Chapter 73 Yan Yi

Thinking of this, she remembered the last time she and Fei Jin distributed flyers, and the girl she met seemed to be her. What was her name?

This was Jiang Nuannuan's first time entering the cafeteria of Linghua University. There were too many people. Just as she was curiously looking around to see what she wanted to eat, a black hat was placed on her head, and most of her vision was immediately covered by darkness.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

She held up the hat on her head and looked up at Fei Jinzhao, who had just retracted his hand to pull his backpack. The hat was taken out of his bag.

"Aren't you afraid of being recognized?" He said quietly, "You will get into trouble if you are around me."

Jiang Nuannuan groaned, then raised her neck to look at the dazzling food brands.

Wherever Fei Jinzhao took her, people looked at her with appraising eyes.

There is a mysterious girl wearing a hat next to the aloof school sweetheart, which is the big news of the year.

Yu Tai also wanted to get close to Jiang Nuannuan, but he smelled a lot of sweat from riding a bicycle. He scolded Fei Jinzhao again in his heart, but he kept his distance from her obediently and followed her attentively, "Sister Nuannuan, our school is The milk tea shop here is also pretty good, let’s find a seat and I’ll buy you milk tea.”

"Okay." Jiang Nuannuan nodded and pointed to the hot and sour noodle shop in front, "Fei Jinzhao, I want to eat that."

He handed her his backpack and laptop, "Go find a seat and I'll buy it."

Jiang Nuannuan happily held her things and occupied her seat.

As soon as the three of them separated, Yan Yi found an opportunity and pulled the person to follow them.

Jiang Nuannuan occupied a table for four and placed Fei Jinzhao's bag inside, when someone kicked her calf.


An unceremonious call came from above.

She frowned and raised her head, "Who are you?"

Yan Yi crossed her arms and said condescendingly: "Who are you? Why are you clinging to Senior Fei?"

Jiang Nuannuan was wearing a hat. Even if she looked up, she couldn't see her whole face. Her tone was equally rude, "It's none of your business?"

"You." Yan Yi got angry and leaned over the table with her hands to warn her, "Stay away from him, or you will suffer a lot."

Jiang Nuannuan thought of the little girl who used to be at the door of school. She held her chin in her hand and stared at the other person's big red lips, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to cling to you, but I was told to cling to you. What happened?"

"You!" Yan Yi was about to be pissed to death by her scoundrel look, "Who do you think you are? If Senior Fei doesn't fall in love, it's just because he has his own heart. No matter how clingy you are, I won't look down on you."

"Oh, I just have a crush on him." Jiang Nuannuan didn't care, it's not like she didn't know.

Yan Yi raised her hand to lift her hat, wanting to see if she was the one who walked with Fei Jinzhao last time. As soon as her fingertips touched the brim of the black hat, a hand came out to intercept her. wrist.

Fei Jinzhao shook off her arm with a cold face and put the dinner plate held by one hand on the table, "What are you doing?"

Being questioned at close range by the male idol, Yan Yi was stunned for a moment and replied stutteringly: "Nothing, I just came to say hello to my school girl, and by the way, I wanted to ask you when will you go to distribute flyers next time, let's go together again. "

Fei Jinzhao said coldly: "I was busy with a project some time ago and never found a chance to tell you."

Yan Yi jumped for joy instantly: "You say it, you say it."

"Don't look for my time to distribute flyers again. Your behavior of spreading flyers on the road is very disturbing."

Wherever he is, there is the focus. The canteen is crowded again at noon, and many people have heard the conversation.

"I, I don't."

Unexpectedly, this is what he said, Yan Yi's face suddenly became hot, and her companions all took a step back, feeling embarrassed.

Fei Jinzhao was not polite at all and scolded in a cold voice, "You think the flyers are a way to exploit labor. They are a good income for me. Please don't bother me in the future. I'm very troubled."

One second she was threatening Jiang Nuannuan to stay away from him, and the next second the person involved was hoping in public that she would leave him alone.

Yan Yi's eyes turned red and she lost her voice: "But I like you. I have liked you for two years."

Fei Jinzhao put his hands in his pockets with an indifferent look on his face, "So? I have to respond? Who are you?" The young man who suddenly lost his temper was quite relieved.

Jiang Nuannuan almost wanted to applaud.

Yan Yi ran away crying and almost knocked away the three cups of milk tea in Yu Tai's hand.

"What's going on?" He came over and asked.

Fei Jin turned around, pushed down the hat on Jiang Nuannuan's hair, and said slowly: "It's okay."

He walked around from behind her, walked inside and sat down.

Seeing that both of them were sitting side by side, Yu Tai failed to fight for the seat, so he could only sit down opposite Jiang Nuannuan, "Pearl milk tea, very sweet."

Jiang Nuannuan took the milk tea and looked sideways at Fei Jinzhao, who happened to be looking over. Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, she took the initiative to ask: "What's wrong?"

She thought about it and shook her head.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had hot and sour noodles. She ate them happily, and she looked like she couldn’t compete with Miss Qianjin.

Fei Jinzhao saw that her mouth was all red, her cheeks were still bulging to suck the noodles, and her lower lip was raised.

The hot and sour noodles made by my aunt at noon today were indeed delicious.

Three bowls of hot and sour noodles cost less, so Jiang Nuannuan could eat with peace of mind.

When he came out of the cafeteria after eating, Yu Tai was afraid that he would stink to her, so he didn't dare to get too close. He said sadly: "Can I ask Sister Nuannuan to have a barbecue next weekend? Our class has a outdoor barbecue event."

Jiang Nuannuan asked: "Are you and Fei Jinzhao in the same class?"

"Yes, you forgot?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Remember, I'll go."

Yu Tai cheered: "Where do you live? I'll pick you up."

"Okay, Yunkun Community, I'll contact you via WeChat when the time comes." She agreed simply.

Fei Jinzhao glanced at her.

He figured she was going for him, but he had work that day.

Linghua University is very big. They walked around Swan Lake and visited several woods and teaching buildings.

Passing by an ice cream shop, Fei Jinzhao suddenly stopped, walked in and ordered three cones.

Jiang Nuannuan got a pink one and couldn't help but ask: "Why did you suddenly treat me to ice cream?"

He asked quietly: "No?"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to take it back.

"I want it." She hurriedly took a bite of the cone, chewing it so quickly that her teeth chattered from the cold.

The little twisted expression made Fei Jinzhao chuckle.

It's hard to tell today that she is out of society and a bit childish.

System 66: "Alipay received 100 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 19%."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled when she saw him. The smile made her heart tremble. She hurriedly took out her phone and said, "Let's take a photo."

Saying that, without waiting for Fei Jinzhao to respond, she clicked on his face, retaining the faint smile. Unfortunately, Yu Tai forced himself to squeeze in with him, and half of his face was photographed. , destroying most of the beautiful summer photos of beautiful men.

Fei Jinzhao's smile quickly faded, she turned around and pushed away, "It's almost time, let's go, I'll take you out of school."

(End of this chapter)

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