Chapter 53 Agree to raise him
"Can I ask you where you plan to use this money?"

He said calmly: "CAR-T treatment is currently not covered by medical insurance. It is an anti-cancer method used on my grandmother. One injection of specially cultivated medicine costs 120 million. Plus follow-up expenses, the total is 200 million."

The sky-high price of anti-cancer drugs means that for a impoverished family, there is no other option but to take shortcuts.

For him to treat a relative to such an extent, Jiang Nuannuan thought that this old man meant a lot to him.

There was no pity in her eyes, but admiration.

"Okay Fei Jinzhao, I'll help you solve the money problem."

She held his hand and stood up from the sofa, her smile brimming with tears, "Now, shall we go home?"

Fei Jinzhao looked at the hands held by the two of them and moved his fingertips, but did not break away.

He didn't have this idea. Jiang Nuannuan opened the door and automatically let go of her hand in a measured manner.

Jiang Meng, who was diagonally opposite, saw the two of them opening the door and coming out. Their heels were pressed against the door frame, one thigh exposed, and their expressions were unkind.

Earlier, Jiang Nuannuan was taken away by Mr. Gu himself, and all her little sisters exploded.

First, Gu Tingyan personally came to rescue her, and then Mr. Gu rushed to chase her.

The two pyramid figures of the Gu Group are now inseparable from a fake daughter who was kicked out of the house. They even openly threw her party, stole everyone's attention, and trampled her down.

She was obviously a down-and-out woman, but she was always wandering around in front of him, always trying to overpower her.

too disgusting.

"You have seduced a lot of men since you left Ji Yansen." Jiang Meng, who came back to his senses, sarcastically said.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her phone and took a picture of her showing her thighs in a pink nightgown.

Jiang Meng immediately put down his legs, "What are you doing!"

She smiled and shook her phone, "We're about to get married, and we're having a single party in pajamas. Who doesn't know what this party is for?"

Let’s do the last shot.

She didn't say this, but Jiang Meng's expression changed again and again.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and patted her face with the back of her phone. "The dream of becoming a star is broken. Do you expect to follow Ji Yansen to become famous and popular in the future?"

Her behavior was too provocative. Jiang Meng held her wrist, her heart skipped a beat, and she said urgently: "You have no chance to snatch someone away again."

Such a disgusting crooked tree.

"Who wants to rob him?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled brightly, "I'm just waiting for him to get rich and spit out all the money he cheated me with. Also, you stole my design drawings before. The money has been delayed for so long. I really don't plan to call me." Already?"

Someone was passing by the door and turned away after hearing their conversation.

"I told you to talk nonsense!" Jiang Meng was furious and pushed the woman in the eye-catching red dress towards the opposite wall.

The moment his body leaned back, Jiang Nuannuan's lower back was hugged by a hand, and the smell of soap penetrated his nose.

Fei Jinzhao stood behind her, helping the person to stand still, and said quietly: "I can testify how much money Miss Jiang spent to play with men this time."

The waiter whom he had spent money on rebelled, and Jiang Meng was so angry that he almost couldn't hold his breath.

Ruan Dan carefully supported her from behind, his eyes met Jiang Nuannuan's, and he immediately turned away.

Her father is still at home and unemployed at the moment, and he doesn't dare to get into trouble with her again.

Jiang Meng sneered: "You'd better pray that you don't fall into my hands again."

"Come on, let's get out of here."

Fei Jin Zhaoxu hugged her shoulders and turned around. Jiang Nuannuan waved back and left.

When the two of them left the entertainment club, Jiang Nuannuan dragged the people from the production team to help, so that Fei Jinzhao could resign without paying any liquidated damages.But the price was that she signed the variety show contract and summoned Fei Jin away with a copy of the contract.

She slapped the contract into his arms, let him hold it, and joked: "It's okay now. I have to work hard to make money for you. I didn't want to accept it at first."

Fei Jinzhao turned over a few pages, was silent, and asked, "What's going on with the design?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Nuannuan got angry, "A jewelry design drawing I made before was taken away by Ji Yansen before I could sign it, and even the pot was given to Jiang Meng, and everything in the computer was deleted. , I just want to find evidence to tell her to spit out the money."

The threat just now actually didn't have much effect, but if it had, she wouldn't sit back and let Jiang Meng take the fruits of her labor for so long.

Fei Jin summoned the contract and replied softly: "If you have time, show me the computer."

"What can you do?" Her own computer was still at Jiang's house and she hadn't taken it out yet.

"I'm a game design major and I know a little bit about computers."

This is more than just a brief understanding, he must be proficient at the academic level.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes lit up, and she grabbed his shirt with both hands, "Really! Then I will come to you with my computer!"

Fei Jinzhao looked at her, quickly looked away and nodded.

System 66: "Alipay has received 500 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 10%, a big leap, a big leap, the host will have a rich harvest tonight."

He was so willing to show favor tonight, and Jiang Nuannuan immediately threw everything at the card table out of his mind, smiling crookedly at him.

Fei Jinzhao flicked her collar with her fingertips and asked, "Did you eat tonight?"

"No, go home and eat."

He stopped in front of his little electric donkey, realized something, turned around and asked, "Follow me?"


Jiang Nuannuan didn't think there was anything wrong with visiting his home. As soon as she was invited, she hurriedly held up her skirt and sat sideways in the back seat of his electric car.

Fei Jinzhao sat in front, inserted the key into the hole, and said sideways: "Give me a hug."

"Ah?" Jiang Nuannuan blinked.

"There is something wrong with the throttle when starting. It will be too fast."

It turned out that he was afraid that she would fall.
Jiang Nuannuan put her distracted thoughts away, put her hands around his waist and hugged him tightly.

As Fei Jinzhao said, this little electric donkey staggered from the very beginning. It almost shook her and it was worse than the broken three-wheeler. She tightened her arms and hugged the young man's thin waist tightly.

Fei Jinzhao glanced down, her throat rolled slightly, and she calmed down.

In an inconspicuous corner, a nanny car drove out.

Gu Shizhou's assistant Fan Jiang saw Jiang Nuannuan wearing a red dress and riding a small electric donkey with someone in a provocative manner. She looked really out of the blue.

He couldn't help but sigh, "She doesn't need to be in this low state. She found a club waiter as her boyfriend. This topic will definitely explode again."


Gu Shizhou kicked up the small table, and the cool look he glanced over startled Fan Jiang, "Did I say the wrong thing?"

"Not your boyfriend." Gu Shizhou said coldly.

"Ah?" Fan Jiang was confused.

"That's not Jiang Nuannuan's boyfriend."

Fan Jiang continued to be confused.

Is he angry with him just because of these words?
"Then who is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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