Chapter 541 Fei Jin calls (45)

Fei Jinzhao said at that time that he would let her die in China, which was really not just talk.

He not only shattered Rong Zhao's dream of studying abroad, but also shattered his mother's years of hard work in the garment factory. He wanted to put their family on a high debt, completely unable to turn over.

And she caused all this herself.

In the end, all the abuse in Rong's mother's mouth turned into pleading, "Fei Jinzhao, did you tell aunt that you really reported it? You really want to kill us and kill our family."

Police cars roared outside the crowd watching the excitement. Fei Jinzhao called the police as early as she met the family.

When Rong Zhao was put in the police car, he didn't want to believe that his childhood sweetheart would treat him like this.

She held the car door, stared at him and said, "I just like you, what's wrong with me."

Fei Jinzhao turned around, took Jiang Nuannuan's hand, looked at her like an ant for a few seconds, and said softly, "Just lie to yourself."

Rong Zhao's personality took after her mother's. In the final analysis, the family had never looked down upon him, not even in their entire lives.

He gave her the face she deserved time and time again. He could tolerate her hanging around in front of him like a mosquito all day long, but he would never accept her appearing in front of Jiang Nuannuan and doing things that could be misunderstood.

Hidden dangers should be eliminated promptly.

Fei Jinzhao held Jiang Nuannuan with her left hand and supported her grandmother with her right hand as she walked into the alley. She could still hear Rong Zhao's tragic cry outside.

He pretended that he couldn't hear, walked into the old house, smelled the aroma of food wafting from the table, and his slightly tense body relaxed.

He said, "I've picked up your parents. Just wait, they'll be there soon."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment. After realizing that he was talking about her biological parents whom she had only met twice, she said, "I forgot."

She didn't know why, but she seemed to care more about Grandma Fei, whom she had only met a few times, than her biological parents.

Fei Jinzhao patted her on the back, "It's okay, you try to get used to them."

He naturally knew the reason for this. In his previous life, Jiang Nuannuan had not had much contact with her biological parents until her death. Jiang Meng at that time accounted for a large part of the reason, but in this life he had to help her clear this obstacle first. He always wanted to Let your lover have a healthy family and be happier.

After waiting for almost five or six minutes, Jiang Nuannuan's parents arrived.

When the two families met, it felt like meeting the parents in advance.

Grandma Fei was a good talker, and after a few warm greetings, both parties let go and took their seats with kind smiles on their faces.

Fei Jinzhao opened the bench and sat down with Jiang Nuannuan. At the dining table, Jiang Nuannuan announced the good news that both he and Fei Jinzhao were going to Linggang University.

The country only recruits about a hundred students a year, and two of them were born at home at once. When the two families found out about this, they were very happy and told them that there were too few relatives at home, otherwise they would have to make a big fuss.

The most excited ones were Jiang Nuannuan's parents. Both of them were farmers in the village. They thought it was a big deal when they heard that one of them had been admitted to university, let alone one of the top universities in the country.

It turns out that their biological daughter is so outstanding.Jiang Nuannuan's biological father couldn't help but burst into tears, "It's really a shame that our ancestors are smoking, having you as our daughter."

If it were Jiang Meng before, they might still be worried about where she would work after graduating from high school and what kind of money-making work she would do to be able to support herself.

They made a profit in this exchange of daughters.

The family had a happy dinner. After sitting for a while, it started to rain a little. Jiang Nuannuan's mother remembered that there was still wheat drying in the house, so Fei Jinzhao sent a car to take the two elders back.

Before leaving, Jiang Nuannuan took two bags of leftover seafood from today's grocery shopping and stuffed them in her hands.

"We can't eat, so you take it back to eat."

How could the second elder have the nerve to accept the offer? He kept saying no.

Jiang Nuannuan simply opened the door and put it at their feet, and said in a rare serious tone: "Five years at most."

"In five years, I will graduate from school and have a stable job. You don't have to work so hard. I will take care of you."

She would not spend Fei Jinzhi's money to support her parents. Although she knew that he would not mind, that was not the way it was done. She wanted to rely on her own abilities.

After sending away her parents who were about to cry again, Jiang Nuannuan stood there for a while, then turned and went back to the house.

After sitting for a while, Fei Jinzhao took out a room card and handed it to Grandma Fei, "I bought a house for you before. Recently, the house was just installed to remove formaldehyde. Pick a festive day and I'll ask a moving company to move it. thing."

The reason why he wanted to change his grandmother's house was not only because it was inconvenient and dangerous to go up and down the stairs, but also because of the threat from Rong Zhao's family. Before completely sending the parents in, he wanted to ensure that his grandmother was comfortable and safe.

Grandma Fei was a little hesitant after being surprised. She was used to living in her old house as she got older, and she was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to live in the new house where the young people now lived.

The key card looked familiar to Jiang Nuannuan. She leaned over and took a look at the house number on it, "Isn't this the building next door to ours?"

There are two rooms on the first floor of the house in Bishuiwan, both of which are large flat floors with excellent views. Jiang Nuannuan carefully taught Grandma Fei about science. Downstairs is the Linggang River Park, where many old men and women will walk for a walk in the evening. There are also many people to chat with.

Grandma Fei also wanted to be closer to her grandson without having to trouble him to run back and forth. After thinking about the matter, she decided to live on the flat floor with her nanny.

Jiang Nuannuan's driver's license was successfully obtained only after the first month of summer vacation.

Fei Jinzhi's game company also released a hit card game in the summer. After so many years of operation, he was considering listing the company. It happened that Fei's family came to the door again, and the opponent's power and connections were better than his own. Duo, with a mentality of taking advantage, finally agreed to return to the Fei family.

For a time, headlines were all about the eldest son of No. [-] Middle School who was admitted to Linggang University. He turned out to be the child of a rich and powerful family. Not only that, but also the gaming company and some real estate companies with Fei Jinzhi as the legal representative also appeared on the news. water surface.

A young man who has accomplished so many careers at the age of 18 simply shocked the whole country.

This also directly promoted the enrollment development of No. [-] Middle School. Who said that students in public schools cannot compare with students in private schools?
The principal of No. [-] Middle School admired his vision and put him in the most prominent position on this year's official admissions website. But what was even more surprising was that the media came to him to interview him about Fei Jinzhao in order to gain popularity.

It was okay if he didn't ask, but when he asked, he remembered that Jiang Nuannuan, who had been recruited from the school next door under pressure for Fei Jinzhao's face, immediately told them about their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, and both passed the exam together. Linggang University said it.

(End of this chapter)

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