reputation will be ruined. Everything will be ruined.

Jiang Nuannuan was a little surprised after hearing her words.

"Can the lawyer he hired send you in?"

Lu Qing nodded and said with a sad face: "I don't know how he knew lawyer Dong Jiandong. Even my parents can't hire someone. If we really go to court, we have no chance of winning."

Jiang Nuannuan was thoughtful.

But this matter is big or small, she said: "Can you return the fifty thousand to him? This money is very important to him."

Lu Qing transferred the money to her without saying anything, "I wanted to give it to him yesterday, but he said I was not his creditor and he wouldn't accept it."

She couldn't understand why he didn't want to do something as simple as taking the money and then passing it on to Jiang Nuannuan.

The corners of Jiang Nuannuan's lips rose, "You should also deal with the negative comments about him pouring your wine on their school forum, and I will consider talking to him."

Arrived at the end of school.

She and Jiang Meng left the school gate one after another, and Jiang's mother came to pick her up at the door. The moment she got out of the car and opened the door, she heard Jiang Meng timidly ask: "Why do you hate me, just because of my skirt? But? You let her splash me, what a pity this dress is ruined, I really will never wear it again."

Jiang Nuannuan tilted her head. Before she could say "I'll throw a tantrum at you anytime" out of her mouth, an angry rebuke rang in her ears.

"Jiang Nuannuan! I asked you to take care of her, are you bullying her?"

Her body was pushed away by Jiang's mother, and she sat down on the ground before she could stand still. Her hands were bleeding from friction and suddenly hurt.Jiang Nuannuan looked up and could only see her mother holding Jiang Meng's hand lovingly, extremely anxious: "Did you get burned? You can buy the clothes again if they are dirty. It's okay, Xiao Meng."

Ying Hao saw the situation here from a distance, rushed over to help Jiang Nuannuan, and said worriedly: "How is it? Does the fall hurt?"

There was no emotion on her face, as if her strength had been drained away, and she said softly: "It doesn't hurt, just let go."

Ying Hao refused, his handsome face looked angry, and his tone towards Mother Jiang was no longer as respectful as during the day, "Jiang Nuannuan is not your daughter, Aunt Jiang? Why push her for an outsider?"

Jiang Nuannuan endured the burning pain in her palms and answered him first this time: "I'm not the one, Jiang Meng is."

The words Jiang's mother wanted to explain were stuck in her mouth, and her expression suddenly stiffened, "Nuan Nuan."

"I understand how much I love my daughter." Jiang Nuannuan broke away from Ying Hao and walked to Jiang's mother, "After all, you protected me in this way when I was your daughter."

Mother Jiang quickly grabbed her wrist, "What are you talking about? You are my daughter. Mom is just too angry and you bully others. You can't do bad things in school."

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, but explained: "I didn't let anyone throw food at her. You don't even want to hear my explanation. It's the same as dad's inexplicable anger on me in the past two days."

Because their biological daughter lived such a hard life on the outside, and the sense of gap compared with her was the culprit that caused their drastic change in temperament.

That's understandable.

Jiang Nuannuan avoided her mother's hand, put her schoolbag on her back again, and said while maintaining a stable mood: "You take her home, I have tutoring in the evening, and you can take me to meet my biological child when you are free on the weekend." parents."

Although she lived a arrogant life, she was also sober. When the facts were laid before her, she knew that she had indeed taken possession of other people's things. However, she was devastated by being separated from her relatively happy family in an instant.

Suddenly I miss Fei Jinzhao.

Want to see him soon.

Jiang Nuannuan walked and started running, looking ahead with empty eyes.

Jiang's mother panicked and ran out in high heels to chase after her. A bus happened to be coming towards her, and when she saw her, she stepped on it without even sparing a glance to herself behind her.


Only now did Ying Hao realize that he had indeed done something stupid.

He asked Jiang Meng: "You said she threw food at you?"

Jiang Meng lowered his eyes, hiding his panic: "I didn't say that."


They are all young masters from wealthy families, and Ying Hao is really not that stupid. His tone was sarcastic and not polite at all: "I just helped you for the sake of Nuan Nuan. Now it seems that what Xu Jie said is really right. You still What a thoughtful village girl.”

Jiang Meng suddenly looked up at him, "You!"

All the way to the night market, Jiang Nuannuan found the small noodle shop based on her memory.

Fei Jinzhao came back just in time to maintain her personality. He was wiping the table inside, and when he noticed her gaze, he raised his face.

Their eyes met, Jiang Nuannuan walked in quickly, the emotions she had suppressed until now finally burst out, and her tone began to choke, "Fei Jinzhao, please hug me quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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