Zhai Lin's face was expressionless, and he leaned back in the chair with his legs crossed and said nothing.

As a foreigner, Jos felt that he had gone too far, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Zhai Lin, if you throw him from here, you will be disabled even if you don't feed the sharks."

Falling into the sea from a high altitude is not much different from falling on the concrete ground. If you are not careful, you will die.

But Zhai Lin had no worries about this at all. He put down his legs, leaned down, looked at Fu Shiliu, whose eyes were trembling, and said in a cold tone: "Just like you Fu Shiliu said, your family still has to rely on me to kill one of you. I believe your father is not stupid and knows how to make a choice."

In the rich man's playground, Zhai Lin stands high on the pyramid. Enough money and connections can help him solve all troubles. What's more, this is his world.

Fu Ying stumbled and ran to the deck holding on to the railing. When she came to Fu Shiliu, she already hated this sister deeply, but the family ties in her blood still made her turn her head and plead humbly to Zhai Lin, "Zhai Lin, this is The thing is she’s not good, you can call the police or use legal means, but don’t throw her off the boat, she will die.”

Zhai Lin's dark gray eyes looked at her quietly, without any emotion in his eyes.

She bit her lip and lowered her head, becoming even more angry at Fu Shiliu.

"I'm sorry, I think we will never be friends again. Just this once, please be kind to me."

"What does it have to do with you whether I am a friend or not, and what I want to do?"

Zhai Lin curled his lips coldly. No matter what role Fu Ying played in this matter, his patience had been exhausted to the limit.

"Your appearance has been too much of an eyesore from the beginning." He stood up, condescending and with a bad attitude, "Throw it away."

Fu Shi Liuzhen was lifted up by several bodyguards with her hands and feet tied up. In the air, she was so frightened that she screamed, "Help! Ahhh! No, no, no, no!"

Rulu, who was curled up on one side, just watched Fu Shiliu being thrown off the boat without mercy. She was really thrown off!

The sound of splashing water made a loud sound.



Fu Ying screamed and threw herself at the railing. Watching her sister splash into the water, her legs weakened and she knelt down on the deck.

In Zhai Lin's heart, she was just a passerby and didn't count, let alone the right to speak.

But having to watch her sister die, Fu Ying turned back with tears in her eyes, countless eyes like sharp swords piercing her heart, "Help..."

Jiang Nuannuan was awakened by the owner of the ship. The waiter he called tactfully explained the situation on the deck to her. At present, no one dared to offend Zhai Lin or interfere with his decision. The owner of the ship I'm also afraid that if this farce really results in lives, it will be very troublesome to clean up.

She hurriedly put on her robe and dragged her heavy legs out of the bedroom. When the waiter said that Zhai Lin had thrown Fu Shiliu off the boat, she paused for a moment and her heart lifted. Throw people down to feed the fish?”

The waiter said: "There is a speedboat below, and it should be fished out immediately. I don't know the specific injuries, but our boat will arrive at the port soon and we will send him to the hospital urgently."

Rulu was so frightened by his terrifying expression that she choked in her throat and forgot to cry. She looked like she was about to suffocate with her red face.

"Zhai Lin, let the police handle it."

A soft whisper passed through the crowd and entered Zhai Lin's ears.

The man paused, turned his head and looked over, his cold eyes melting slightly, and his tone was gentle: "You got up so early."

Although I didn't look at the time, it was still noon despite the scorching sun.Jiang Nuannuan leaned against the railing and knocked on her legs, "I can't walk anymore. Come and hug me. I haven't had breakfast yet."

Under everyone's breathless gaze, the ferocious Zhai Lin really ignored Rulu and walked over to pick up the girl who looked particularly fragile. "You can just call me and I'll be back."

Jiang Nuannuan looked over his shoulder and glanced at the people, "I'm afraid you might cause trouble, so I can only take care of you myself."

Zhai Lin snorted softly, "They can't die. There are boats fishing down below. They will only break a few bones. Do you want me to let them go?"

Jiang Nuannuan kissed him on the face and shook her head, "No, I support appropriate revenge, but sometimes revenge doesn't have to be personal. The feeling of being worse than death comes more from losing the most important thing. , money, status, power, all."

Most of these noble daughters care about these things, and destroying these things is better than Zhai Lin violently punishing the evildoers.

She didn't want blood on his hands.

Zhai Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is that what you think?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yes, you should do the same in the future."

Zhai Lin's gloomy mood finally cleared up, and he immersed himself in her tenderness and said "Okay."

The ship docked not long after, and police and doctors were waiting on the shore. The group headed to the nearest hospital for examination.

Fortunately, after a round of examination, it was found that Zhai Lin had no side effects, and with the timely treatment from the doctors on the ship, he was fine. Fu Shiliu, who fell into the sea, was more miserable.

She fell into the water from such a height. When she fell, her feet entered the water first. The hospital arranged emergency surgery. One leg was still not saved. Some of the tissue below the knee was necrotic and the bones were exposed, so the leg had to be amputated.

The Fu family was shocked when they received the news. It took them two days to fly over and rush to the hospital. They also learned the whole story from the police.

Fu Shiliu took the ban on board the ship and almost killed his sister and the only heir of the Zhai family. Then he accidentally climbed over the railing and fell into the sea, causing his current lifelong disability.

All the witnesses on the ship unanimously said that it was an accident. The surveillance cameras on the deck were under normal maintenance that morning and were not turned on. After a police investigation, they only convicted Fu Shiliu, and the rest had to wait until she regained consciousness. Say it again.

Fu's parents took Fu Ying to a house alone to inquire about the situation.

With tears in her eyes, the girl bit her lip and said, "Mom and Dad, I also advise you to stop this matter and don't investigate further. That's..."

Before she finished speaking, her mother said in a sharp and trembling voice: "That's Zhai Lin. Zhai Lin has always been your neighbor abroad. How could this happen? Doesn't he care about your plea at all?"

Fu Ying rolled her throat hard, and shouted with a distorted face: "Mom! Don't bring us together again!! He has always disliked me, and my sister's legs are what will happen if we try too hard in the future!"

"Zhai Lin is just a lunatic!"

She has restrained herself, and no matter how stupid the Fu family is, they understand that the current situation is revenge from Zhai Lin.

What's more, everyone on the boat has a background and is Zhai Lin's friend. They each have family business involvement, and most of them rely on his backing. The same is true for the host who is leading the party on the boat, so Zhai Lin is not needed. When you come out and take responsibility, someone will take care of everything behind you.

Rulu was threatened and was afraid of affecting her family. She would rather plead guilty and report to the police that Fu Shiliu was responsible for everything than tell Zhai Lin's subsequent horrific actions.

When Fu Shiliu regained consciousness after the operation, she found that one of her legs had lost consciousness and she lifted the quilt, and her desperate cries overturned the roof.

"My legs! Where are my legs! My legs!"

She almost went crazy. (End of chapter)

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