Mother Jiang was speechless for a moment, "No. Xiaomeng is actually quite smart."

Someone next to me said: "To be honest, when I heard this, I felt that your heart was biased towards my grandma's house. Blood relationship is such a wonderful thing. You don't hesitate to throw dirty water on your adopted daughter."

Jiang's mother: "There is really a misunderstanding about this matter. I used to treat Nuan Nuan so well. I just want her to get along well with Xiao Meng and not bully her all the time. How can I throw dirty water on her."

Seeing her persistence, Mrs. Rong simply put down her wine glass, looked at the time on the watch, and pointed to the door, "It's almost time. Just wait and see who is standing next to the adopted daughter you framed and abandoned."

Mrs. Rong has made it very clear. With such an occasion and such a location, plus the fact that the Zhai family deliberately set up a trap for the Jiang family, it is too obvious whose partner Jiang Nuannuan will attend. However, Mother Jiang's mind is not clear. Like a rusty clockwork, it just didn't react.

She murmured: "Has she fallen to this level? What kind of occasion is this? Would she actually choose to accompany that bag and that man?"

Mother Jiang lowered her head, "It's really embarrassing."

Mrs. Rong looked at her with a completely hopeless look.

Jiang's father also found many people here to try to figure out how a good project could become obsolete. However, the so-called wall was rejected by everyone. None of the capitalists involved told him the truth. The only kind-hearted person also He just dropped an inexplicable sentence: "Who asked you to do such a mindless thing? I can only say that you deserve this scene."

Father Jiang asked someone for advice with a dewy look on his face, but in the end the person was unwilling to say anything.

Wait until the main character appears.

It is said that today is the first time that Mrs. Zhai has brought her mysterious grandson who has been living abroad to attend.

The lights in the venue dimmed, and the beam of light hit the splendid golden door, as if the inner court of the palace had become quiet.

The heavy door opened slowly, and the bodyguard came in first, followed by the majestic-looking old man wearing an expensive Tang suit. There were young people standing on her left and right to support her.

The man had a gloomy and dull temperament, with exquisite eyebrows, deep facial features and special gray eyes, which attracted countless girls present.

The girl and the boy were wearing couple-style fishtail skirts. The fabric was inlaid with fine diamonds, and they had long black hair hanging on their milky white shoulders. They were equally noble, and their facial features were bright and eye-catching.

Mrs. Rong stood up and pulled Mother Jiang up, "Let's go over and see who your former adopted daughter is standing next to."

Jiang's mother was forced to come to the front of the crowd, her eyes fixed on Jiang Nuannuan's face, and her whole body froze like a puppet.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes swept over. Facing this former mother, her eyes did not stop. When she glanced lightly, she only nodded to Mrs. Rong behind Jiang's mother.

Mrs. Rong bent down slightly, leaned into Mother Jiang's ear, and whispered: "Old Mrs. Zhai of the Zhai family has always had a sick grandson who lives abroad all year round. Recently, he secretly returned to China and attended Jiang Nuannuan's school. It is said that he I once fell in love with her at first sight just because of a leaked photo of her."

Mother Jiang turned her head hastily, her throat was rolling, she was panicking, and she couldn't even utter a single word.

She had an impression of that boy, she had seen him before, but she never thought that he would be the only bloodline of the Zhai family!
Mrs. Rong was very satisfied with her helpless expression at the moment, patted her shoulder and straightened up, "You are not just picking up stones and throwing gold away. You are allowing Jiang Meng to hurt the prince's heart, which he holds in the palm of his hand, and you will not die." You guys, will he give up?"

"So. So." Mother Jiang finally made a trembling voice, "It was all intentional by the Zhai family." Because he offended Jiang Nuannuan, the figure on the top of the tower deliberately dropped the fishhook and caught the Jiang family. slaughter.

Mrs. Rong: "If you were nicer to her and woke up earlier, then the girls from the countryside would be less evil and things wouldn't be like this."

At this time, Jiang's mother really didn't know if the word "regret" could describe her mood at this moment.

At this time, Jiang's father naturally understood everything. The dissatisfaction, hostility and hatred he had towards Jiang Nuannuan finally became a tail between the dog's legs, trembling.

Mrs. Zhai personally introduced the identity of Zhai Lin's future successor and Jiang Nuannuan as the only mistress of the Zhai family that she publicly recognized, causing an uproar in the audience.

Some time ago, there were always people who felt that it was a pity that Jiang Nuannuan was bullied by a tiger but only a short time later, she has become the future mistress of the Zhai family, trampling everyone under her feet.

This identity was a choice made after Jiang Nuannuan decided to accept all the advantages and disadvantages of Zhai Lin. It was also what Mrs. Zhai hoped for. She desperately hoped that Jiang Nuannuan could turn into a rope and firmly control Zhai Lin. The dog allows him to live like a normal person. At least a hundred years from now, he will have someone to accompany him and take care of him.

When Jiang Nuannuan came to Zhai's house, Mrs. Zhai said to everyone without hesitation, "It's about getting married."

She was very lucky to find Jiang Nuannuan as his grandson's wife. Being able to say this word already made the entire Zhai family think highly of Jiang Nuannuan, but no one dared to look at this girl easily.

After a banquet, she was surrounded by compliments and flattering voices.

Jiang Nuannuan was tired from socializing, so she came to a sofa alone to sit down and take a nap. Jiang's mother hesitated but cautiously came over to say hello to her.

"Nuan Nuan, it's mom."

Jiang Nuannuan just picked up a piece of small cake, raised her eyes, and said indifferently: "You admitted the wrong person, go away."

Mother Jiang was stunned, then took two steps closer, "There may be some misunderstanding between us, Nuannuan, I"


A piece of cake flew towards her and hit her chest. Mother Jiang almost screamed out of her mouth.

Jiang Nuannuan wiped off the cream on her fingertips and waved her hand. The bodyguards hiding in the dark immediately appeared and clamped Jiang's mother on the left and right. Jiang's father, not far away, also rushed over. The couple They hugged each other and stared at her with unspeakable eyes.

"How could you do this? Can't we sit down and talk."

Nowadays, her status is not what it used to be. This is Jiang Nuannuan's home field. All her actions are under the eyes of Mrs. Zhai. The old man fiddles with the beads and drinks tea. He only gives a faint compliment when the people around him look at her. , "My grandson-in-law is capable and has backbone."

A bunch of people around him echoed, and Zhai Lin kept paying attention to what was going on here. After the incident, he immediately walked over and held Jiang Nuannuan's hand, and first apologized to her in a fake way, "The people below didn't do a good job. The dogs were brought in." (End of Chapter)

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