Chapter 581 Gu Shizhou (32)

The nightlife in the club didn't end until two in the morning.

All the money that was originally collected for consumption was returned to the students by the class monitor. Everyone discussed and decided to use the money to treat Jiang Nuannuan to a supper. On the one hand, they had all the money tonight. She wants to return the invitation because of her advantage. On the other hand, she also wants to build a good relationship for the sake of good relations in the future.

But when everyone invited her, Jiang Nuannuan was tired and wanted to refuse. A nanny car drove out of the basement of the club and stopped at the door just in time.

The doorman inside drove down and said to her respectfully: "Ms. Jiang, Mr. Gu asked me to pick you up."

The class immediately answered the question politely, "Young Master Gu wants someone to come, so we won't keep you Nuannuan. Go home early."

Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief, said goodbye to everyone, squeezed Xia Jun's hand alone and let go, got in the car and left.

The car took her to the Gu Group's building.

The driver said to her: "Master Gu asked you to go directly to the top floor."

The financial building and Linggang landmarks are still brightly lit at night.

When Jiang Nuannuan walked in, there were still people coming and going in the lobby. When she was still lamenting how hard and busy adult life was, the receptionist had already noticed her and enthusiastically led her to the high-rise dedicated elevator.

"Young Master Gu is still in the conference room. The superiors have recently issued several troublesome policy reforms. Everyone is very busy. Please wait in his office for a moment."


"There are new women's toiletry bags and clothes in the bedroom. You can see if they fit. If you have any questions, you can call me to change them at any time."

The receptionist handed her a business card and left.

Jiang Nuannuan walked to his desk, which was filled with documents waiting to be signed. The only abrupt decoration was a photo frame.

She picked up the photo frame and turned it around, her expression stagnant.

This is an enlarged personal ID photo with a blue background, and it was taken on Jiang Nuannuan’s file when she graduated from high school.

At that time, she and Gu Shizhou hadn't met at the party.

Jiang Nuannuan touched herself with a bright smile in the photo frame and whispered, "Have we ever had the same dream?"

After a long time, she yawned, put the photo frame back in place, pushed the door open and went to the bedroom in the office.

After washing, Jiang Nuannuan took out a ring box from her bag, opened it, looked at it, and put it back. She wanted to find a suitable time to give it to him.

The discussion lasted until 4 o'clock before all the plans were finalized.

Bai Liang knocked on his back and followed Gu Shizhou out one after another, opened the cigarette case and handed him a cigarette, "I will help you this time. If you don't want anything else, I will give you the shares of Baixing Entertainment."

Gu Shizhou pushed his cigarette casually, "If you don't smoke, are you that little star?"

Bai Liang snorted softly and rolled his eyes uncomfortably, "No, I just think there is no way to go deep into this industry. What woman do I lack? Should I be her?"

"I haven't said who it is."


Gu Shizhou clicked his tongue and patted his shoulder, "If you really want it, I'll give you the Morning Star Club."

Bai Liang was stunned, "You don't want it?" Gu Shizhou shook his head and smiled proudly, "I have a wife, and the meaning of that thing's existence is over."

Afraid that fluttering his wings in this world would change the future, before patiently meeting Jiang Nuannuan and confirming that it was her, he had been growing up step by step along the previous trajectory. Now that they are married, these things will make her unhappy. Of course there is no need to touch it again.

He doesn't need to wear any more masks.

Bai Liang was dazzled by that smile and felt heartbroken.

"Are you married?" He asked unwillingly, "Can your parents agree with this?"

"You reminded me."

The photo of the marriage certificate stored in Gu Shizhou's mobile phone shows that he has completed his last variety show as an artist. As his last appearance and farewell before quitting the show, the actor's Weibo has been stopped and he does not intend to use it again.

He thought that nothing could bring this period of his youthful life to a more perfect end than a marriage certificate.

As soon as Gu Shizhou returned to the office, he posted the photo of his marriage certificate in his album on Weibo and pinned this post to the top.

@江nuannuan, after chasing her for three years, I finally got a wife.

After quitting acting, he took on a new identity, a businessman who needed to support his wife and children.

Gu Shizhou felt quite satisfied with himself. After all, he only had to give up one thing he liked to get someone he loved for two lifetimes. It was such a bargain.

He pushed open the bedroom door and saw the sleeping girl on the side of the bed, her eyes as tender as water.

The familiar smell approached and Jiang Nuannuan was hugged. She hummed softly and crawled into his arms habitually. Then she crawled onto his chest and lay down, muttering: "It's almost dawn."

Gu Shizhou touched her waist and pulled the quilt up a little, "There are a lot of things."

She closed her eyes and raised her head. Not knowing where his mouth and eyes were, she leaned over and kissed his face randomly a few times, "Go to sleep."

Gu Shizhou looked at her confusion and laughed softly, bit her messed up lips, entangled her mouth and kissed her deeply for a while, until he felt a little uncomfortable, he stopped and rubbed her hair, "Sleep, I'll deal with you tomorrow."

He couldn't bear to mess with her now, as he would most likely cry in anger and have to be coaxed later.

By the time she woke up due to the urge to urinate after drinking too much drinks and milk, it was already past eight in the morning.

Jiang Nuannuan had an arm on her waist, and the man behind her was breathing evenly and was obviously still asleep.

Knowing that Gu Shizhou came back almost in the morning and had just slept for a short time, she quietly pushed his hand away and slid off the bed, tiptoing to the toilet without wearing slippers.

After coming back, he found that the curtains in the bedroom were only half closed. Jiang Nuannuan carefully opened the curtains and observed Gu Shizhou on the bed.

He was sleeping deeply, his hair was messy, his eyelids were pale blue, his beautiful and delicate face was obviously tired, but his sexy thin lips were still upturned.

I don’t know what sweet dream he had.

This seductive sense of relaxation.

Jiang Nuannuan walked back and sat by the bed to observe him for a while, then gently unzipped the bag she had placed casually under the bed and took out a small velvet box.

(End of this chapter)

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