"Well, I'm done." He pecked her neck, one after another, and his body, which was about to be ignited, felt like it was soaked in a clear spring, and he just sighed in comfort.

Jiang Nuannuan hissed and inserted her fingers into the messy and slightly damp hair, "Don't bite, are you a dog?"

She held up the messed up head and saw that Zhai Lin looked confused, his cheeks were abnormally flushed, and she quickly broke out in a thin layer of sweat against the surprisingly hot body, "I remember there was a doctor on the ship, let me give him a call service line."

He was not very cooperative, so he bit her ear again and whispered.


Jiang Nuannuan shivered suddenly. Behind her were neatly stacked billiard balls, and her legs were pinned by his hands. There was no room for escape.

"I know, please bear with me."

She reached for the mobile phone in her bag with her free hand, but Zhai Lin grabbed her wrist. He raised his lowered eyes and stared at her. He dragged her leg back and said, "Can't you? ?”

Jiang Nuannuan stiffened, her eyes glanced downward, and the calmness she managed to maintain almost cracked.

"No! Absolutely not! This is a pool table!"

Anyway, she had no intention of letting Zhai Lin do whatever he wanted in an entertainment place with no beds.

There was movement in the corridor at the door.

It was Fu Shiliu who discovered that his sisters Fu Ying and Zhai Lin were missing, so he looked around.

The chaotic footsteps are getting closer and closer, and every time a door stops, it will be knocked and opened.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed Zhai Lin's arm away, turned her head and looked towards the door, "Fu Ying? Is she missing?"

Zhai Lin felt sick when he thought about it. He leaned into her shoulder and said in a low voice, "Yeah."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, and she could quickly guess something about the matter.

"Someone deliberately planned for you two to sleep together, and then you were discovered with great fanfare, and then the rice was cooked? Which room is Fu Ying in?"

This operation immediately reminded her of Fu Shiliu's unusual trouble-making behavior tonight.

"Yeah." Zhai Lin responded vaguely, with a hint of grievance in his deep voice: "I don't know, I didn't touch her."

The footsteps stopped outside the door of the billiard room, and there seemed to be movement inside. The door was knocked, and Fu Shiliu's voice came, "Is there anyone there?"

They all knew that Zhai Lin and Fu Ying were missing, but Jiang Nuannuan also disappeared. Fu Shiliu was still panicking about the consequences of failure. She wanted to make sure that Zhai Lin was not in the billiard room where the noise was made.

Zhai Lin's disheveled appearance in heat was not suitable for appearing in front of everyone. Jiang Nuannuan tried hard to pull the loose belt around his waist, trying to get him to put on his pants, but he couldn't help but pinch his chin. Blocked lips.

His voice rubbed against her lips, pitiful as hell, "I feel so bad, please help me." It was obviously a coquettish request, but it didn't give Jiang Nuannuan any room to retort, and her skirt was lifted up high. She stood up and turned over, lying on the table. Her arm accidentally touched the colorful balls neatly arranged in front of her. The balls suddenly collided and rolled to the side with a banging sound.

People outside heard the noise, and the door handle was twisted immediately and found that the door was locked. Fu Shiliu's eyes tightened and he looked at Rulu. The other party immediately said: "The door of the entertainment room is unlocked. There is probably someone inside. Fu Ying? Are you in there? "

Zhai Lin, who was completely controlled by lust, leaned forward and covered Jiang Nuannuan's lips that were leaking out with his palm. The tip of his tongue reached out and licked her slightly trembling, beautifully curved back, and then bit off her shoulder strap.

Soon, a few physiological tears formed in the corners of her eyes, and her nails left a few marks on his arms.

The movement outside the door made Jiang Nuannuan lose focus at all and was not very cooperative. Zhai Lin completely covered her in his arms, tilted his head and yelled at the door angrily, "Get out!"

Rulu, who had just returned from looking for the key, was startled. Her hand shook and the key fell to the ground.

It's Zhai Lin!
She faced Fu Shiliu in shock and fear. She put Fu Ying in the back room and told Zhai Lin about the room. How did he end up here?

Who else is there? !
Fu Shiliu took a deep breath, her heart pounding, and said, "Master Zhai, my sister disappeared at night. She has been in a bad mood recently. I'm afraid something will happen to her. Is she with you now?"

"I guess Mr. Zhai is with his girlfriend, so don't bother me."

Joss took the lead in picking up the bunch of keys on the ground, turned them around in his fingers a few times, and then pointed to the row of rooms further away, "Keep looking."

Fu Shiliu: "But."

Joss: "You don't think it's Zhai Lin and your sister, do you? That guy doesn't touch the snacks that are forced into his mouth."

Fu Shiliu's face was pale, his eyes flickering, and he finally did not dare to forcefully open the door.

With her help, he finally gained some sense, buckled his belt again, found a tissue to wipe her clean, and said in a low voice, "Let's go back to the room and find the doctor."

The hem of her skirt was completely dirty and could not be wiped clean. Zhai Lin simply picked her up and covered her with his suit jacket.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the sweat under his temples and knew that his condition was not very good. He couldn't be blamed for this.

She raised her hand to wipe away his sweat, and her voice became colder, "That young lady from the Fu family is quite courageous."

The more I thought about it, the charming atmosphere solidified into anger, and there was even more worry.

Zhai Lin rolled his Adam's apple, held her with one hand, opened the door, and said with difficulty, "I will solve this problem."

Jiang Nuannuan called the ship's service phone and asked them to send a doctor over immediately.

After she returned to the bedroom, she took a shower and changed her clothes. She turned on the faucet and filled the bathtub with enough cold water. The doctor hurriedly came to check Zhai Lin's body.

"There was a lady on the ship just now who had the same symptoms as you. There is no systematic examination for this kind of disease, and it is not sure whether it has any side effects on the human body. My suggestion is that it is best to dock at a nearby port and go to the hospital for a systematic examination. "(End of chapter)

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