Chapter 520 Fei Jinzhao (24)

The pharmacy was a bit far away from here, and he knew that she would be in trouble if she couldn't eat Malatang, so he put aside the wound treatment for the time being and took her to a nearby Malatang store.

The night market is still bustling with activity.

Jiang Nuannuan came here before just to experience the junk food outside that her parents didn't allow her to eat. Now she felt different. When she looked at the people on this street, she couldn't tell what the definition of junk food was.

To the Jiang family, eating ordinary people's food seems to be eating garbage, and she continues to be instilled with this concept to this day.

Fei Jinzhao said that the aunt in the noodle shop would work here until 12 o'clock every day to save money for her son, who was still in college, to buy a house and marry a wife.

Behind the cart on the street is an old man who is over sixty years old and is still working hard selling kebabs in the middle of the night. Fei Jinzhao said that his family suffered a big earthquake a few years ago, and he was the only one in the family who survived. His legs and feet were not good, and there was no medical treatment. Insurance, medical treatment, and medicines all had to be sold one by one by myself, and I often worked until midnight.

There are also sanitation workers who wander the streets of night markets and constantly clean up garbage. No young people like to do this job. Most of them are retired elderly people whose family conditions are not good. They come out to sweep the streets to help their families.

Looking at the entire night market street, in addition to these hard-working merchants, there are also many migrant workers who just want to have something to eat and relax after a hard day's work.

So what is junk food?Isn’t it the food that ordinary people eat?

She shouldn't be prejudiced against it, even if she doesn't lose the aura of being a wealthy family.

She was indeed raised a bit badly by her family.

Jiang's mother kept calling during the meal, but Jiang Nuannuan didn't answer any of them. She just sent a message saying that she was staying at a classmate's house tonight and would talk about anything tomorrow.

The other party didn't force her to go back later. Maybe Jiang Meng said something. Her mother just asked her to talk about anything when she got home tomorrow. They were still a family.

She absentmindedly chewed a beef ball, and the juice inside splashed out and reached her chest.

Fei Jinzhao handed over the paper in time, "Give me your phone and have a good meal."

Jiang Nuannuan turned off her phone and handed it to him angrily, "Oh."

There was no pharmacy open near the night market, and it was a bit far away. The two finished eating Malatang here. Fei Jinzhao took her on a bicycle for about two kilometers and stopped on the roadside.

"How did you fall?"

He gently applied the medicine to her, and when he asked her what was going on, his chestnut eyes stared at her coldly, making people feel a sense of pressure for no reason.

She couldn't always be vague to him about everything, he always had to ask her to talk about everything.

Jiang Nuannuan hooked her fingers into his palm, sighed slightly, and told the truth: "Mom pushed it."

"Why did I push you?"

"Recently, a guest with a special status came to our house. She is the same age and in the same class as me. She was thrown vegetable soup at school today for some reason. She deliberately let her mother hear it and thought it was me who bullied her."

No mother would be open to an outsider, not to mention that the other person regards himself as a guest. Even if she did it on purpose, her unique preference would prevent Jiang's mother from doing anything to harm her. Now it's just an outsider's status change.

Jiang Nuannuan spoke vaguely, but Fei Jinzhao already knew what was going on.

"How do you want to solve it?" He said: "When something happens, it must be solved."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and joked: "I even suspected that she splashed it herself. She likes acting so much. It would be better if she has a reputation of being violent."

Fei Jinzhao: "This is how to solve it?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him, "Do you also think that I am arrogant and a bad guy who bullies others?"

"No, this is good." Fei Jinzhao hung the medicine bag on the handle of the car, pulled her up, and said calmly: "You should have done this."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised and walked around to him, "Young school grass growing on the snow-capped mountains, your moral bottom line has been blackened with me?"

Fei Jinzhao had no choice but to curl her lips slightly, acquiescing to her words.He would help her with whatever she wanted to do, even if she handed him a knife, it didn't matter, as long as she was by his side, as long as she was always alone with him.

Jiang Nuannuan read the doting in his expression and asked softly: "Fei Jinzhao, do you like me very much?"

It seems like I have liked it for a long time.

His expression really couldn't deceive anyone.

Fei Jinzhao stared at her with deep eyes, "Because you are a little goddess?"

The goddess he has placed in his heart for a long time, the sunshine hanging on the top of his heart.

People in their school also call her a goddess.

Jiang Nuannuan blushed and thought he was being funny. She thought of something and took out her phone, lowered her head and said to him, "By the way, Lu Qing transferred the 5 yuan to me, and I will transfer it to you."

Fei Jinzhao held her wrist, "Why give it to me?"

She replied: "Because it was you who told Lu Qing that you didn't want the [-] yuan and she gave it to me."

Fei Jinzhao suddenly smiled, "That wasn't yours in the first place?"

She was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses and was speechless.

She was suddenly involved. Wasn't it her who paid for it?

Fei Jinzhao got on the bicycle and motioned for her to come up, "It's up to you to handle this matter. Let's go home."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yeah."

There were still pajamas he bought for himself at home. Jiang Nuannuan walked into his bedroom: "I want to take a bath, where are the pajamas?"

Fei Jin called: "The second wardrobe door."

She raised her hand and opened it, and found that her things were stored separately in a compartment in the middle. The upper and lower compartments were filled with Fei Jinzhao's underwear, which was very conspicuous outside.

After a quick glance at his underwear, Jiang Nuannuan slammed the door and walked to the bathroom pretending to be calm, "I'm going to take a shower first."

Fei Jinzhao heard the sound of water in the bathroom, walked to the window and dialed the phone, "Help me do something."

After hearing what he said about the big things to be done, everyone on the other side fell silent.

"Boss, you are also a big boss who is engaged in games and real estate, and is blessed by the aura of a super genius. Do you want to be so naive and imitate those third-rate ghosts and bully a female student?"

Fei Jinzhao looked at the street lamp downstairs surrounded by mosquitoes and said expressionlessly: "My girlfriend was bullied by her, and she wants to bully her back."

The person on the other side paused for a moment and said, "I understand. This matter is indeed serious. Bullying my sister-in-law is really intolerable. I will let someone handle it."

"Then there's nothing else to do. Come to the company often to see us workers when you have time."

Fei Jin called him to stop: "There is more."

"I need some mobility scooters."

"Hey, this is so decent. I have long disliked your bicycle. How can it be worth carrying you? Tell me what kind of bike the boss wants and what type he likes."

Fei Jinzhao ignored his joke and only said: "For business, the more expensive the better, and help me prepare a car suitable for a girl and some outfits."

(End of this chapter)

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