Chapter 562 Gu Shizhou (13)

The microphone was on speakerphone, and Fan Jiang could clearly hear Jiang Nuannuan's questions without opening her mouth. He understood and immediately told what happened on the plane at that time and what happened.

In short, he didn't understand his position for a while and mistook Fu Shiliu for his boss's friend. This led to the misunderstanding that caused her to break into the protective circle and approach Gu Shizhou.

After Jiang Nuannuan listened, she made a breathy sound in her nose.

Gu Shizhou took the phone and threw it away, peeled another grape and stuffed it into her mouth. His moist fingers did not leave in a hurry, and rubbed her lips. Then he turned her over and leaned in for a kiss. Sweep away the sweet and sour juice.

"I've treated you leniently if you confess, and harshly if you resist."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't resist the kiss. She believed his explanation. She just bit him when his hand reached into his skirt and said, "I'm hungry, cook for me."

Gu Shizhou: "Can't you order takeout?" That way he could have an extra half hour to get close to her.

Jiang Nuannuan just stared at him without saying a word. He finally compromised and took out his hand, adjusting her skirt, "What do you want to eat? I'll have someone bring the ingredients."

Their suite has its own kitchenette, otherwise she wouldn't have made such a request in the hotel.


Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows and pulled her to sit up, "Don't you want to eat some meat?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his open neckline, with looming muscle lines. She patted his strong chest with her hands, "Aren't you going to participate in an outdoor reality show soon? In order to keep you in shape and perform well."

"It's not like I'm taking off my clothes, I'm just taking them off for you to see."

He pressed her hand and rubbed it on his muscular chest. He said in a low voice, "Besides, what are these calories? How about braised pork or steamed bun pork instead? Do some exercise after the meal to consume it."


Jiang Nuannuan really wanted to open his brain and see if it was full of yellow waste.

She immediately took out her hand, sat aside, kicked his legs, and said warily: "Gu Shizhou, can you show some face in front of me?"

He stood up, put the grape bowl into her hand, and smiled: "I just want to mess with you."

Jiang Nuannuan shut her mouth, unable to resist his scorching eyes and making her legs weak, but she woke up from the bed in a daze today and was caught and drugged by him. She would never do it again in the afternoon.

When the hotel service brought the ingredients, the hotel manager thoughtfully brought a five-star chef and asked Gu Shizhou if he needed to make it on site, but he just took the chef's apron and sent him away.

When the door closed, the hotel manager who followed him could only vaguely see a calf sticking out from the edge of the sofa.

Jiang Nuannuan was shocked when she first found out that Gu Shizhou could cook. When they first got together, she had never thought that a person of his status could cook.

The first time she discovered that he had this ability was when he took the initiative to make her the first breakfast after they had sex together.

It was also at that time that she realized that Gu Shizhou was different from the rumors. That was the starting point of her gradually falling in love with him. After all, men who can cook always have some invisible bonuses.

Gu Shizhou's skill in this skill is entirely due to the fact that he was severely beaten by Fei Jinzhao in his previous life. The thought of the other party eating easily took away most of Jiang Nuannuan's attention. He was also very aggrieved because the other party made a handiwork. He was so angry that he was locked in the toilet because of the cake. If he could do it over again, he immediately found a chef to learn good cooking skills and focused on making cakes.

He still remembers the way Jiang Nuannuan looked at him in the kitchen in the morning after the incident, and the light burst out from his almond-shaped eyes after being stunned. He knew he had done the right thing this time.

Feeding her body and her stomach at the same time, he often did this later on, trying to force her to fall completely.

Jiang Nuannuan was leaning against the kitchen door and found that the apron string around his waist was a little loose. She walked over and tightened it for him, tied it with a beautiful bow, and looked him up and down. He looked like a pretty lady. .

She pursed her lips, stretched out her hands to hook his Xiu Jin waist and hugged him, "I will perform on stage again on the school anniversary. This time, do you want to send flowers?"

Gu Shizhou tilted his head, raised the corners of his lips, and pinched her face with his wet hands, "You should have sworn your sovereignty over me long ago."

Seeing his increasingly excited expression, Jiang Nuannuan let go of her hand and was about to retreat, but he saw through his intention and quickly pulled her to her chest, sealed her lips, and penetrated with the tip of her tongue.

