Chapter 621 Zhai Lin (30)

"I can't bear to have a man's hands on you."

Zhai Lin casually pulled off the towel on the pole and helped her wipe every finger clean. Finally, he covered it with his big hand, held it, and kissed her fingertips heavily, squeezing his lips to the fingertips. The seam was slightly open, and the breath came out, making her fingers tremble.

"No licking." Jiang Nuannuan's mouth came out faster than his brain.

The man in front of him narrowed his eyes slightly and put down her hand.

Jiang Nuannuan breathed out and said immediately before the situation got out of hand: "You don't need to be so insecure about my body. I have self-control and will not do anything that violates a relationship and cheats before it ends."

However, she didn't know that it was precisely because she had done it before and split several times at one time that Zhai Lin had such a big reaction.

Her words of devotion went in one ear and out the other.

Seeing that he was still gloomy, Jiang Nuannuan's tone became tougher, "Design is my profession. In the future, I will make rings for many people and measure their finger circumferences. Most of the time, I can tolerate the consequences of your illness." I have a lot of bad tempers, but career, my own career, is my bottom line, Zhai Lin."

"I like you very much, but that doesn't mean I really want to be the chained canary in your room."

She pushed him away hard and walked sideways out of his circle. As she approached the bedroom door, her expectation of slamming the door and leaving didn't happen. Her hands didn't even have time to touch the handle. Her waist tightened and Zhai Lin then forcefully hugged her back.

Before she even had time to struggle, Jiang Nuannuan fell onto the bed. She hurriedly propped up her elbows and looked at Zhai Lin, who was leaning against her legs.

" So."

His eyes were staring straight through her, and the irritable expression on his face became calm and indifferent under her words just now. After he uttered these two words, he pursed his lips and frowned. , seemed to be considering whether to say the following words.

Jiang Nuannuan also wanted to ask him if he had brought any medicine prepared by a psychiatrist when he boarded the ship. She did not dare to say it because it would easily let him know that she was a psychopath and irritate him even more.

"What do you want to say?"

Jiang Nuannuan tried her best to maintain her composure. She couldn't hear what he said for a long time. She tilted her head and looked at the two white pillows on the bed. "Anyway, I stick to my idea."

Zhai Lin's eyes darkened, "Go to bed with me."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, then turned back suddenly, "What did you say?"

He said word by word, without any sense of shame about the matter, "Fuck me, make love with me."

If her face were a piece of paper now, it would definitely be torn into pieces by him.

The jump in the topic made Jiang Nuannuan speechless.

She couldn't keep up with his brain circuits, and she couldn't always keep up with his jumping thoughts.

A second ago they seemed to be arguing about whether a man should touch their fingers, right?

"Why?" Jiang Nuannuan stepped back a little, but her body was retreating on such a large bed. Under the gaze of those wolf-like eyes, she could not feel any sense of security, more like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

"You completely belong to me, and I am also yours." He said: "This makes me feel more secure." However, the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend has not progressed further. Zhai Lin always feels that the relationship is in danger. He wants to use this method to try to win over the relationship. She was getting more attention and he wanted to be her only.

Such an idea seemed difficult to understand. Jiang Nuannuan didn't find the slightest hint of joking in his eyes. He really wanted to get closer to the two of them by going to bed.

She stuttered a little, "It's too sudden."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Stop talking dirty, she was so scared that she wanted to shake her legs.

She swallowed, "No, I mean, we should consolidate our relationship. After all, we haven't been together for a long time, lest you regret it later..."

"I don't regret it." Zhai Lin dragged her body to the bedside, his face almost touching hers, with a gloomy and ruthless expression, "I won't give you a chance to regret it."

Jiang Nuannuan really shakes her legs
It feels like he is a dog, but the drooping tail is actually a wolf.

She still pretended to be calm on her face, hooked his collar, lowered her eyes, and pressed a kiss on his lips, "I don't want to do it now, let alone here." So you should stop it, just kiss him and forget it.

"Then you're not allowed to touch men." He refused to compromise, was extremely stubborn, and was extremely irritating.

Jiang Nuannuan put her hand on his neck, pinched it with her fingertips, then pushed away his face that wanted to come closer to continue, stabilized the disobedient shaking legs, and forced herself to brace herself to face his absurdity: "Zhai Lin , I think you can sleep in the empty room opposite tonight."

The two stared at each other for a long time, and the man gritted his teeth and said, "I won't go."

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his neck, kicked off her shoes and knelt down on the bed, looking down at him who was squatting down, with full momentum and a serious tone: "Do you have to force me to hate you?"

The atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point.

She clearly saw the moisture and fear that instantly appeared in Zhai Lin's eyes, but she still taught him hard-heartedly, "I have discussed it with you carefully and tried to communicate with you that I only like the fact that you don't care about other men at all. You If you don’t believe it, I don’t know how to make you believe it. Going to bed can give you a sense of security? What kind of nonsense? I only know that this kind of thing will happen naturally in the depths. It is definitely not some way to make myself compromise with you. "

There was only her domineering voice in the whole room. The man she taught him seemed to have his tail between his legs. He spread his knees and knelt in front of the bed. Zhai Lin was pinched by her neck. His gray eyes flashed and his lips pursed. tremble.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at it, feeling baffled, and suddenly her heart moved at his forced look.

Her Adam's apple rolled, she turned her eyes away, and the hand she just let go was held by him.

"You want to break up? Just because I don't let you touch men?" Zhai Lin's tone was hoarse, with a faint hint of choking.

"Correction, you don't let me finish my job properly. This is fundamentally different from simply touching a man."

Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath, slumped her shoulders, bent down and hugged his head, "I don't want to break up with you, I just hope that you can trust me more."

Zhai Lin knew that today had reached the limit of what she could endure. He could not push her further, and he absolutely could not be disliked.

He lowered his head, his eyes dark and submissive, "Don't hate me."

(End of this chapter)

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