Chapter 56 Damn social animal memory

The young man had no choice but to get up and get bowls and chopsticks. She quickly pulled most of the noodles into his bowl. The two of them sat face to face at the small wooden table and ate together. The soup was steaming with steam and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After eating for a while, Jiang Nuannuan thought about it and said smoothly: "You have to go to the hospital early tomorrow morning to pay the fee. Otherwise, I will sleep here tonight. You can take me with you."

She just heard what he said on the balcony, and she could make a rough guess from a few scattered sentences.

It was almost 12 o'clock now. If she had to finish her meal and leave, it would take a long time to get back to Sunshine Garden. It was too inconvenient to go back and forth.

Fei Jin stopped her chopsticks and put the sausage from the bowl back into her bowl. Her chestnut eyes softened a little, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I really want to make friends with you." Jiang Nuannuan bit her chopsticks and smiled at him, "At this stage."

It’s hard to say whether we can still be friends in the future.

When Fei Jinzhao heard this, it had another meaning.

After eating, he cleared the table, spread a mat on the floor in the bedroom, and threw down a pillow and thin quilt.

"I sleep on the floor, you sleep on the bed."

No woman in Fei Jinzhao's family had ever slept in the open. Considering her washing problem, he dug out the large pajamas and trousers that his grandmother had not worn for a long time.

The clothes were delivered to Jiang Nuannuan. She looked at the fat fancy short-sleeved clothes for the elderly, and thought of the skinny old man in the hospital who she had only seen once, and sighed in her heart.

Illness is tiring.

There is soap in Fei Jinzhao's bathroom, as well as a bottle of Safeguard shower gel with the same flavor. The aroma that always lingers on his body is actually the smell of lavender.

Jiang Nuannuan came out of the shower and felt that she was covered in the same scent as him, refreshing and sweet.

Fei Jin looked at her changing from the scorching look in a red dress to wearing an old lady's floral short-sleeves, and the corners of her lips slightly raised, "Does it still fit?"

"It's a bit big. It's quite cool when used as pajamas." It also smells like mothballs, which Jiang Nuannuan likes very much.

Her hair was very wet and hung behind her back, she had thin eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes, and she smiled dazzlingly at him with her curved lips.

Fei Jin moved her eyes away, went to the bathroom cabinet to get a hair dryer and handed it to her, "After blowing it, go to bed first."

"OK, thanks."

Both of them were polite, as if the ambiguous scene on the bed just now didn't exist at all.

Fei Jinzhao sat down in the living room and dealt with the unfinished homework. He glanced at the copy of the contract on the table. Entertainment news with Jiang Nuannuan's name popped up on the computer screen. This time, he lost control of his fingertips and Clicked on the page.

For the first time, he began to understand Jiang Nuannuan.

There is a sweet photo of her smiling at the camera. It is very similar to her smile just now, and it exudes beauty.

But underneath the photo, her countless dark pasts are detailed, without any mention of her recent dazzling performance.

The scumbag cheated on his sister, kicked him out of the house, and is a useless idiot who only knows how to fall in love.
Every word hurt her heart, so she had been living with this kind of remarks before.

Fei Jinzhao lowered his face, remembering her curled up lips and saying aggrievedly that the jewelry she designed had been taken away. Subconsciously, he was more willing to believe that she was a smart person.

How can someone who graduated from Nanjing University be stupid?

He exited the work interface and tapped quickly on the keyboard with his fingertips.

The person who had just sent out the black draft fell into his seat and called Lu Ling, "Ah, yes, it's all done. It has been forwarded by several entertainment networks. According to your request, it should be on the hot topic tomorrow. ." After hanging up the phone, he was about to turn off the computer and go home.

Just as I clicked on the web page to close it, the computer screen suddenly went black, and countless garbled codes appeared.

"Hey, what's going on?" He quickly pulled up his chair in front of the computer, but there was nothing he could do to get rid of the people who invaded his system. After all, he was also a technician!
At the same time, all web pages that published this entertainment news were attacked.

Half an hour later, the black bulletin about Jiang Nuannuan disappeared completely. Instead, the system automatically posted a small news article about bullying Jiang Nuannuan in Luling Island life.

The popular search that had already been speculated once was pulled out by Fei Jin from their computers and posted on the homepages of several websites.

After doing all this, he quit without any clues and continued to write his homework.

He has to hand in a small program next week, but he hasn't finished typing the code yet, so he's very busy.

He was not the only one who was busy. Several website editors and blackmail writers who were about to go home from get off work rushed to the computer store overnight to save their computers that had been infected by the virus.

I don’t know what kind of lunatic would do this to them!I wonder how many important unpublished manuscripts there are in it!

It’s so stupid!It's going to be a big deal!
At two o'clock in the morning, Jiang Nuannuan felt someone enter the room. She opened her eyes drowsily and heard a noise next to her.

"Fei Jinzhao?" she asked in a mumble, feeling very sleepy.

"Well, go to sleep."

Fei Jinzhao gave a low response, lay down on the mat on the ground, and closed her eyes with fatigue between her brows.

Early in the morning, there was a popping sound, and the young man on the floor suddenly opened his eyes. A white and tender hand hung in front of him, and he just slapped him on the face. It didn't hurt or itch.

He pinched his eyebrows, put his arms on his eyelids, and sighed softly.

The sound of the electric fan was blowing. After a few minutes, he sat up and leaned on the floor, turning his head.

The wide floral short-sleeved neckline slid down one of Jiang Nuannuan's shoulders, exposing most of her collarbone and shoulders. Her trousers were rolled up to her calves. The exposed part was thin and straight. The wind blew her short hair on the temples, her sleeping face It looks sweet and tempting.

The physiological behavior in the morning was overwhelming, and after seeing this, Fei Jinzhao quickly grabbed the towel that had been drying outside the window all night, turned around and entered the bathroom, where the cold water rushed down from her head, diluting all the unwanted emotions.

System 66: "50 has been received through Alipay, and Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 12%. You are quite good at seducing people."

Jiang Nuannuan, who was sleeping in a daze, said "It's so noisy" and turned over again.

Until the 7 o'clock alarm clock on the bedside table rang. The harsh ringing aroused her social instincts. She turned over and sat up in bed, and hurriedly climbed out of bed to find slippers.

"It's late, it's late, it's late."

With her eyes half-open, she ran out of the room. The layout of her house was to the left, which was the bathroom. She turned a corner and happened to touch the door of the bathroom.

As soon as the handle was opened, the whirring sound of a hair dryer could be heard from inside. The handsome young man, who was dressed in steam and had his upper body naked, turned his head, and their eyes collided in the air.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned.

The hair dryer in his hand stopped, he put it down, looked at her, and asked calmly: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Nuannuan: ".!!!"

I forgot that she had already traveled through time and became a substitute!This damn social animal memory is very harmful! !
(End of this chapter)

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