It wasn't until the pot of water was boiling that Gu Shizhou let go of her and bit her ear, "Baby, flirt with me now and put out the fire after dinner." Jiang Nuannuan's eyes moved down and saw the leg-fitting Her apron bulged slightly and she pushed him away, "You cook, I'm out."

Gu Shizhou licked his lips and said, "Turn down the air conditioner."


"It's very angry, it's hot."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

In the end, she ate the red pork cooked by Gu Shizhou and drank two bowls of rice, but she still couldn't escape the fate she was assigned. She was forced to spend the entire afternoon in the pool in an absurd and unrestrained manner, squeezed by high-intensity exercise. After draining her last bit of energy and thinking ability, she slept until about five o'clock the next morning.

She played too hard on the weekend. No matter what clothes Jiang Nuannuan changed, she could not cover this part or that part. In the end, she could only let the traces be exposed in frustration and asked Gu Shizhou to send her to school.

He wasn't much better either. The teeth mark under his ear was bitten repeatedly by her. The mark was still very heavy today. However, Gu Shizhou had no intention of covering it up. He wore a very loose gray sweatshirt with a round collar and his head was on the mark. A baseball cap covered the upper half of his face, and the angular jaw angle and the hickeys on his neck were openly exposed, for fear that others would not see it.

"I'm going down to rehearse, and I'll probably be late, so you don't have to pick me up tonight."

Gu Shizhou handed her the bag and just said, "When you're done, call me. Can you let me use my boyfriend's power more?"

She blinked and finally said hello.

Jiang Nuannuan only attended the morning class. After being spied on by a group of gossiping classmates, Xia Jun followed her to the afternoon rehearsal room. She pursed her lips again and again, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

Seeing that she wanted to talk, Jiang Nuannuan bought two cups of milk tea and handed her one, "You have something to say."

"Jiang Jiang." Xia Jun grabbed the cold milk tea cup and his eyes fell on her dotted neck, "Are you spending the weekends with Movie Emperor Gu?"

She nodded and touched her neck with her fingers, "Yeah."

Xia Jun now feels that Gu Shizhou is a master of time management. She is in the same classmate group as the students who picked up Fu Shiliu. In addition to the video of picking up Fu Shiliu that day, there is also a video of classmates filming Fu Shiliu in the car, and Video of her chatting.

The content of the conversation was really fascinating.

She thought for a while, and finally plucked up the courage to say, "Jiang Jiang, our classmate went to pick up Sister Fu that day. On the way back, I heard her say that her family and the Gu family are family friends. They have known each other for many years. They all said they were friends. Childhood sweethearts grew up.”

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of milk tea, chewed the pearls and swallowed them slowly, and then said, "Senior Sister Fu said so?"

Xia Jun nodded and said with an aggrieved look: "They all said that you two have some similarities. Movie Emperor Gu didn't reveal it to you. In the end, he got off the plane with Senior Sister Fu, so they thought you were."

She couldn't speak, so Jiang Nuannuan answered her question, "Substitute."

Xia Jun stopped talking and looked at her expression carefully. Seeing that she still looked very calm, he breathed a sigh of relief and said at the same time, "Aren't you angry? Movie Emperor Gu seems to be really a liar."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled instead and hooked her arm, "Why are you angry? I really don't suffer, I'm quite greedy for his body."

Xia Jun's face turned red. Just by looking at the marks on her neck, she knew how hard the man worked for this kind of thing. She stuttered and asked, "Very fierce?"

"Very strong." Jiang Nuannuan nodded and took another leisurely sip of milk tea.

Xia Jun shut up. She was worried about this weekend in vain.
The two arrived at the rehearsal room, where the team for the school anniversary performance gathered. Naturally, there was also Fu Shiliu who came here to visit on the first day.

When Jiang Nuannuan appeared at this moment, the scene she saw was this cheongsam beauty surrounded by students, her posture gentle, approachable and generous.

She was handing out milk tea to people in the rehearsal room when she heard someone call Jiang Nuannuan's name. She visibly paused her slender figure and raised her eyes to look here.

Two beauties who were said to be similar stood together and were related to the same man. They immediately became the center of a gossip storm.

(End of this chapter)

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