Chapter 567 Gu Shizhou (18)

Li Xiang touched his nose and met Gu Shizhou's indifferent gaze. His heart trembled. He thought he was in the wrong and walked to Fu Shiliu, "Miss Fu?"

The girl in Gu Shizhou's arms was covered with hickeys. Fu Shiliu originally thought Jiang Nuannuan was not here, but now her posture was like a quarrel between the two of them. She was tired until now.

Jiang Nuannuan's faint gaze met Fu Shiliu's. The woman looked away and felt her face was burning.

"Miss Fu, you started the game. It's okay not to admit it." The actress next to her, who had been kissed for several times, stared at her with a smile while holding a wine glass.

"I'm not unwilling, I've just never done this kind of thing." Fu Shiliu's eyes gradually became watery, and she said to Gu Shizhou: "I just need your contact information. You know something happened at home, and I just want to find you. help."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's thoughts about playing games suddenly dissipated. What happened to the Fu family three months ago made the news, and everyone knew a little bit about it.

Li Xiang also took advantage of the atmosphere to calm down and said to Gu Shizhou: "Brother Gu, that's what it means. We are all classmates in high school. Just show your face and give me your contact information. Don't embarrass other girls."

"Why did you catch me to beg? Did I not let her contact her assistant to make an appointment for a talk, or did she have to put the work into my personal time? Does the game stipulate that a third party must fulfill the Punisher?"

Gu Shizhou hugged Jiang Nuannuan and took two steps back. He asked the staff serving here for a thin blanket to wrap her up in order to avoid catching a cold in the strong wind at night.

Li Xiang was speechless at these words. He also noticed the impatience and coldness in Gu Shizhou's eyes.

Just when he was about to say something, Gu Shizhou glanced at Li Xiang with his light eyes, "It's boring to play like this. Li Xiang, if you want to chase a girl, don't use me as a favor."

When it was time to lose face, Gu Shizhou really didn't save any face.

He conveyed the same message to everyone present.

He was not familiar with Fu Shiliu, so why should he sacrifice his personal time?The two had no high school romance at all.

The good atmosphere was ruined here.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned into Gu Shizhou's arms, and her stomach suddenly growled.

She stiffened and covered her stomach reflexively.

A low laugh came from above, "Are you hungry?"

Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes at him and said in a resentful tone, "What do you think? I haven't had dinner since I came out of school."

Coupled with the over an hour of excessive exercise, she felt that she was giving him face by not starving to death in bed.

"My fault." Gu Shizhou picked her up again and told the people around him, "I'll take her to have some dinner."

There were chefs barbecuing and various gourmet meals on site by the pool. The two of them were sitting alone at a small dining table. Many people saw Gu Shizhou peeling shrimps and cutting meat for Jiang Nuannuan like he was serving his ancestors, coaxing her to eat more. Eat some, and the smile on the corner of his lips still looks willing and enjoyable.

Li Xiang finally kissed Fu Shiliu because of the punishment of the game. Seeing her pale face and humiliated eyes, the throbbing in his heart was extinguished by a basin of cold water.

He had a crush on Fu Shiliu in high school, but at that time he felt that his status was not worthy of her, so he didn't bother her too much.Now that something happened at home and she was asking for help, he thought he would at least have a chance to start.

This look really hurts my self-esteem.

After all, he, Li Xiang, is now a rising TV star. Although he comes from an ordinary working-class family, he is dazzled by the beauties of all types who are swarming around him.

He thought that he had never been so humiliated and disliked by a woman because of a kiss.

She Fu Shiliu didn't catch Gu Shizhou, and she didn't even bother to look at him head-on. How was she any different from the snobbish people in the circle?

The halo shattered in an instant, and the woman in front of him suddenly felt lifeless after a few more glances.

After a few thoughts, Li Xiang smoked a cigarette and said, "You told me that Gu Shizhou's girlfriend looks a lot like you. It seems like it was just an accident of your own making."

Fu Shiliu suddenly raised his eyes, "What."

"If he had always liked you, he wouldn't have turned a blind eye to you in high school. The love letters I sent you could fill his drawer, and later he threw them all into the trash can without any accident."

Being told this in person, Fu Shiliu blushed and started bleeding.

"If you really fall in love with someone with that kind of temper, do you think he will let you go? Just look at how he treats Jiang Nuannuan. He seems to have become a completely different person recently, like a dog that wags its tail and is attentive to its owner."

Li Xiang was a bit arrogant when he drank alcohol, so he held another glass of wine and rolled it in his mouth like a gargle, swallowing it. The sound of the gurgling sound was extremely harsh.

She did it in front of Fu Shiliu, and she was really about to cry, "Li Xiang, you just kissed me, how could you do this?"

Li Xiang put down his glass, smoked another cigarette, and said, "You hate me, and that's just the way I am. You and I are just classmates. I help you twice is the limit. I don't really intend to go because of you." If you offend Gu Shizhou, don't ask me for help again in the future."

"No, Li Xiang." Fu Shiliu understood that she didn't hide her eyes well. Her acting skills were completely unsatisfactory among these stars who were good at acting. They could spot her at a glance.

"Let's go, keep drinking." Li Xiang stopped paying attention to Fu Shiliu and didn't want to listen to her. He turned around and continued to greet the buddies around him to revive the atmosphere.

Jiang Nuannuan finally had enough to eat and asked Gu Shizhou about what happened to the Fu family.

He did know what happened to the Fu family. He scratched his brow and said a few words to her briefly.

"A Shinkansen line from Jiangjin City to Linggang was just completed and opened to traffic three months ago. The train derailed a week later."

Having said this, Jiang Nuannuan remembered this. She heard in the rehearsal room during the day that Fu Shiliu's family took the railway and she felt something was wrong. Now that Gu Shizhou mentioned it, the big news flashed in her mind.

"A lot of people died," she said, "right?"

Gu Shizhou nodded, "Otherwise, what do you think she would do when she returned to China?"

(End of this chapter)

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